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Hi Kier,


Thanks for taking an interest in my build. The finish that I use is my personal preference, one that I have arrived at after trial and error. I always use a sanding sealer on every piece of finished wood, it soaks in, toughens the surface a little, it seals the grain, gives better edge definition and after a light sand you don't get those fine fibres that give a slightly rough surface finish. It's the poly varnish that gives the surface texture that you want, matt, satin or gloss. I find that I only need one coat of varnish rather than at least two if I don't use sealer and I think that it's absolutely needed if you are going to paint and want a smooth finish. If you are going to use stain then you must put it on prior to sealing as after it won't penetrate the wood.


I use a cellulous type of sealer as it dries very quickly and is ready to sand in about 8-10 minutes.


I hope that this is a help and answers your question.




Hi ken,

         that is very informative as before I would not have had any idea. This is something which will be

going into my book of model building notes. ;)


                      Many thanks Ken


Saving for: HMS Vanguard...Victory models.

finished: Bluenose11...Billing Boats... (sorry no log.


Hi Dilbert,


No, I don't mind at all you asking what my working background was. I wish that I could tell you that I was a rocket scientist then you would be able to say, " Ah yes that explains a lot." but alas no I was a police detective, so no clues there, ha ha.


Inspiration comes to us all in different and unexpected ways, the heat shrink idea was a very recent one. I went with my wife to the supermarket, I'm not very interested in food shopping so once inside I wandered off to the small hardware section that they have just for a browse, they had on offer boxed selections of nails, screws and all manner of small items at £2 each, one of which was a selection of different sized heat shrink tubing, I thought that the partitioned box alone was worth the £2 and I thought that they would be ideal to use for the metal bands around ships masts.


When I first made up the yard arms I tried using thin strips of black card as the irons but as they were only 2mm diameter I couldn't get it to wrap around and stick down it was then that I remembered that I had the tubing and that I could try the smaller ones for the bands, hey presto! it worked. I now think that they will probably work as the metal bands on the anchors as well. Not all of my ideas work, most don't but you don't get to see those.





Have worked for a few real "rocket scientists" in my day and doubt many of them would have recognized a practical solution if they tripped over it. Took a break from my own build the last few months and your log is inspiring me to get back to work!    


Hello Everyone,


All the spars have now been made and the necessary blocks attached and are ready to mount.


I took on board Mark's comment about the yard arms being vulnerable to getting knocked and breaking and gave mine some thought. The arms are only 2mm diameter so aren't very strong, mine also have holes drilled near the ends for the irons weakening them even more. I could be careful whilst rigging but when its finished and on display, getting moved or being cleaned these WILL get broken off so I decided to make them stronger. It's the lower arms that stick out quite a way that are vulnerable. These arms are the same diameter as they are on the upper ones, thinking that they would look ok a little thicker I looked to see what other similar models had. I saw that Caldercrafts Victory had 2mm for the upper arms but 3mm for the fore and main lower yard arms, Caldercraft have a reputation for accuracy so I decided that it would also be about right for RW. Once fitted they look right, more in proportion and I'm happier about them being stronger.


The plans for the standing rigging I felt after using them were very good and fairly easy to follow, I wish that I could say the same for the running rigging. This is always going to be a difficult task for the less experienced but I feel that Euromodel has made it very confusing and much more difficult than it need be. The placing of all that is needed on the masts, spars and the rigging is shown on one sheet of plan for each mast which is a good idea, but on that sheet it includes not only the standard running rigging but the full set of sails and all their associated rigging. If that wasn't difficult enough to confuse you more it is illustrated by using the left of the plan as a view from the rear whilst the right side of the plan shows the view from the front. Both sides are showing a different make up, for example you can't see any of the blocks on the right side that are shown on the left side because the sails are being shown, you have to in your mind mirror image them, the same for the front view which shows a different set of blocks. All the correct info is there but you need to be extremely careful in using it, I found myself making so many mistakes that I was getting annoyed and that doesn't happen often.  I feel better now having got that off my chest!









Your yards look great. -- Ah YES, those infamous kit included plan sheets. I note that you are also having your issues with them, as I assume many of us have.

Certainly the case with my current project. (Though 16th century is iffy at best regarding any sort of accuracy). Your RW type of ship, by that time, had original (contemporary) drawings, and models that still survive - Is that correct??


