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Really good start David. I cant believe how terribly wrong those bulkheads supplied with the kit are and why a large, reputable company like Amati hasn't addressed the situation yet. As you suggest it wouldn't be too hard to provide half a dozen new pieces of the correct shape as an aside to the kit. After all, these kits aren't cheap and many who purchase this one may not have extra wooden at their disposal to produce what you have. 


I would love to build this kit, but I wouldn't buy it until this issue is fixed by the manufacturer. Perhaps I should try to contact them or the shop I buy my models from to try to get them to act upon it? The kit is well over $1000 AUD to purchase here and a glaring, easy to fix (for Amati), error is not very equitable in my opinion.







Chris -- If you look above in this thread, you'll see a post by lgfrench (who originally sent me the links on this) saying that he contacted Ages of Sail this past summer on this, and they contacted Amati and got nowhere.  Ages of Sail is Amati's official distributor in the US.


I don't think I've built a kit yet that didn't have some issue in the wood or the instructions.  My HMS Fly had a serious lack of wood in some areas, which I was able to fix with my spare wood pile.  On the other hand, the Revenge, a newer Amati kit, had tons more wood than was needed in all categories.  I should admit that I'm paranoid about running out, so I really conserve wood as I go.




David Robinson

Boston, MA area


Completed:  Constructo J.S. Elcano, Artesinia Latina Sanson, Dumas Mt. Washington, Bluejacket Nantucket, Amati Revenge, Artesania Latina  King of the Mississippi, 

Amati Grand Banks Heritage 46, Amati HMS Fly, Amati Titanic, Dumas Chris Craft Commuter, Mantua Cutty Sark, Mantua Bruma, Kolderstok Batavia, Vanguard Models HM Cutter Alert, Caldercraft HMS Victory, Dumas USCG Fast Response Cutter, Amati Bismarck


Currently Building:  Occre Jupiter Locomotive


David,  would you be inclined to send that picture which so clearly shows the issue highlighted with the darker color extensions to Ages of Sail and ask them to talk with their Amati rep about it.  This really should be fixed, it is an expensive kit.  Like you, I don't have the tools to actually cut new bulkheads and this was why I did not purchase the kit.  Your solution looks quite fine.




lgfrench -- I'll do it.  I have always wondered why we don't see them posting in our model pages on this site, given how much feedback they could get.   I wonder if they even follow their model builds.




David Robinson

Boston, MA area


Completed:  Constructo J.S. Elcano, Artesinia Latina Sanson, Dumas Mt. Washington, Bluejacket Nantucket, Amati Revenge, Artesania Latina  King of the Mississippi, 

Amati Grand Banks Heritage 46, Amati HMS Fly, Amati Titanic, Dumas Chris Craft Commuter, Mantua Cutty Sark, Mantua Bruma, Kolderstok Batavia, Vanguard Models HM Cutter Alert, Caldercraft HMS Victory, Dumas USCG Fast Response Cutter, Amati Bismarck


Currently Building:  Occre Jupiter Locomotive

13 hours ago, drobinson02199 said:

lgfrench -- I'll do it.  I have always wondered why we don't see them posting in our model pages on this site, given how much feedback they could get.   I wonder if they even follow their model builds.




They certainly follow them on Facebook. I agree David that there probably isn't a kit on the market that doesn't have some sort of issue, but this is a bit over the top I reckon and given the stage of the build it comes in could well end up being a critical error further down the track. Would be great if we could somehow get this rectified. I have a good relationship with the people at CMB. I will email them and see if they are aware of it? Maybe they can convince Amati to at least have a look at the issue?







First two decks planked and installed, and cabin structures built on the stern deck.


Other decks also planked, awaiting installation.




