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Everything posted by alde

  1. Chuck, I just put an order in last night but didn't see the traveler rings. Can I add them to th order? I guess I will just order them and if you include them with my existing order you can just donate the difference to MSW.
  2. It's been way too long since I have worked on my Pinky. I have had some significant life changes over the last several months that have keeper me away from anything fun. I retired from my job in July to spend more time with my wife who had a stroke several years ago but has declined in health over the last year or so. She had to go into a nursing home in September because I was no longer to take care of her at home. I try to spend as much time as I can with her but I feel pretty helpless to do anything for her. Now that she is more settled in and is in good hands I am taking a little more time to myself. I still see her most days but am now taking time to do some things to get my mind off the negative stuff. I am in the process of getting my work area ready and should be back to my build in a week or so. I really need to do it and also enjoy the company of my friends here on MSW.
  3. Your Constitution looks fantastic. It's great to see everyone making great progress on their builds even though I sit on the sidelines watching. I need to get back to it and join you guys.
  4. Hi Cris, Looking good so far. I chose this kit for the same reasons you did. The larger scale, nice looks and fairly easy build compared to some others. I'm just a little ahead of you and have not worked on it for a reward months. I plan to get back to it soon so maybe we can help each other along the way.
  5. Wow, you are just cruising along and doing a fine job of it at that. I'm making little bits of progress but I don't think I will catch up. I'm glad it's not a race.
  6. Micheal, that is looking fantastic. I'm catching up with you with only 3 frames left to build. I will update my log with pictures very soon. I am looking forward to seeing your build progress.
  7. Chuck, If you decide to replace the whole light fixture you might look at LED shop lights. They sure are nice and don't have exposed bulbs that could break.
  8. At least the story had a happy ending. It's funny how we do things like that on pure instinct without even thinking ahead on what will happen.
  9. Ken, You make it look easy. I am looking forward to trying this myself.
  10. Looks fantastic Ken. Does that brass capstan top have a radius to it? It looks like it might on the picture with the anchor. If so can you give a quick explanation on how you did it? Thank you
  11. Jesse, I think they look pretty darn good. The paint is a bit rough. Once you come up with a good way to smooth them out you will find that thinner paint will go on much better. Don't get frustrated. You have a knack for working things out.
  12. Sounds pretty cool. It would make for a nice display and would teach you different techniques.
  13. Congratulations on your upcoming retirement. My last day after 36 years 4 months is July 1st. Judging by your Morgan build you should have no trouble jumping right in on the Confederacy.
  14. John, thanks for posting that great video. The Pinky sure is pretty under sail.
  15. Thank you Christian. I hope to show more progress soon. I am really enjoying working with better wood than the kits provide. What a difference it makes.
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