Though I have learned from other logs, that paintings of a same ship - also create confusion for MSW builders, especially at the stern and galleries whereas painters often differed their interpretations- if I remember correctly. That could have been because paintings were finished at different times during the life of a particular ship?


BTW: are you also planning to add sails? I don't recall that within your log.

Your build is such an inspiration - brilliant work :)...




Current buildSovereign of the Seas 1/78 Sergal

Under the table:

Golden Hind - C Mamoli    Oseberg - Billings 720 - Drakkar - Amati


Santa Maria-Mantua --

Vasa-Corel -

Santisima Trinidad cross section OcCre 1/90th

Gallery :    Santa Maria - Vasa





Posted (edited)

Hi Ken - I know exactly what you mean. There are also a few lines that are only shown on the overall view on plan sheet 1 & it`s so congested it`s hard to follow them their full length. Pete has helped me a lot on these. The rigging plans seem to be pretty accurate,just hard to follow in places.



Edited by marktiedens

current build - HMS Vanguard - Model Shipways



Hi,,   Thanks Mark and Michael, for your comments, they're very welcome. No I'm not going to do any sails, even the thought terrifies me, I want to finish this build with some sanity left, which at the moment is a close run thing and with enough enthusiasm remaining to start a new project..



Posted (edited)

­Hello Everyone,


I think that I have now finished all the rigging relating to the bowsprit area. Just when I thought that the rigging plans couldn't get more confusing they did just that. As Mark mentioned the plan gets very crowded as there is so much in one area, then when you think you might have it worked out the lines disappear behind the sails which are also drawn in. I think that I could have deciphered the Da Vinci code more easily.


It was only with the excellent pictures posted by Mark and the guidance given by Pete's very helpful interpretive notes that I was able to do this area with I hope some semblance to how it should be done.


I have mentioned Pete's notes, for those that have made a Euromodel kit you will probably be aware of what I'm talking about, but for those who don't I'll explain as they are well worth looking at for many build solutions.


If you visit the excellent Euromodel  Como Italy, website  on the homepage there is a link headed Manuals, when opened you can select your model. Royal William is there and when selected it gives you access to a whole selection of downloadable PDF files each one covering in great depth a part of the build. There are many hundreds of pages that explain and show how that section can be done. It shows different ways of doing the same piece to achieve as much detail as you want. There has been a lot of research gone into this and it draws from experience of actually building the model, it includes many pictures, methods and tips from other modellers many from MSW. This was all compiled by our very own Piratepete007, it is freely available to all and he should be applauded, it's well worth a visit you might learn something.





Edited by ken3335

Hello Everyone.


Again thanks for your likes and comments.


I'm moving along quite nicely now that I've got the confusing bowsprit out of the way. The rigging of the masts looks not too difficult to follow, just the finer points that need studying, mainly where and how the lines finish on the decks.


As you'll see from the pictures I've put in and rigged the upper yards, this was achieved by following Pete's diagrams.


Next up are the middle yards. Because of my hand issue I've previously had great difficulty in making up and attaching the parrels to the point where I decided not to include them. Here's the easier way that I came up with.


I use a small piece of wire glued into the spar to insert it into a hole in the mast to hold it in place whilst I rig the spar, I thought that why not do something similar with the parrels. Instead of cord I used blackened wire this was much easier to thread the beads and spacers. After threading I twisted the ends together to form small shafts which I trimmed, I then bent the whole thing to fit around the mast, we now have a solid unit with two wire rods facing forward, I drilled two holes in the spar for these to fit into. I fixed the spar to the mast then from the rear I slotted the compete parrels unit into the prepared holes in the spar, to finish off I wrapped some cord around the spar to make it appear to be lashed on. I can't tell even close up that it's anything but traditionally made. I think the pictures will clarify things.







Very innovative work on the parrel, looks great from where I am sitting


Hello Everyone,


Again thanks for your likes and kind comments.


Not much to show today, just the four anchors completed and ready to fit, can't say much about them really.


