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Everything posted by Bindy

  1. Hi again, I am so happy to be here from the very beginning to watch you build another magnificent ship! If the box for your Royal Louis was any bigger then you would need a larger desk just to hold it haha. But on the bright side, at least you don't have too much room to lose things
  2. Gasp! A massive congratulations Ulises Victoria! I am so happy for you and your Royal Ship Vasa looks just spectacular !!! Congrats again !!
  3. I do feel your pain Mike! I know from my own experiences too of how badly things can go when we follow instructions. Silly us! But I also know how good it feels when we get it right with the help from the experienced builders here and everything is always better second or third time! I really do look forward to seeing your final planking!
  4. And there was much cheering and jubilation! Congrats on your successful popping! She really does look greateth? Hey! I tried! (and thank you for your commiserations but if Foosball involves kicking or marking then I doubt they would do any better hahaha) And A super big thank you for the explanation and clear photos explaining your distressing of the wood. Now that I fully understand it makes me appreciate even more what you have done so far with your Bounty Launch. Now I will go back to the couch and complain about Football a bit more ..
  5. And your work and photos are an encouragement to everyone else Sherry! Just beautiful work
  6. You make it look so easy! They look fantastic
  7. Hi there JesseLee! I found your log *grin* and love your work! Your skills and patience are remarkable particularly when I read about Lyme Disease and considered the extra challenges you must have! The wonderful tips showing your innovations like using a Dog Comb, and your Patent Pending Waterline marker are almost priceless but I do take issue with just one part of your post ... You have that bit wrong sorry. It is men that are impossible to understand hahaha Keep up the great work and I look forward to following the rest of your Scottish Maid's journey!
  8. I think we can truly leave Football out of any further discussions! Can I trouble you to explain what you mean about distressing the thin veneers, and planks? I am guessing it is something much more useful than just calling them names until they are upset and cry?
  9. Congratulations Captain Nenad! (and I do hope your day was not too long!)
  10. That looks great Steve! Your joins are just perfect and I think the final effect will be just right!
  11. This wonderful news has made my weekend bright and happy as I thought we had lost your company for all of your warmer months I can't wait to follow along your next beautiful ship! And I love the new photographs too! You really do show us the full beauty of your Half Moon!
  12. That is one of the finest looking "Scissor Racks" I have ever seen Ollie! (I really do like the catheads with the rope up as well )
  13. I could not say this better What an amazing piece of workmanship! (And thank you for the tips and tricks I stole from your build log too haha)
  14. It gets even more confusing Nenad! If you did wake up as Mahogany or Cherry Tree I could build a Cutty out of you and then shave both of you
  15. That is looking great Alde! I am truly impressed with your paint job but the gunwales, thwarts and mast partners look just as good too.
  16. That first layer of planking looks just about perfect Steve, I am not surprised you are thinking of not covering it
  17. Get well soon Casey! I will follow your advice and keep mine then thank you
  18. You are truly an artist Karl. Just beautiful work!
  19. That planking really does look so perfect Sjors! Thank you for the lesson! But wow! That is an awful lot of ship hahaha
  20. That really is a great photo Jack and an amazing landscape but I really am sorry to hear of the price you paid for your shots Welcome home and get better soon. You are absolutely right in that holding a saw with your little pinky out like you were some fancy person drinking a cup of tea really would look a bit silly haha
  21. Gasp! That look fantastic Nenad! I go away for a couple of days and you shave your beard and transform your Cutty! I will have to stay closer I think
  22. That looks fantastic Popeye! The colours, the decals, the decorations and yes I prefer your idea over Billings too haha
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