Initial Decks 1.jpg

Initial Decks 2.jpg

Initial Decks 3.jpg

David Robinson

Boston, MA area


Completed:  Constructo J.S. Elcano, Artesinia Latina Sanson, Dumas Mt. Washington, Bluejacket Nantucket, Amati Revenge, Artesania Latina  King of the Mississippi, 

Amati Grand Banks Heritage 46, Amati HMS Fly, Amati Titanic, Dumas Chris Craft Commuter, Mantua Cutty Sark, Mantua Bruma, Kolderstok Batavia, Vanguard Models HM Cutter Alert, Caldercraft HMS Victory, Dumas USCG Fast Response Cutter, Amati Bismarck


Currently Building:  Occre Jupiter Locomotive


More progress with one more cabin wall done and all of the previously planked decks mounted.


To address Chris's question:  what you see is paper decoration glued onto the walls.  Pic 4 shows it up close and you can see the imperfections at that distance.  Pic 5 shows it at a more normal viewing distance.


I would have preferred one continuous strip to mount so that there would be no seams between the pieces, which (at least for me) were unavoidable -- particularly on some very small pieces.  But once the deck is mounted over the cabin walls, it looks fine (at a normal distance as I said).


Re the decks:  I'm clear coating them, which is the way they have it in the manual.









David Robinson

Boston, MA area


Completed:  Constructo J.S. Elcano, Artesinia Latina Sanson, Dumas Mt. Washington, Bluejacket Nantucket, Amati Revenge, Artesania Latina  King of the Mississippi, 

Amati Grand Banks Heritage 46, Amati HMS Fly, Amati Titanic, Dumas Chris Craft Commuter, Mantua Cutty Sark, Mantua Bruma, Kolderstok Batavia, Vanguard Models HM Cutter Alert, Caldercraft HMS Victory, Dumas USCG Fast Response Cutter, Amati Bismarck


Currently Building:  Occre Jupiter Locomotive


Another cabin structure built and decorated.


I did this one differently.  The manual says to build the structure, then cut out the pieces, and then glue them on.  That leads to mis-fitted decoration pieces.


So I used the cabin wall sections as templates to cut out the decoration pieces with a knife, then mounted the decorations to the loose wall pieces, and THEN built the walls.  In the pic below you can still see imperfections, but to the naked eye it looks better than the one below it.  Just takes a lot more forward planning.




Next Cabin.jpg

David Robinson

Boston, MA area


Completed:  Constructo J.S. Elcano, Artesinia Latina Sanson, Dumas Mt. Washington, Bluejacket Nantucket, Amati Revenge, Artesania Latina  King of the Mississippi, 

Amati Grand Banks Heritage 46, Amati HMS Fly, Amati Titanic, Dumas Chris Craft Commuter, Mantua Cutty Sark, Mantua Bruma, Kolderstok Batavia, Vanguard Models HM Cutter Alert, Caldercraft HMS Victory, Dumas USCG Fast Response Cutter, Amati Bismarck


Currently Building:  Occre Jupiter Locomotive


Zappto -- Two layers, sort of.  A base layer, followed by narrowly spaced strips.




David Robinson

Boston, MA area


Completed:  Constructo J.S. Elcano, Artesinia Latina Sanson, Dumas Mt. Washington, Bluejacket Nantucket, Amati Revenge, Artesania Latina  King of the Mississippi, 

Amati Grand Banks Heritage 46, Amati HMS Fly, Amati Titanic, Dumas Chris Craft Commuter, Mantua Cutty Sark, Mantua Bruma, Kolderstok Batavia, Vanguard Models HM Cutter Alert, Caldercraft HMS Victory, Dumas USCG Fast Response Cutter, Amati Bismarck


Currently Building:  Occre Jupiter Locomotive


Looking good!

You might want to glue on the PE doors, ladders and windows now. The instructions does not say when to do this (or at least I have not found this) so check what PE to do now before the walls becomes too hard to access...

Mr. Pucko



Nuestra Senora del Pilar - Occre

Titanic - Amati

Endeavour - AL

Santissima Trinidad cross section - Occre

Fram - Occre


Here's a shout out to Mr. Pucko for his comment about getting PE parts and other detail onto the ship as I go.  He's right -- the instructions don't mention it, and so I looked hard at the plan sheets, and saw that the parts are indicated there.  What's deceptive is that the very good picture book doesn't show these things installed as the build progresses.  It isn't until you get to the second book, which shows all the deck fittings at once, that they show up in the pics.  And as Mr. Pucko suggests, at that point the installation would be much more difficult because of access restrictions.


