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Posts posted by alde

  1. 17 minutes ago, Dowmer said:


    Thanks, but no reason to be jealous. I just kind of fell into it while reading the Log of the Union. Every blind squirrel eventually finds a nut. :)  He was a cool old codger. He had some cool stories about sailing before the mast when the sailing lumber trade was still active out of Pudget Sound. 

    I love talking with old folks that were there. My father in law joined the Navy in 1935 and served until the late 1960's. He had some great stories. His father and grandfather were also US Navy as far back as at least the 1870's. 

  2. I spent 15 years of my professional life as a draftsman and more than 25 additional years heavily involved with drawings and ship design for the US Navy. That said these stern frames have been a real challenge for me to figure out. I kept referring to Bob's (rafine) build and the Hahn plans and think I came up with something that will work. Like Bob I had to make some parts including the stern frames  because as Bob found out the legs are too short on the kit parts. It's all part of building and part of the fun for me is figuring this stuff out. I will take some pictures later. I still need to cut out a couple of frames and get it all together. The Hahn book has no good photos of the stern framing for the Halifax. It does for the Hannah but it's quite a bit different.

  3. 4 hours ago, Dowmer said:


    I built........errr I'm still building the Union, 1792 1:48 scale.  My avatar pic is her.  A ship from Pacific NW History and a contemporary of the Lady Washington. I used all natural woods on the hull for the different colors.  Its an ongoing 15 year project (been on hold for several), but I plan to renew building her soon and starting a thread. 

    I saw your beautiful hull on Lou’s Providence build log. I can’t wait until I get to the point of freeing it from the building jig. It’s still a ways out though. I’m trying to figure out the stern frames right now. It looks simple enough but I want to only have to do it once.

  4. 12 minutes ago, Old Collingwood said:

    Do you know what I would do lou to hush the rushers up  - take some pics of demon cat and post them,      atleast they will be pics.;)



    Just as long as it's not the "demon" cat eating the keel.

  5. 3 hours ago, Dowmer said:

    Nice going Al.  I just found your Halifax build.  You are doing a great job.  I used the Hahn method of framing on my first POF build too.  A bit tedious at first but in the end it held everything nice and snug.  I ended up pinning my frames to the keel and deadwood as well.  Once the Wales go on the structure really stiffens up. But man, what a great feeling to cut the ship off the board.  You have an instant ship!!

    Thanks for stopping by and giving me some encouragement. What ship did you build with this method.


    Im about done with the fairing and will work on improving the rabbit a bit then it's time to lay in the wale strakes. I'm still leaning toward using the ebony for them. I bought a nice dark guitar fingerboard blank and it's almost too nice to cut up. I'll have it all pre-bent and shaped before o commit glue to it. 

  6. 30 minutes ago, John Allen said:

    Okay Lou a lot of yada yada, we need to see some boat even just a little bit of a boat or your middle name will be AESOP you know the fable guy.;)

    I was thinking the same thing. It ain't so without pictures.

  7. 3 hours ago, lmagna said:

    Good looking progress Al

    The nice thing about POF is that you can see the hull lines progress early on. Yours are really standing out.

    Thanks Lou, it finally feels like something is coming together and looking like a hull. Maybe by the end of next week I'll try fitting the shear strake. I have some nice dark ebony strips and I was thinking of using that for the shear but I understand it's not easy to work with. I may try cutting and bending it anyway. If I can fit it OK I'll use it. If not there is always paint for the black planks. I used ebony for my guitar fingerboard and it cut and glued just fine but I didn't have to bend it.

  8. It's been slow going but it is going. I managed to get all the framing done and treenailed the half frames to the keel assembly. This is the first time I have made treenails and it took a bit of practice before I could get them down to a scale 1 inch without too much trouble. I also did some fairing and it seems to be going ok. It's going to be a slow job to fair the inside. It's going to take some thought and custom sanding pads to get it done. So far so good.








  9. I had already planned to purchase the Whinnie when it's ready for sale but as a group build I don't know. For many of us a build like that would be at a minimum of a couple of years to build. With a project that large and involved and builders pace there would be people all over the place as far as progress goes. Would this work for a group build? On the other hand it would sure help a beginner like me to do it with a group.

  10. You’ll be fine Lou. Just don’t glue until your happy with the way the plank lays on the frames and takes the bends. Once you start using the tick strips and fitting planks things will start feeling better. Can’t learn until you jump in.

  11. 2 minutes ago, greenstone said:

    this kit we began to develop specifically for you, seeing that you will be interested.

    Our team "MasterKorabel" will always be grateful if you tell us what you are interested in,

    what shipkits you would like to see and at what scale.

    Thank you. I think the 1/48 will be good sellers. I know I will buy at least 2 when they are available. I need one for my Halifax build and one for future use.

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