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Sultana 1767 by moreplovac - FINISHED - Model Shipways - 1/64 - Colonial Schooner

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  • 2 months later...

After a while, back in the shipyard...


Continue with rigging, i had to color the tan rope, only one i had available in my yard.. The rope was dropped into diluted black tint.




After few minutes the rope was colored to satisfactory shade and ready for use after drying thru the bounty paper.



The rope was used to make brace pendants, .008mm rope with 2.5mm single block. Attached to the yard they looked very nice.


The hole that will host the lift rope for topsail yard was a bit of a challenge to make since there were tons of other ropes on the way..


Zooming the completed hole by iphone was also a challenge but managed...





The work continued attaching the rope that will assist lifting the yard...


Here is setup for making it attached to the yard:



The completed rope:




Ropes will not look tight enough so i used a bit of diluted white glue, that was put on a rope with an old brush. Small home made weight was used to keep the rope straight during the process.



So, that was all for today..


Happy modeling.






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Rigging for yards continue.. It is very tedious work but for some weird reason i like it...


The yard mounted and fixed with a piece of scotch tape, so it will keep its position while rigging work is in progress.


The rigging was fixed with a hook, to the place on the deck. A small amount of rope coil rope was attached as well. For all rigging of this type, tan rope in .008mm diameter was used.





Preparation of 2mm single blocks that will be attached to the topmast and will hold a rope for a lift...


End for all rope were freeze with cyano glue in effort to drive them thru the blocks easily.. the small weight were attached to the end of lifts to make them straight and diluted white glue was applied to all ropes. This should prevent ropes to have a "hanging" effect..











My apologize for distracting background on some pictures; still need to clean up workshop from previous projects...


Happy modeling...




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Continuing with rigging work...


A bit of a challenge finding correct spot to finish up the rigging lines since, for my taste, the kit should be providing more clearer instruction. On the flip side, this forces me to do a bit of a research which is not bad thing at all...


In the process i noticed the wrongly finished topsail yard lift rope so i need to correct that. Should have enough line left for this correction.



















And Spartan warrior is still here, making sure all is done to the standards...



Happy modeling.





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Work on a lower yard halliards started by making a sling  using a simple setup:




To avoid making a knots, i used two small weight hooked up to rope ends. The rope was twisted twisted around the other rope and small amount of CA was put on the seizing. 


The end result:



Attaching it to the main mast was a bit of a tricky game, but successful..







Then the lower yard was erected...









Happy modeling...






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  • 2 weeks later...


Final stretch of this interesting model or what we, soccer (or football) fan, would be saying, going into the 90th minute of the game...


Finishing up lower yard construction... after shape it on mini lathe...



a layer of flat black paint and varnish..



... with all blocks and brace pedants attached...



Brace pedants in process..



Blocks for inner and outer jib halliards were assembled and attached to the correct spot.







A bit of a process of making a inner jib downhaul. Was not quite sure how to made this one, so after research and checking out some other modelers pictures, ended up doing it like this:



The tan rope was glued to one end of the block and black rope was tighten around the block and tan rope. Then tan rope was seized in the usual way..




Happy modeling...







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Small items, big hands, recipe for damage... One end of the lower yards snapped when attempted to run the rope thru block that was attached to it.


Repair was not possible so replacing was the only option..





While i was carving yards, i made two extras, just in case. They came very handy...

From the broken one, i removed all blocks with a help of acetone, painted and varnished a new yard and voila... few hrs more than planned we are back in business.


Outer jib halliards, inner jib halliard, outer jib downhaul, inner jib downhaul were attached.  I rigged the downhauls first. A single block was seized to the end of tan rigging line. The lines were run through the lower single blocks and belayed to the cleats on the rail on both side of the bowsprit. They will be finished with some rope coil later. I will make rope coils for all ropes at once.




The jib halliards were done next. The halliards were stropped to the single blocks secured on the stays. From here they were run through the blocks on the end of each downhaul and back up to their originating
blocks. Each halliard was run through these blocks and brought down to the deck and belayed them to a mast cleat. I lost one mast cleat so i had to make one from scratch. Tiny pieces i must say...



Happy modeling..






Happy modeling..



Edited by moreplovac
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Nice recovery!

Building: 1:64 HMS Revenge (Victory Models plans)

1:64 Cat Esther (17th Century Dutch Merchant Ships)


Favorite finished builds:  1:60 Sampang Good Fortune (Amati plans), 1:200 Orel Ironclad Solferino, 1:72 Schooner Hannah (Hahn plans), 1:72 Privateer Prince de Neufchatel (Chapelle plans), Model Shipways Sultana, Heller La Reale, Encore USS Olympia


Goal: Become better than I was yesterday


"The hardest part is deciding to try." - me

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Continue working on lower yards, installing halliards, braces, top sail sheets and lifts.


