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Posts posted by alde

  1. I'm looking forward to seeing an update. Hey, don't get lost in the haze when you go outside. I usually work with my garage door open to enjoy the fresh air and natural light but not lately. I guess we clear up in a couple of days. I can't wait.

  2. 47 minutes ago, lmagna said:

    Congratulations Al


    NOW you have a ship model rather than a turtle! Must be nice to be able to pick her up and look at your work rather than having to hunch over the table and guess.

    Thanks Lou,


    What amazes me is how light it is. It almost feels like a balsa airplane model.

  3. It's an amazing tool. I got everything but the tilting table and use the heck out of it. It's so nice to have it there when you need it to mill those few strips or notch out a beam with precision or whatever you need. You can always get any of the accessories as you need them but the extended fence and miter extension are a must along with a couple of slitting blades. The sliding table is a real gem too.

  4. 12 minutes ago, mtaylor said:

    I think you've got it.  

    I think so Mark. This way all the trim and everything should line up much better. Now I need to get that one more piece of molding with a little plank between them then it's time to lay out the windows. That should go pretty smooth. After that I'm going to start on carving. The resin parts supplied with the kit are junk. It will all be a learning experience so it will be slow going. Hahn has some pretty good guidance in his book.

  5. I think I may have solved my problem. The stern was a bit too high according to the plans. The aftermost stern plank went too far back if that makes sense. I trimmed that plank forward and sanded the stern to blend it. This gives me more room for the molding and stern decoration. These pictures can probably describe it better than I can with words. I still may go with the blue. I think it will look pretty nice a d be just a bit different than all the other Halifax models.





  6. First I want to say how glad I am that I removed the old planking. The new is far from perfect but way better. I'm still working on the stern which has had its own issues. I think I finally got it figured out after 3 times. 


    I was hoping for an opinion from you guys though. After so many do overs the planking on the stern has gotten thin. I really don't want to rip it out and start over. Would it be appropriate to paint the stern planks and if so what would be an acceptable color?


    When I look at my pictures ompaired to some other builds I realize what a wood butcher I am. It's getting better though.




  7. When I was a kid I was walking across the carpeted living room. I felt a sharp pain on the bottom of my foot and started dancing on one leg. As i was hopping in pain my mom with a perfectly straight face said "oh, you found my earing". The entire stud was stuck straight in. We all had a good laugh about it later but I didn't think it was very funny at the time. 

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