So here are two samples of what I went back and picked up.  And now I'll study the plan charts carefully as I build, and look for details.





Detail 1.jpg

Detail 2.jpg

David Robinson

Boston, MA area


Completed:  Constructo J.S. Elcano, Artesinia Latina Sanson, Dumas Mt. Washington, Bluejacket Nantucket, Amati Revenge, Artesania Latina  King of the Mississippi, 

Amati Grand Banks Heritage 46, Amati HMS Fly, Amati Titanic, Dumas Chris Craft Commuter, Mantua Cutty Sark, Mantua Bruma, Kolderstok Batavia, Vanguard Models HM Cutter Alert, Caldercraft HMS Victory, Dumas USCG Fast Response Cutter, Amati Bismarck


Currently Building:  Occre Jupiter Locomotive


Happy to be of some use. Now I see that I missed those parts under the poop deck. Good thing you posted that. 

You mentioned the "second book" and I only have one book. How many pages does your first book have? Hopefully I have a version that has your two books printed as one...

Mr. Pucko



Nuestra Senora del Pilar - Occre

Titanic - Amati

Endeavour - AL

Santissima Trinidad cross section - Occre

Fram - Occre


Mr. Pucko:


My first book has 32 pages (back cover of parts pictures is page 32).  The second book has 8 pages of photos, including front and back cover, but the important ones are the inside 6, which are all views of deck fittings installed.


If you can't find yours, I'd be happy to send you some hi res pics of my pages, since there aren't that many.  Let me know.


By the way, when I went to assemble the parts under the poop deck, I was going crazy trying to find cast metal ventilator housings, until I finally saw that the fan housing is made of wood (while the other parts are metal).  Easy to miss if your eye is looking for metal.




David Robinson

Boston, MA area


Completed:  Constructo J.S. Elcano, Artesinia Latina Sanson, Dumas Mt. Washington, Bluejacket Nantucket, Amati Revenge, Artesania Latina  King of the Mississippi, 

Amati Grand Banks Heritage 46, Amati HMS Fly, Amati Titanic, Dumas Chris Craft Commuter, Mantua Cutty Sark, Mantua Bruma, Kolderstok Batavia, Vanguard Models HM Cutter Alert, Caldercraft HMS Victory, Dumas USCG Fast Response Cutter, Amati Bismarck


Currently Building:  Occre Jupiter Locomotive


Ok, my book is 40 pages, so nothing is missing.

I went through all the parts and marked them as wood or metal  as I saw how disorganized the instructions actually are. I hope I got it covered. But thanks for the warning. There are a hundred things to keep track of here. To keep full control of the build (as with the PE parts) you have to jump from plan to plan looking for parts without really knowing what plans you should check. Sometimes several plans just for one area of the build.... Amati could have done that part a little better...

Mr. Pucko



Nuestra Senora del Pilar - Occre

Titanic - Amati

Endeavour - AL

Santissima Trinidad cross section - Occre

Fram - Occre


I took another look at the plans and instructions, and after the step-by-step instructions finish with the first photo book (pp 1-31), they start to reference the plan sheets, and when they do, all of the fittings and deck structures come into play, including the PE doors and windows.


So there may be a bit more organization:  you have to reference the plan sheets to build the cabin structures and apply the printed decoration, but then reference them again for the fittings later on.  It looks like leaving them to "later on" may work.




David Robinson

Boston, MA area


Completed:  Constructo J.S. Elcano, Artesinia Latina Sanson, Dumas Mt. Washington, Bluejacket Nantucket, Amati Revenge, Artesania Latina  King of the Mississippi, 

Amati Grand Banks Heritage 46, Amati HMS Fly, Amati Titanic, Dumas Chris Craft Commuter, Mantua Cutty Sark, Mantua Bruma, Kolderstok Batavia, Vanguard Models HM Cutter Alert, Caldercraft HMS Victory, Dumas USCG Fast Response Cutter, Amati Bismarck


Currently Building:  Occre Jupiter Locomotive


Yes, the height to the top of the masts is 290mm.  It's 215mm to the top of the stacks.




