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Everything posted by Bindy

  1. That looks great Robbyn! And possibly as good/better than a new Harley
  2. Sherry, your work is just, just, just beautiful. I really am lost for words. I think your crossed eyes is a small price to pay for such wonderful work, besides a good pair of sunglasses will hide them
  3. That would be a "Captain's Perogative" I think! Wow, lucky you got your bars just in time to save any embarrassment! Congrats!
  4. I think you are being too hard on yourself Nenad! It looks great already, even in the harsh eyes of a close up camera, but it will look even better with your planned sanding and weathering. I love it!!
  5. Hi there Eamonn, I just had to say that your planking looks fantastic and I love your wood choice too! Good luck with the Postman!
  6. Lazagna too? Oh no !!! Sorry Nenad, I keep driving and driving but I seem to be having trouble finding the bridge out of Australia ....
  7. You can wash my car too if you want to Nenad? Big congratulations to Hothead and Princess on their studies. You must be so very proud! With how you have taught yourself English and your own work I can see they inherited their brains I hope you have a better weekend and get to have some fun outside or inside.
  8. Hi Sherry, What wonderful carving! When I sit mesmerized at logs like yours I begin to understand the true craftsmanship of scratch building
  9. Gasp! That is terrific S.os! I would never have believed the sails were made out of wood without reading this thread, but the whole model and diorama is a work of art. And even more meaningful given it's history!
  10. Hi Alistair, Thank you for such a detailed, clear and easy to follow tutorial. Certainly from my own experience this is one area that us beginners really struggle with and it really stands out in our models more than any other little "errors" so thank you again! I will be following this method to the letter while I learn. Do you have any tips or hints you could add for making that perfectly crisp and straight line where the paint ends?
  11. Demonstrating = showing, teaching Sorry for my big English words, everyone here writes in English so very well that I forget it is not some people's first language Hahaha I will be happy when I learn so much that my second plank is as good as your first plank!
  12. What beautiful planking! You sure demonstrate just how it should be done properly!
  13. Hi Mike, It sounds like you are getting some great advice, and although I am no help at all (I have not yet experienced planking) I have been following another log where a friend has just gone through the same troubles as you. If you are interested here is a link to his page and solution that suited him (although everyone has to choose the one they like best for themselves). Good luck with your planking and the method you settle on for bending!
  14. And great nibbing by Nenad too !!! (No, I haven't read any Frank Herbert as yet but I did buy the iBook of "Dune" after looking up that quote for you haha)
  15. Haha I don't agree with you about the crappy boat, but I do love Captain Bligh! I thought you had done a great job sculpting but the painting has brought him to life (and thank you for the details on the wet palette too) He looks terrific!
  16. Yes! I was right and you could do it. That looks great!! Remember Nenad that You must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration. You will face your fear. You will permit it to pass over you and through you. And when your fear is gone You will turn and face fear's path, and only you (and your deck) will remain. (I really need to watch this movie haha)
  17. I believe in you Nenad! From what you have achieved so far, I have no doubt you can master this difficult plank line
  18. Thank you for the latest pictures Grant. I am truly in awe! That looks fantastic !!
  19. That sounds pretty painful Alde. Good luck with your recovery The interior and floors of your Bounty Launch do look great though!
  20. Good luck with your planking! I love your final choice of colour! Particularly in the "Planks 2.jpg" photograph which really brings out the detail
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