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Posted (edited)

Is time to install the shrouds but am not going to follow the kits instructions. It suggests to fix the deadeyes on the chainplates with a copper wire which will be at the inserted into a 1mm hole on the hull. Its not practical... its not easy... it doesnt look nice.... and it isnt strong enough. (see instr. picture)


And mainly its not the way is done on the real ship! (See picture underneath)

Am going to do it as the real ship.



Edited by MESSIS

So chainplates supported as original vessel and not as woody-joe's instructions.


On the same time rigging goes on very slow due to the fact that its a kind  of rigging (modern kind) that am not familiar with.




Posted (edited)

@Katsumoto Thank you dutch friend for following and commenting on my build. Thank you for your nice words.


Know that the ship its available for rent, I believe 30000 euro/week. It takes 13 gustes and there are 10 crew members on board. Its too expensive, though  if you have 12 friends with you to share the cost,then its only 2300 euro/week per person... better but still its expensive...  Instead I would prefer to visit thereplica of the french Frigate L'Hermione in Rochefort, and spend the rest of the week in Bordaux, with those superb french wines and the excellent french cuisine!


see you on board dutch ColUmbus



Edited by MESSIS

Splendid idea Messis, I would take the same road, but go to Saint Emillion, and Bergerac as well, not just stick at Bordeaux.


Your build is progressing marvelous.


"Desperate affairs require desperate measures." Lord Nelson
Search and you might find a log ...


Posted (edited)

@cog how right you are my friend! I did so two years ago.... St.Emilion and a few winery visits... incredible! After that my wife changed attitude towards "the boring  ship visits" 😇 . She still hates them - I guess- but asks all the time if we are going to visit again L'Hermione.... I assume having in mind the other part of the package! 

Edited by MESSIS

She knows how to twist your arm ;) Clever woman. There are some worht while wineries near Bergerac, especially the aged Monbazillac are worth tasting (get a driver though)


"Desperate affairs require desperate measures." Lord Nelson
Search and you might find a log ...



Hello Christos,


Wow, you've done a really wonderful job with your Sir Winston Churchill build! I'm very impressed with your work and the results.


As you know, I have the kit, but have been trying to get some other work done in order before I can get to it. You're definitely inspiring to press onward.


Truly a lovely build.



Posted (edited)

Dear Clare thank you very much for your kind words.


It was you that made me decide to build this kit, because of your detailed review. Its an amazing kit and you were 100% right with this ecxellent suggestion.


Thank you very much for introducing me to such fantastic kit.


Wish lots of fan when you start this beautiful  build.


Edited by MESSIS

Nicely done!


Please, visit our Facebook page!




Per aka Dr. Per@Therapy for Shipaholics 

Finished: T37, BB Marie Jeanne - located on a shelf in Sweden, 18th Century Longboat, Winchelsea Capstan

Current: America by Constructo, Solö Ruff, USS Syren by MS, Bluenose by MS

Viking funeral: Harley almost a Harvey

Nautical Research Guild Member - 'Taint a hobby if you gotta hurry


it seems... I am sailing!


So am about to finish rigging. The shrouds are still to be done, rigging them to the masts and some minor rigging work.


So I am guessing in a few day -another 10-12 hrs in total- and thats it.... it took me about 300 hrs and am working on her since last Octomber.




Posted (edited)

The standing rigging must be a walk in the park considering the complexity of the running rigging. Very well done Messis, a very clean and crisp build

Edited by cog


"Desperate affairs require desperate measures." Lord Nelson
Search and you might find a log ...



@cog thank you for your very positive comments. Yes you are right the standing rigging its easy. Its much easier than by period ships and than its own running rigging.

Posted (edited)

@KatsumotoThank you my friend... your words are very flattering! But I already do have a master's degree🤯 ...I surely  dont need a second one... and now at this stage of my life, I dont need even the one I already have!!! 😇👴💤


Concerning the journey in the Mediterranean I would ruther feel safer having on board a dutch Columbus.... so you are more than welcome. 😘  🤩



Edited by MESSIS

Beautiful build Christos, great workmanship and at lightning speed too!!

Posted (edited)

@donrobinson thank you very much. Thank you for your very nice words. Concerning the time, I have started it beginning of Octomber and I have counted till this moment in my logbook 300 hrs. The kit's manufacturer suggests 200! I think it took me more hrs due  to luck of experience.

Edited by MESSIS

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