David Robinson

Boston, MA area


Completed:  Constructo J.S. Elcano, Artesinia Latina Sanson, Dumas Mt. Washington, Bluejacket Nantucket, Amati Revenge, Artesania Latina  King of the Mississippi, 

Amati Grand Banks Heritage 46, Amati HMS Fly, Amati Titanic, Dumas Chris Craft Commuter, Mantua Cutty Sark, Mantua Bruma, Kolderstok Batavia, Vanguard Models HM Cutter Alert, Caldercraft HMS Victory, Dumas USCG Fast Response Cutter, Amati Bismarck


Currently Building:  Occre Jupiter Locomotive


Another deck planked, mounted and varnished.  Now the model turns over and a few structural pieces go on, and then the first layer of hull planking.




Next Deck 1.jpg

Next Deck 2.jpg

David Robinson

Boston, MA area


Completed:  Constructo J.S. Elcano, Artesinia Latina Sanson, Dumas Mt. Washington, Bluejacket Nantucket, Amati Revenge, Artesania Latina  King of the Mississippi, 

Amati Grand Banks Heritage 46, Amati HMS Fly, Amati Titanic, Dumas Chris Craft Commuter, Mantua Cutty Sark, Mantua Bruma, Kolderstok Batavia, Vanguard Models HM Cutter Alert, Caldercraft HMS Victory, Dumas USCG Fast Response Cutter, Amati Bismarck


Currently Building:  Occre Jupiter Locomotive




They are very narrow.  As to length -- well, I have to confess that I didn't used fixed length planks on this one.  I just ran the planking at full length, cut, ran the leftover the other way, butted in a new full length plank, and so forth.


Simple reason -- a huge amount of this deck will end up being covered over.  I'll likely slow down and do fixed length alternating planks on the upper decks.




David Robinson

Boston, MA area


Completed:  Constructo J.S. Elcano, Artesinia Latina Sanson, Dumas Mt. Washington, Bluejacket Nantucket, Amati Revenge, Artesania Latina  King of the Mississippi, 

Amati Grand Banks Heritage 46, Amati HMS Fly, Amati Titanic, Dumas Chris Craft Commuter, Mantua Cutty Sark, Mantua Bruma, Kolderstok Batavia, Vanguard Models HM Cutter Alert, Caldercraft HMS Victory, Dumas USCG Fast Response Cutter, Amati Bismarck


Currently Building:  Occre Jupiter Locomotive


Getting ready for hull planking.  In looking at how the frames align with the decks, I noticed that frames 6 & 7 fall short.  If you look at the first pic, you'll see that the original frame is short -- not flush -- even after the laminated wood I added to bring the frames out.


So I added some additional wood strip to bring these flush, which is what is required by the planking scheme.  See pics.




Frames 6 & 7-1.jpg

Frames 6 & 7-2.jpg

David Robinson

Boston, MA area


Completed:  Constructo J.S. Elcano, Artesinia Latina Sanson, Dumas Mt. Washington, Bluejacket Nantucket, Amati Revenge, Artesania Latina  King of the Mississippi, 

Amati Grand Banks Heritage 46, Amati HMS Fly, Amati Titanic, Dumas Chris Craft Commuter, Mantua Cutty Sark, Mantua Bruma, Kolderstok Batavia, Vanguard Models HM Cutter Alert, Caldercraft HMS Victory, Dumas USCG Fast Response Cutter, Amati Bismarck


Currently Building:  Occre Jupiter Locomotive

Posted (edited)

Initial bow and stern strips, and initial planking strip, in place.  See pic below.


I am posting this because I caught something at the last minute that the instructions aren't clear on, and that would have given me real problems later.


The way the instructions read, you mount two stern laser cut strips first, and then butt the long planking strip up against the end of the second one.  There are no instructions for alignment of the end of the second stern strip, so I just eyeballed the second one to look level with the horizontal hull structure.


