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Greetings all

Thanks to you all for your comments and for viewing. So here's were I am at the moment . I decided to do all the back stays next from stern to bow, and have about 11 pairs left to finish. All I am doing is 3 pairs each evening so all being well I will be done on Friday. I did have a problem with the first stay I fitted on the main mast called the top mast breast back stay. The stay was just touching on the ratlines and the main top as it passed down to the channels for belaying. I had a word with Gil Middleton who informed me that on he's ship the stay was clear all the way down, but only just cleared the main top. Anyway I will have to live with that and nobody will notice. It's seems that I am heading to the bowsprit next and the flying martingale and jib horse??????? It's all new to me, and there are stays galore about, so that should be fun to sort out, Maybe!!!! Anyway here's a few photos of were I am at the moment . Much of a muchness as usual and probably a couple duplicated. Thanks a lot DAVID










Hello David,


it's so good to see your beautiful progress.  I wonder where you find the time to get the work done.  After all, I for one, take a lot of your time asking you to answer all my questions which thankfully you kindly do.  Your Victory is certainly getting there and it scares me to see what's ahead for me.  Please keep the photos coming; it really shows your great work.  Take care,



Hello Lawrence

I have finished all the mizzen back stays and all but one of the main back stays, which only leaves the fore back stays and without doubt they will be done on Friday. I have just looked at the next plan on the rigging which is plan 15 out of 18, and there is a multitude of rigging on it. I am really looking forward to it. I reckon this is the most enjoyable part of the build. There will be no sails on, as I prefer to see the rigging. I know it's a bit early but have priced the cost of making a display case, after advise from others about the size it should be, and reckon it will cost around £230 - £240. The biggest prob at the minute is were to put it in the house. I do suggest places were it could fit, but the usual response is "that monstrosity is not going there !!!! " I don't know whether I told you but I gave the brother in law the Mantua HMS Victory 1/96 scale which I got for myself and my father to build when he came to visit. We only got the bulkheads and the first deck fitted when he sadly passed away. So the ship was put to one side. I bought the jotika victory and as I said gave the mantua ship to the brother in law........ He brought it back last week and said it was lo complicated for him. There's no way in this world I will finish it , so I will advertise it on the site for some other poor soul to do. Are you back on your ship yet??? DAVID


Greeting all

Well all is going pretty well, and I have added all the standing rigging to the mizzen and main mast, and just need to tidy it up. So only the foremast to do and then onto the next plan sheet. There is as I said earlier a multitude of rigging to do on this plan sheet, which also involves the bowsprit rigging. I have been looking forward to doing this. One thing I have not done is make up any yards , so a few of these need to be made up, and this will all add to the fun. So thanks to you all for viewing and all your comments and here's a few pictures of my progress. DAVID











Hello David.

You sound very excited and you should be.  Wow!  What a nice job and such nice progress.  Until you mentioned it I never noticed that no yards have been installed yet.  The rat lines look excellent and their spacing looks perfect.  Like i said before, I envy your progress but I know you have worked hard and the results look like it.  Thanks for showing us where you're at...Gives me, for one, a real incentive.  The best to you.



i have just been back to page 10 of your log, which was only in june, at which time even the masts had not been finished , great progress

Its all part of Kev's journey, bit like going to the dark side, but with the lights on

All the best

Kevin :omg:



On the build table

HMS Indefatigable 1794 by Kevin - Vanguard Models - 1:64 - Feb 2023


On hold

MHS Britannic by Kevin 

SD 14  - Marcle Models - 1/70 - March 2022 -  Bluebell - Flower Class - Revel - 1/72   

U552 German U Boat - Trumpeter -

1/48  Amerigo Vespucci     1/84 - Panart-   

HMS Enterprise  -CAF -  1/48     


Belle Poule 1834 by Kevin - OcCre - 1/90 - French frigate - started June 2024 - - 

Hercules by Kevin - OcCre - 1/50 - Tugboat - Finished - May 2024

Nectan-Mountfleet-models-steam-trawler-1/32 - Completed June 2020

HMS Victory - Caldercraft/Jotika - 1/72 - Finished 

 Dorade renamed Dora by Kevin - Amati - 1/20 - Completed March 2021 

Stage Coach 1848 - Artesania Latina - 1/10 -Finished 

Lady Eleanor by Kevin - FINISHED - Vanguard Models - 1/64 - Fifie fishing boat


Greeting all

Thanks a lot Jerry and Kevin and Lawrence . The foremast stays are not yet done yet Lawrence and will be started tonight, and as for the netting, I could not find anything suitable, so it had to wait. I guess it will be awkward to do them with all the rigging about as well. The hammock cranes themselves have also taken a bit of a bashing during this rigging. There is also damage to the gunport lids, at least 6 of them have been knocked about and need to be sorted later. I think it is just about impossible not to cause some damage no matter how careful you are. Once again thanks a lot DAVID