I made the anchors now as I was getting so frustrated trying to figure out the rigging that I needed a break from it. The more I looked and searched the more confused that I became. Pete made a good comment, he suggested that I would know roughly where things went so go for what I felt was right. So rather that try for historical accuracy I'm going to follow a fairly generic rigging sequence and just try not to foul or cross the yards. This was never going to be an accurate depiction of RW and nobody that I know will be know the difference.


I've shown parts of the rigging plan, the two are used in conjunction together, you may understand my confusion.








Hello Everyone,


I've made quite a bit of progress on the rigging. Once I'd stopped beating myself up about trying to get it something like historical accuracy I felt a whole lot more relaxed with it and started to enjoy the build again. I'll follow the supplied rigging plan as best I can but for the sections that I can't decipher I'll  note how the Victory was done in that area and adapt the RWs to something similar. There's plenty of info on the Victory so I should be able to come up with a reasonable looking, workable rig.


One thing I've found is that there is a awful lot of rigging!!!


Some pictures of my efforts so far.







YES incredible rigging indeed. This log is such a pleasure to follow.


The Royal William is such a beautiful ship – you have indeed so captured, with superlative details, her beauty.


I did (twice) have a smile on my face reading your latest notes;


“Once I'd stopped beating myself up about trying to get it something like historical accuracy I felt a whole lot more relaxed”


  Yes, I know EXACTLY how you feel haha


“One thing I've found is that there is a awful lot of rigging!!!”


You have been a kind follower of my Vasa – I had also noted that my first attempt with also adding sails and the “required” extra rigging – IMO added at least 50%+ more needed rigging  

 So yes –your standing rigging is awesomely well detailed. Doubling that amount gives you an idea. That said – you may have already rigged a ship with sails. 

In the case of this build think that sails might have hidden too much excellent detailing. She is perfect as she looks.


(Your rigging plan sheets look to be very good!!)


PS: Your banister railings, and their curves at the main mast are superb work. The “L” shaping along with the rounded filler bits are such a nice added detail. I will remember that when I get to the Santisima Trinidad





Current buildSovereign of the Seas 1/78 Sergal

Under the table:

Golden Hind - C Mamoli    Oseberg - Billings 720 - Drakkar - Amati


Santa Maria-Mantua --

Vasa-Corel -

Santisima Trinidad cross section OcCre 1/90th

Gallery :    Santa Maria - Vasa






Hello Everyone,


Thanks again for your likes and for those very kind comments.


As you may know this is my first build log. I decided to do one as over a few years I have followed other logs, enjoyed them, learned a great deal and were motivated by them so I thought that I should give something back to MSW members. I was concerned at first thinking that my attempt would fall short and that I may have taken on a project that was beyond my skill level. At first it felt like I was doing homework that was going to be critically viewed but as the build progressed I found that I actually enjoyed doing it and it soon became as much a part of the project as the build itself. To make it a little more interesting I've tried to add a little bit of who I am in my posts. It's those very nice comments that members post that makes all the extra work seem worthwhile, so thanks again.


No Zappto I don't intend to make a case for it, it would be much too large for me to display. I have quite a large bay window at the front of my house and it will easily sit there for all the world to see. It is north facing so doesn't get direct sunlight and I have a compressor which I use for blowing dust off so I can get away without a display case.


Michael, Yes I have put sails on a model, my last but one build was ALs Bounty but that rig was simplified, I think that it was intended for intermediate builders like I was. They came out ok, I thought that I might put them on the RW but when I saw the rigging set up and realized the enormity of the undertaking I chickened out.


Autumn is now here in the UK, for a few weeks nature displays itself in full colour, to capture some of this I've been to one of our many local parks with my camera, here's a few of the scenes from around its lake.


This is Birkenhead Park, it was built in 1847 and was the first known publicly funded community park in the world. Olmstead and Calvert Vaux the designers of New York Central Park visited the park in 1850 to see how it had been done and their design was heavily influenced by seeing Birkenhead.







Hello Everyone,


The rigging is progressing nicely. Except for the braces I've completed all the upper yards and all the mizzen rigging. The mizzen took quite a bit of working out, the Victory wasn't any help here. It's my version, it looks ok as if it would work so I'm happy with it and can now move on. I'll sort the tie offs and rope coils later and hope that they'll give me a more realistic look.


I now feel like I'm on the home straight with my RW and can now start making hints as to what needs to be put in my very large Xmas stocking.