After I had glued almost all of the long strip, I began to worry about alignment with the deck above, so looked forward in the instructions, and sure enough, the distance is critical (16mm exactly from top of strip to bottom of deck), in order to fit a photo-etched piece in.  What actually governs that distance is a set of very small notches in the frames, but they are easy to miss and I did.


So I pulled up the long strip (fortunately the glue hadn't completely cured), and repositioned it exactly 16mm below, using the notches I could find after the rip-up, and a ruler for the rest.


The way it should be done is to use a planking strip, dry-fitted under the notches, as the master guide, and align the stern strip end with that, and then finish out to the bow.  I'll do that on the second side.


There is no mention of the notches in the instructions, but they are obviously critical, so that's a big miss in the instructions.




Initial Planking.jpg

Edited by drobinson02199

David Robinson

Boston, MA area


Completed:  Constructo J.S. Elcano, Artesinia Latina Sanson, Dumas Mt. Washington, Bluejacket Nantucket, Amati Revenge, Artesania Latina  King of the Mississippi, 

Amati Grand Banks Heritage 46, Amati HMS Fly, Amati Titanic, Dumas Chris Craft Commuter, Mantua Cutty Sark, Mantua Bruma, Kolderstok Batavia, Vanguard Models HM Cutter Alert, Caldercraft HMS Victory, Dumas USCG Fast Response Cutter, Amati Bismarck


Currently Building:  Occre Jupiter Locomotive


good you saw it.......headache #2 averted!  :) 

I yam wot I yam!

finished builds:
Billings Nordkap 476 / Billings Cux 87 / Billings Mary Ann / Billings AmericA - reissue
Billings Regina - bashed into the Susan A / Andrea Gail 1:20 - semi scratch w/ Billing instructions
M&M Fun Ship - semi scratch build / Gundalow - scratch build / Jeanne D'Arc - Heller
Phylly C & Denny-Zen - the Lobsie twins - bashed & semi scratch dual build

Billing T78 Norden


in dry dock:
Billing's Gothenborg 1:100 / Billing's Boulogne Etaples 1:20
Billing's Half Moon 1:40 - some scratch required
Revell U.S.S. United States 1:96 - plastic/ wood modified / Academy Titanic 1:400
Trawler Syborn - semi scratch / Holiday Harbor dual build - semi scratch


First layer hull planking started.  So far this has gone pretty smoothly.  At the stern, the planks need to be twisted with the steamer, but no side bending needed so far.  I also had to put some stealers in at the stern just below the initial plank to align things between the laser cut sides and the initial plank, but they will sand/fill out.




Early Hull 1.jpg

Early Hull 2.jpg

Early Hull 3.jpg

David Robinson

Boston, MA area


Completed:  Constructo J.S. Elcano, Artesinia Latina Sanson, Dumas Mt. Washington, Bluejacket Nantucket, Amati Revenge, Artesania Latina  King of the Mississippi, 

Amati Grand Banks Heritage 46, Amati HMS Fly, Amati Titanic, Dumas Chris Craft Commuter, Mantua Cutty Sark, Mantua Bruma, Kolderstok Batavia, Vanguard Models HM Cutter Alert, Caldercraft HMS Victory, Dumas USCG Fast Response Cutter, Amati Bismarck


Currently Building:  Occre Jupiter Locomotive


is there a wrap around part for the transom?  looks like it needs a filler.

I yam wot I yam!

finished builds:
Billings Nordkap 476 / Billings Cux 87 / Billings Mary Ann / Billings AmericA - reissue
Billings Regina - bashed into the Susan A / Andrea Gail 1:20 - semi scratch w/ Billing instructions
M&M Fun Ship - semi scratch build / Gundalow - scratch build / Jeanne D'Arc - Heller
Phylly C & Denny-Zen - the Lobsie twins - bashed & semi scratch dual build

Billing T78 Norden


in dry dock:
Billing's Gothenborg 1:100 / Billing's Boulogne Etaples 1:20
Billing's Half Moon 1:40 - some scratch required
Revell U.S.S. United States 1:96 - plastic/ wood modified / Academy Titanic 1:400
Trawler Syborn - semi scratch / Holiday Harbor dual build - semi scratch

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