Hello David nice job well done ,it amazes me the amount of people who mention the hammock netting when in fact its not part of the build according to the manuals,its just a add on some one once done,i like you david have bent those hammock pins all over the place,cant see me bothering with netting now to late.also got a couple of gunports to glue back on as you say things now are going to get knocked of    DEREK   :pirate41:


Hello derek

Thanks a lot for your comments. Yes you are correct about the netting, it's not mentioned on our kit as far as I can see, and jokitas proto type has none fitted.

I wonder if any of the other kits include it as part of the kit. Good to know you are about done on the ratlines, it seems to go on for ever. and good luck with the stays, they should keep you happy for a good few weeks. DAVID


Hi David,


Your build is looking great. Just following your discussion on hammock netting, I think it does add a nice touch to the build. I have found that a material called Tulle does a nice job for the purpose, but you need to ensure you get the diamond pattern and not the honeycomb pattern. I found some in a local sewing/craft store (Spotlight over here). If you can't find any over there, I'd be happy to send you some - I've already done so for a couple of others. Just PM me with a mailing address if you'd like some.


Good morning Lawrence

By you are an early bird !!!!!! No I did not serve the shrouds. I did not know what it even meant until I looked it up. The last ship I built was over 30years ago , The Billing Bounty, and my father took over at the rigging stage, I probably could not be bothered as there was loads of knots !!!!!!!!!! ( as we well know) You have mentioned serving before so it will be interesting to see it done. Keep enjoying it Lawrence


Greeting all

Greetings all for your comments and for viewing . Thanks a lot grant for the offer of the tulle for the hammock netting. It appears it is available in a couple of shops in town, but thanks again. I have completed all the yards on the plan I am working off, and was ready to move on to the next plan, but alas I have been sent back to the previous plan and now need to add the jiboom which I had left off because of the danger that it may get broken of. And now I need to fit the boomkins plus there is couple more pieces that fit on the bowsprit and are not made yet , so it's out with the david plane sandpaper and needle files. What I have noticed is the top part of the the foremast pulls back when the stays are belayed, so I surmise I should not tighten them until the stay or stays that link from the bowsprit back to the top of the foremast are sorted, and use this as the starting point for any tensioning . I may be wrong but it makes sense to me. So that's me for now . I have once again posted some photos, but sorry they are as usuall boring, as once again much of a muchness. Has anybody spotted that that bit of ratline on the mizzen is still not done, and it will have to wait, I'm enjoying myself, and seen enough of those knots for a while. Here's the photos. Thanks a lot for viewing. DAVID












Hello david,


Your Victory looks so good,  It looks like you're getting into the home stretch soon.  These last photos really are great.  You must be so excited at this stage..Nothing more to say except I'm very happy for you and hope you enjoy the womderful work you are doing.  Best to you.



Greeting all

After finishing the back stay rigging, it appears I am moving on to the bowsprit to do some work I should have done earlier, but did not make sense to me, as the instructions told me to fit the bowsprit with the gammoning. then leave the driver gaff and driver boom till later. Then do all the stays with the final one being the royal back stay. Now I need to fit the jib stay to the jib boom which doesn't exist yet and the jib halyard to the flying jib boom which also doesn't exist, but it probably my fault. Now you understand that. So tonight I fitted the jib boom, the flying jibboom , the dolphin striker and the flag staff. So I think tomorrow I can get sorted with the earlier stuff. Ok here's a few photos of the nights work, and at last we have something different. Anyway it's still good fun, here we go with a few photos. Thanks a lot DAVID







Posted (edited)

Hello David.  I started to write this post and after about four lines I hit some key and lost everything so here I go again.  I wonder if anyone will be interested in buying my Victory hull whhen it'll be finished.  J/K...When I see all the detail involved in the rigging I really wonder if I'm capable.  Your Victory is so beautiful and awesome.  I'm so thankful for this site because if it weren't for you, Gil and others too numerous to mention, I have no idea what I would do.  I love the rigging you have done so far and am extrenely impressed.  keep it up; you are creating a real gem.  Best regards,


Edited by Jerry



   You have the skill and friends here will help as best that they can, why not give it a try. A little at a time, one line here and then another there. So what it takes you 5 days just to do one or two lines, that's one or two lines lest that you have to do. This is only my option and it is up to you since you are the one building her. Either way I wish you the best and she is a nice ship the work you have put into her is Beautiful.


