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Everything posted by Nirvana

  1. Al, Did you get any invitation to PSSM's meeting last weekend. This meeting took place at Foss Waterway Seaport. I had my longboat on display. Make sure to contact Floyd for the mailing list. However, your longboats planking is coming along nicely after the corrections.
  2. , Dooder85 Maybe we can get a real name some day as well. Choose a model that you feel you can be comfortable with, start a build log and post the progress. If stuck (which will happen) we are here to help.
  3. Next step after all the planking is to get the knight and timberheads in. First timberhead installed was a mistake, had to rip it out. Then I thought..... I have the bulkhead tops, so why not use them as a guide. With some scrap planks I had my guide. Cutting the 1/8th square I soon had my timberhead correctly cut and angled, with the planks it was easy to get it properly installed. As this timberhead is the first one installed I figured this is the way to get the remaining stanchions installed with the right angles.
  4. John, A warm Syren seems to be most popular ModelExpo kit so far. Pulling up a chair to tag along this build.
  5. Aydin, That model deserves a special place as for display. Hope you a case for her and location. Beautiful work !
  6. Dave, We had a great time at The Foss. The progress of your scratch build is coming together quick. I hope you can meet the deadline.😀 My project is almost done, and I will be uploading pictures with a build log in the next day or two.
  7. Brian, Have you tried to wrap the bulkhead with a towel that has some light wetness and microwave then put the weight on top. Just a thought..... How severe is the warp?
  8. Mike, You are absolutely right having someone else looking over instructions. Daria would probably have prevented this from the start.....😀
  9. Holy moly! What an outstanding job you have done! Am I blind or is the 18th Century Longboat missing in the listing? Edit: My T37 is also finished.
  10. Mike, You are doing a great job there, the rigging looks good. The idea of using the hearts from Syren made a difference.
  11. I would be in so much trouble getting this magnificent kit. Checking my allowance for this period I am already over my budget so, for now I am sad to let it go. Would be such a good complement to the Longboat. Chuck, that is a beautiful kit.
  12. 28 days later! Decking complete! Minor touch up needed before proceeding. Nibbing boxwood is hard.😎
  13. Dave, I have the same thickness of boxwood laying around, so I will give that a shot.
  14. Have no more words........ fantastic!
  15. Brian, You must have been truly lucky regarding the planks. I think none of us (others) that built Bluenose had it. At least not me, so I had to go staggered no matter. Nice of ME to send two sets of false keel and bulkhead. Now you can build one as a racer, the other as a fishing vessel.
  16. Tim, Weird, as I look at the two Bluejacket options, one is plank of frames the other plank on bulkhead. I was pleased with the America from Constructo.
  17. Oh heaven! I just figured out the search engine...... Once you have entered the "search word" and clicked search, down below you will have various option of how you search can and will be used. I tried that with Bluenose and instead of having more than 1000's of answers I had some 60+ all related to Bluenose build logs.
  18. Brian, I have always beveled the bottom part of the plank. As long you are consistent beveling bottom or top it shouldn't matter.
  19. Burnside, Your final Mariefred looks great, but I would change the flag as the one flying is not correct for Sweden. Take a look the correct one.
  20. So clean and detailed. Still amazes me!
  21. Brian, The search engine and I doesn't work well either....... when searching for i.e Bluenose, I can get listing with Constitution or Syren along with other builds as well.
  22. Helmut, I like your presentation of your workshop. This is for our moderators, please re-locate this topic to "Where do you do it, ship modeling that is"....
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