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Everything posted by alde

  1. Hi Ray, I have seen many great wooden ship models built with just simple hand tools. Some of the fancy tools make certain jobs easier but the hand tools do just fine. I mostly use hobby knives, razor saw, measuring tools and clamps. There are a few other tools that you can get as you go. One of the best tools is this forum.
  2. Scratching a ships wheel sounds like a real challenge. I am looking forward to seeing how you approach it.
  3. You guys building the Aggy have me wanting to start saving my pennies to buy the kit. Of course I am years away from a having the skill to build it so I have plenty of time to save the pennies.
  4. Looks great Tom. You might try wads of painters tack cloth with tweezers. The tack cloth picks up dust like a magnet.
  5. Tim, I have been studying your planking runs and have decided I need to adjust my battens a bit. I picked up some chart tape to use instead of wood with pins. It might be easier to do fine adjustments. I think what I have done so far is going to work but if I keep going without lining off for each plank like you did I will run out of real estate. I will use tick strip and proportional dividers. You pictures have been very instructional. Thank you.
  6. Tim, I am doing something similar but one row at a time. I have been dividing the belt into number of planks remaining at each station as I go. It's probably easier to do it your way. I also notice your battens don't sweep up as much as mine at the bow. I think the planks that I have set so far are pretty good but I may need to adjust that battens. Your plank run looks really nice. Mine will need much sanding.
  7. I have seen some great builds of the CW Morgan on the forum. I would push MS for new parts in good condition.
  8. It may be slow going but it's time well spent. I like the idea of using the clear film for layout. Very nice.
  9. That looks great. Nice and even on both sides. Heck, 2028 is just around the corner.
  10. Talk about slow going. I have taken almost 2 days to install 2 rows of planks on both sides. I'm sure glad this one will be painted. I am using the patterns provided on the plans and if they are made to the line or just inside they size out right. I have been checking the width of each plank with a tick strip and my proportional dividers. It looks like a hack job compaired to some of you guys.
  11. Nice looking hull Rusty. I just ordered Chuck's kit but need to learn a bit more before I start it.
  12. They look really good in a natural finish. Black looks good too but red would be too much IMO. Maybe nature trucks with red axles? I ordered the Cheerful starter kit today. I am really excited but need to be patient and finish a couple more kits before I start it.
  13. Ouch, that is a major re-work. It did look darn good the way it was but you need to be happy with it.
  14. Elijah, Kurt's cherry veneer should be perfect for your planking. You will learn so much and have great rewards for it. You really seem to be willing to take on a challenge and working through things.
  15. Tim, Maybe it's my fairing but at the plan width they would be way too wide. This will at least be a good lesson on laying out the planks. I will still use the patterns as a guide.
  16. Nigel, Thanks for putting a second set of eyes on it. it looks like if i use the plank patterns on the plans they will note close to fitting at least at the bow. they are way too wide. I am using my tick strip at each bulkhead and dividing it by the number of planks in the belt. I know this may seem elementary to some of you seasoned plankers but it's still voodoo science to me. It will be slow going but it looks like it will lay out according to the plans.
  17. Well, I got all my deck beams in and that was easy enough but now it's time to plank the hull. I have read and re-read the instructions, read the Jim Roberts planking book and some on line information as well as some build logs. I'm still not sure I have a firm understanding of it. I have sectioned off the 3 belts per the instructions and ran my battens. It looks to have a good flow and seems to match the plans pretty well. The plans have plank patterns and I may see how those fit but I want try spiling my own planks too. I have a proportional divider so I thought I could use it and tick strips. Am I going in the right direction? It seems that some of you guys pick this stuff right up and do a great job. I seem to be really planking challenged. Of course if I just did it and quite worrying about it I would be better off.
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