Joe :D


Go MSW :) :)


Hello David,


Just catching up with your build after beeing away the best part of a week...and wow!  Amazing work with all your backstays and now getting on with the bowsprit.  She really looks fantastic, well done!  I'm moving at the speed of molasses and might be done with mine in time for Nelson's 300th birthday...I'll be 106 by then!




Greetings Patrick

Thanks a lot, and Welcome back, I have yet to look at your cannon rigging. I think I have just seen it mentioned somewhere . And yes is the answer to... Getting on with the bowsprit!!!!!!!!!! I have just in the last 5 minutes broke off the long thin pointy part at the front. The flying jibboom. Keep enjoying it .DAVID


Greeting all

Well at last I have reached the bowsprit rigging, well some of it. If you can see the loose block and tackle on the fore top it is because I pulled it to tight and pulled the jiboom loose, so It is left completely loose Until I am happy with things. I have had to stop for a long break tonight as I was having a torrid time trying to keep the threads tight when belaying or just tying off at eyelets. I gave up in the finish, and will have to look around to see if I can find some advice as this is going to be an issue for me. Anyway here's a few photos for you. There's not a lot done really, but I am getting there. Were ever there is!!! Thanks a lot for viewing and your comments. DAVID













Hello David...I don't think you should be unhappy in any way.  You are building one hell of a great looking ship.  I'm so glad you are so much ahead of me since I'll  know there's someone I can bug as I approach your stage of the game.  It's still amazing how much difference there is in the rigging of Victory compared to Cutty Sark.  All joking aside I think your boat looks great.  Nice job, David.



Greetings all

A bit more progress, and a few mishaps on the way. Yes a few bits broken off but luckily none broken yet. I have reached the final steps on the standing rigging, with only the bobstays and the boomkin stays to do. Page 18 of the manual. I only know the name of them because they are written down. And as I said its on to the running rigging, with the fore yard first. I did notice one or two builds with all the rigging finished on the bowsprit so I am contemplating doing that area first. Plus the fact I have no yards made and they look simple on the bowsprit. Anyway here's a few photos of the port side of the bowsprit, and it should all be done by Monday night. Thanks for your comments and for viewing. Here we go. Cheers DAVID










Posted (edited)

David..Looking at your ship it's hard to  believe there are no yards attached yet.  At first glance i didn't even think about them not being on the masts.  The ship looks so good but it still scares me.  But I figure, if you can do it so can I.  After all, I've got you to come to.  Enjoy Sunday ..

Edited by Jerry

Hi David, looks like you are doing a beautiful job on the rigging. 

I am having an issue with the stern and is it possible for you to have a quick look at my log where the issue is better explained.




Looking good David. Nothing wrong with completing the bowsprit rigging first. That is certainly what I did. Just watch those elbows and long sleeves from here on! ;)


Greetings all

Well that's the finish of the standing rigging I think, and just some tidying up to do. Theres a small breakage at the stern on the starboard side to fix. There are also a few gunport lids to refit . It is almost impossible not to do some damage at this stage. I have had a look at the running rigging and as I said earlier I would like to start at the bowsprit, and was told that would be no problem by Grant , as that is what he did. Being honest there are are a few things I do not understand about fitting these yards, and I reckon this will be very very slow. Ok here's the last photos of the completed rigging on the stern area. Thanks for viewing and comments. Here we go. DAVID








Well David, You must be doing something right.  My wife just reviewed these last photos and handed you a terrific compliment.  She said that I was very lucky to have you for a mentor because your ship is "gorgeous."  Now that's not a word I would use especially since it seems so feminine.  But you must get the point, and I would use the word beautiful.  Congratulations on reaching the runnig rigging.  I hope you have an easy time of it and please remember everything you do so when i ask my questions on how to do something I will be able to relyon you.  LOL!  Seriously, David, your build really looks great.  Take care my friend,



Greetings all

Well I have made quite a bit of progress since my last post, with all the work being on the bowsprit. I only need to attach two single blocks to the spritsail yard and that should be all the work on it completed. I will however need to come back to it once the fore mast yards are connected. I found the plans pretty good, and with Gil's photos to hand you cannot go really wrong. Well here's a bunch of photos for you, and thanks a lot for viewing and all your comments. Here we go.DAVID














Good morning, David..


Your Victory is looking mighty regal these days.  Love to watch your progress so please keep leading the way.  Have a great day,


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