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HMS Flirt by wvdhee - FINISHED - Vanguard Models - 1:64

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Another Flirt???

Yes another one 😉

Well I hope at least... I wanted a good quality kit, not too big and enough of a challenge and after having read so many good things about Vanguard Models I just thought a Flirt would be perfect 🙂

It arrived today and when I opened it and saw the super quality parts and wood I couldn't help myself and started immediately.

The first steps went so easily, it all fitted perfectly together, a bit like a Tamiya kit (I mean that as a compliment 😉 )

I will try to do exactly what Chris tells me to, I am sure he knows better than me. Well mostly, my ocd obliged me to make the captain's cabin door shut...

A few quick pics with my phone, I'll grab my Nikon another day if building goes well.








Current build: Thinking about it

Finished build: HMS Flirt

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Looking forward to seeing your craftmanship at work.  

Completed Build:   HMS Beagle - Occre

Current Builds:       Frigate Diana - Occre  https://modelshipworld.com/topic/33530-frigate-diana-by-rossr-occre-185/

Santisima Trinidad - Occre - Cross Section https://modelshipworld.com/topic/37130-santisima-trinidad-by-rossr-occre-190-cross-section/

On the Shelf:           NRG Half Hull, the US Brig Syren - Model Shipways and USF Essex - Model Shipways

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Making some steady progress.

The instructions say to soak the plywood pieces for the stern counter and side bulwark patterns, shape them on the hull and let them dry there. I tried, but it somehow didn't work for me the way I imagined. So I fired up my old bending iron to shaped the pieces with that. I'm also using it now for the first planking.

Trying to do it as good as possible, as an exercise for the second planking and I know that thinking that mistakes can be corrected in later stages is maybe not a brilliant idea.








Current build: Thinking about it

Finished build: HMS Flirt

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I assume that bending iron was used for your violin builds.  

Completed Build:   HMS Beagle - Occre

Current Builds:       Frigate Diana - Occre  https://modelshipworld.com/topic/33530-frigate-diana-by-rossr-occre-185/

Santisima Trinidad - Occre - Cross Section https://modelshipworld.com/topic/37130-santisima-trinidad-by-rossr-occre-190-cross-section/

On the Shelf:           NRG Half Hull, the US Brig Syren - Model Shipways and USF Essex - Model Shipways

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7 hours ago, brunnels said:

What type of bending iron is that? It looks like it would work really well.  Solid job so far, I will definitely be following. 


It doesn't have a brand name on it, it's just a heavily overpriced lump of aluminium that gets hot 😉



Current build: Thinking about it

Finished build: HMS Flirt

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First planking done, well apart from the emergency repair on the deadwood. (Note to self, easy with the Dremel)

But overall quite pleased. Some sanding to be done still, not sure I need filler... We'll see.

The lines are just gorgeous, it's difficult to see on a photo, you gotta trust me on that 😉





Current build: Thinking about it

Finished build: HMS Flirt

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Your planking looks fantastic.  Great work.  

Completed Build:   HMS Beagle - Occre

Current Builds:       Frigate Diana - Occre  https://modelshipworld.com/topic/33530-frigate-diana-by-rossr-occre-185/

Santisima Trinidad - Occre - Cross Section https://modelshipworld.com/topic/37130-santisima-trinidad-by-rossr-occre-190-cross-section/

On the Shelf:           NRG Half Hull, the US Brig Syren - Model Shipways and USF Essex - Model Shipways

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Second planking is coming along nicely, rather happy with it so far.

Took me a while to get into the groove of glueing with CA, but once I felt comfortable with that it was smooth sailing 😉

It's sandpaper and scrapers now and more of that when the keel will be on.





Current build: Thinking about it

Finished build: HMS Flirt

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Major milestone! Finished second planking 🙂 and quite happy with it tbh.

It's smooth, lovely curves, no big gaps anywhere. I haven't used any filler so far and wondering if I'll need to, we'll see.

I'm also happy with the red color I chose for the inside bulwarks, it's a period pigment 😉 Carmine red from AK interactive. I know what you're saying that carmine wasn't available to the British at that time, but Mr. King, the ship's builder was heavily involved with smuggling (that's a fact) so any color is justifiable 😉







Current build: Thinking about it

Finished build: HMS Flirt

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Wales attached and painted black and now busy painting white below the waterline.

Did use a little bit of filler, but wanted to maintain the "planky" look as well, if that makes sense lol.

Can't wait to get the tape off though, that's always stressing me 😬





Current build: Thinking about it

Finished build: HMS Flirt

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These open eyebolts and eyebolt rings (for gun rigging) are a bit of a pain in the derrière (excuse me my french)

Acrylics on pe doesn't work, so I spray painted them with a black metal primer then assembled them, then burnished them to fix the places where the primer came off, then installing them on the boat and I'll need to retouch them all when done... There's 70 assemblies in total (kit provides 80) and I'm halfway so I'll get there 😉





Current build: Thinking about it

Finished build: HMS Flirt

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Posted (edited)

I found this hard as well! So many, so small, so much re-touching! And in the end , I could not for the life of me get the thick ropes for the guns through eyes and will have to live without them on my model 🙄. I think it could be done by attaching the ropes before fixing the eyebolts to the bulwark, but I did not have the heart to rip them out and re-do it all.... 


I have seen many people make it work, but my fingers did not cooperate and after 2 hours of struggling on one cannon, I gave up. Next time!

Edited by TJM
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