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Everything posted by Bindy

  1. Wow! What an interesting ship Jack! Although I am a little too knew myself to offer any hints or tips, I will be following along with interest and hopefully learning a thing or two myself during your journey. But I can help with the encouragement and cheering on
  2. What a wonderful log and an even more incredible ship you are building! Just wow !!!!!
  3. I am glad you chose to use the sails after all (and sorry I can't be much help with your question about them). It is just a personal opinion of course, but I think sails really bring the ships to life, and your model is looking just great !!
  4. So today's lesson is that I should get very drunk the night before working on sails? And now I know how the "Flying Dutchman" got her name! I am learning something new every day!! But super seriously, I am truly amazed at your work and scratch building/manufacturing these parts
  5. Wow! That gun carriage looks great! And I can see your new files were put to work to make it too haha Enjoy your holidays and have fun!
  6. When I read this the page on my screen had only scrolled enough to show the first picture and I think I spent about 2 full minutes trying to work out which part you had tidied up hahaha. But seriously, your ship looks so good I didn't even see your workspace
  7. So very well said! From both the tutorials and clear instructions your write as well as the insights into your challenges with your tools in your workshop I enjoy your log every time I see it. Thank you Nenad! Oh your movie quote "There can only be one" I sure hope you didn't cut his head off??
  8. Oh wow! That looks great Ollie! It was very interesting to read of the different methods/ways to do the copper plating, and although I am not sure which is "correct" I have to say that yours just looks incredible
  9. Hi Mike! Congratulations on starting your first Build Log! As a new builder myself I will follow along eagerly and I am sure I will learn a few things along the way too.
  10. What a great video thank you Vivian! I learnt so much that is interesting but can also be applied to our models!
  11. Hiya Ollie, I don't know much about the historical accuracies sorry but I do know the gun ports look great!
  12. Lol I have to ask but how did you find anything 1mm big in a whole bits box?? Haha But seriously, these look great!
  13. Congratulations!!! Your model looks absolutely fantastic and I hope you are so very proud! And thank you for writing such and interesting and informative Build Log too.
  14. Hi Vivian! I think I am almost as excited as you are to see you start this new model haha. I really do look forward to watching (and learning from) you every step of the way, but I have to say it is even more interesting watching you building different types of ships that are not so common. Although I love all the favourites too of course!
  15. Oh no! Not your tools !! I bet your boys will be on their best behaviour now! If you look on the bright side though it is a wonderful opportunity to buy new tools! And maybe you can sneak in one or two extra new tools on your shopping trip haha. But seriously, congratulations on your soldering!
  16. This is just incredible Nils! But I have to say your photography is close to your skills as a Master Builder and seeing Louis, Kurt, Johannes, Richard, Heinrich, and of course your Grandfather wandering the decks, doing their work and thinking of Christmas just makes this log all the more special and real!
  17. Although I can't offer any answers or suggestions, I do wish you very good luck getting this straight!
  18. What a great start and you have achieved so much already! This is the first RC Model I have seen from step 1 and I will be following your build eagerly!
  19. Hi Max! Thank you for the latest pics and update! I have no idea what colour the shrouds should be sorry but I do know they look absolutely wonderful in what you have done! Great work!
  20. Wow Vivian! You must be so proud and you should be!!!! Your model just looks amazing and you are a genuine inspiration in so many ways!!
  21. Please don't take out too many photos and information as I have thoroughly enjoyed your log as it is!
  22. Thank you so much for going to the trouble of making this log and sharing your incredible skills, this wonderful model, but most importantly bringing to life the history of the very real people and the ship itself! For all of these reasons I can't wait to see the rest
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