The small amount of diluted white glue was applied with a brush to all ropes to keep them tight.


To make ropes straight, yards were pushed down with a help of a small clamps.







Several rope hanks were created to finish up ropes that will be attached to cleaves. I used small template for this task,



End results



Happy modeling.




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Well, that it is, last stretch of this beautiful small model


Small setup used to make vangs. The vangs were rigged with .020 mm rigging line, a 2.5mm single blocks was seized on one end of the line. The tackle was seized on the same size block, that has a small hook in it. The hook was made of 28 gauge wire that was blackened. The hook was attached to the eye bolt on the deck.



Then i worked on flags. Following practicum, the flags were printed and glued together. Then i made two small holes on the edges and wrapped the flag around wooden dowel to provide a bit of a natural look. Did not go too far since paper does not accept wrapping mistakes that good..


Apologies for clatter in the background, the final pictures will be better.








Next started to work on pedestal.... still contemplating about the shape and this is just beginning.




Happy modeling.






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The molding was completed, now the ship name has to be made and attached.


The pedestal was designed, the plan was glued to the board, and parts were cut.


After some sanding, the pedestal was completed and a tiny layer of golden oak stain was applied.


Happy modeling.




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Well, that's about it. The building journey called Sultana has been completed. Started on March 2018, with long break, completed in February 2020.

Plenty of modified parts, ropes, third-party wood pieces, scratch build details, custom metal parts have been applied to the model.

Following Chuck's practicum and other modellers' build logs, Sultana reached the finished state.

At the beginning i started to count modeling hours but gave up after approximately 40 hrs... It is still a hobby after all..

The model is very nice, not for beginners dough, regardless of the solid hood. By replacing the cheap ship details like gratings with some, CNC made parts, i believe this model will be a bit more desirable.

I don't like the pedestal, it appears to be a bit cumbersome so in the future will replace it. Already had a holes made in the keel for the new one.


At the end, would like to thank all builders on this great forum for building ideas, all other Sultana build logs and all members who followed my building adventure.


So, here they are, the final pictures...













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Congratulations!  Well done!

Building: 1:64 HMS Revenge (Victory Models plans)

1:64 Cat Esther (17th Century Dutch Merchant Ships)


Favorite finished builds:  1:60 Sampang Good Fortune (Amati plans), 1:200 Orel Ironclad Solferino, 1:72 Schooner Hannah (Hahn plans), 1:72 Privateer Prince de Neufchatel (Chapelle plans), Model Shipways Sultana, Heller La Reale, Encore USS Olympia


Goal: Become better than I was yesterday


"The hardest part is deciding to try." - me

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  • 1 month later...
  • 1 month later...

Just looked this build over again (I'm getting ready to dig into my little USS Essex solid hull version with determination!) this model came out great! There's so much detail! My model is ancient...boxed in 1957! got it on ebay for $15. I know by looking over yours that I'm missing a lot of parts and pieces. It's going to be a sort of 3/5 ths  hull mounted on a backboard of some type. just to hang on a wall. So I wont get crazy withit, just for fun till I pick up a kit that will take some real time and attention to detail (and probably more tools!). Great job though!

     Current:         Emma C. Berry Lobster Smack-Model Shipways-1:32-1866

        Back on the shelf:    USS Essex- MS- "Old Yellow Box" Solid Hull  Wall Hanger (Half Hull)                                                                                                                                                                                              

   Completed:    18th Century Armed Longboat-MS 1/24

                          USN Picket Boat-MS 1864 1/24                                  

                          US Brig Syren by Sea Hoss- Model Shipways-1803

                          18th Century Carronade/Ship Section

                          Mayflower-Pilgrims Pride by Sea Hoss-Model Shipways-1620

                          18th Century Long Boat by Sea Hoss-Model Shipways

                          USS Constitution by Sea Hoss-Revel-Plastic

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11 hours ago, Sea Hoss said:

Just looked this build over again (I'm getting ready to dig into my little USS Essex solid hull version with determination!) this model came out great! There's so much detail! My model is ancient...boxed in 1957! got it on ebay for $15. I know by looking over yours that I'm missing a lot of parts and pieces. It's going to be a sort of 3/5 ths  hull mounted on a backboard of some type. just to hang on a wall. So I wont get crazy withit, just for fun till I pick up a kit that will take some real time and attention to detail (and probably more tools!). Great job though!

Thank you.

I replaced tons of stuff in this model, was not fully satisfied with quality of some parts. Must admin that practicum was very useful and helped a lot particularly in adding some details that were not in the kit.







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