  On 11/10/2017 at 12:08 PM, ken3335 said:

Hello Everyone,


All the spars have now been made and the necessary blocks attached and are ready to mount.


I took on board Mark's comment about the yard arms being vulnerable to getting knocked and breaking and gave mine some thought. The arms are only 2mm diameter so aren't very strong, mine also have holes drilled near the ends for the irons weakening them even more. I could be careful whilst rigging but when its finished and on display, getting moved or being cleaned these WILL get broken off so I decided to make them stronger. It's the lower arms that stick out quite a way that are vulnerable. These arms are the same diameter as they are on the upper ones, thinking that they would look ok a little thicker I looked to see what other similar models had. I saw that Caldercrafts Victory had 2mm for the upper arms but 3mm for the fore and main lower yard arms, Caldercraft have a reputation for accuracy so I decided that it would also be about right for RW. Once fitted they look right, more in proportion and I'm happier about them being stronger.


The plans for the standing rigging I felt after using them were very good and fairly easy to follow, I wish that I could say the same for the running rigging. This is always going to be a difficult task for the less experienced but I feel that Euromodel has made it very confusing and much more difficult than it need be. The placing of all that is needed on the masts, spars and the rigging is shown on one sheet of plan for each mast which is a good idea, but on that sheet it includes not only the standard running rigging but the full set of sails and all their associated rigging. If that wasn't difficult enough to confuse you more it is illustrated by using the left of the plan as a view from the rear whilst the right side of the plan shows the view from the front. Both sides are showing a different make up, for example you can't see any of the blocks on the right side that are shown on the left side because the sails are being shown, you have to in your mind mirror image them, the same for the front view which shows a different set of blocks. All the correct info is there but you need to be extremely careful in using it, I found myself making so many mistakes that I was getting annoyed and that doesn't happen often.  I feel better now having got that off my chest!







Those look  Superb.



Current builds  

28mm  Battle of Waterloo   attack on La Haye Saint   Diorama.

1/700  HMS Hood   Flyhawk   with  PE, Resin  and Wood Decking.




Completed works.


Dragon 1/700 HMS Edinburgh type 42 batch 3 Destroyer plastic.

HMS Warspite Academy 1/350 plastic kit and wem parts.

HMS Trafalgar Airfix 1/350 submarine  plastic.

Black Pearl  1/72  Revell   with  pirate crew.

Revell  1/48  Mosquito  B IV

Eduard  1/48  Spitfire IX

ICM    1/48   Seafire Mk.III   Special Conversion

1/48  Kinetic  Sea Harrier  FRS1


Hello Everyone,


I've managed to finish the rigging to my complete satisfaction.


As you were aware I was very apprehensive about this part of the build as I just couldn't figure it out at first from the plans. I said that I wasn't concerned about accuracy and was going to do a sort of generic rig based on the Victory, but like the rest of this build once I stopped worrying and got stuck in it revealed it's secrets. I started following the plan from the upper yards downwards, at first it wasn't overly difficult to get about right, being encouraged I continued with the RW plans and not my own ideas. It was like a crossword, the more words that you get done the more clues as to the next words you get, so as I worked downwards the sequence and reasoning of the lines became clearer and I understood the plans more. I think that I ended up with a reasonably accurate rig that looks good.


The boat lifts that I'd made earlier now looked too simple and not in keeping so I made them up again to look something like they would have been. I'll be making up two boats, a pinnace and a launch next rather than the one launch supplied in the kit, it's just a personal preference.


The anchors which I'd made earlier are now also in place.


The weather at the moment as quite bad and the light in my room is so poor that it's difficult to photograph detail, I'm having to use a tripod so I can't get the angles needed or get in close. I've managed these but I'll post a better selection when the conditions permit.










So now the journey is virtually completed and many of us have indeed followed your wonderful build. The plans indeed are a challenge but they hold many amazing 'secrets' and with the right encouragement from members you kept going and continually discovered more and more detail. That for you was the delight in building this ship. In the end, it is not a difficult ship to build but one that requires patience and that you had plenty of. Your efforts gave back to us the encouragement that we all needed to keep going with our own projects. As an old English saying goes (being an Aussie, I am guessing its correct) ... 'I dips me lid'. Well done Ken.



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