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Everything posted by Burroak

  1. Bois d'arc also known as Osage Orange is a very hard wood. Will take more elbow grease to sand it.
  2. One thing I would wonder in the video is would that technique work on the wood filler used to smooth the hull?
  3. Tom she's really looking nice. What reference did you use to keep the steps level? They look perfect. Greg H.
  4. Dave that's a great idea also. Mark and Captain Steve had great ideas also. I'm going to try all of them and see which ideas work best for me. I actually think they will all work for me. You guys are awesome! I feel a little rush creeping in on my build so I've got to slow down some. It's just excitement of seeing the Conny start to show signs of life. Greg H.
  5. Ken I really like those gauges. Great job on your ship. How thick are the brass gauges and what did you use to cut them with if I may ask?
  6. Thanks CaptainSteve I will take a look at it. I wish Dremel had a flush cutting bit for their Dremel tool. Greg H.
  7. I am working on the USS Constitution by MS and I have planked the inside of the bulkheads. I left a little hangover around the gun ports and I want to get a nice smooth cut out. The gun ports are already formed. The files I am using unfortunately have teeth on the edges and it's hard to get a clean job in the corners without making a notch. What can I do about this? Is there a video or a build log which shows how to make these cuts. Thanks Greg H.
  8. When I posted the pictures they were not turned sideways, so I don't know how they got turned. Sorry about that.
  9. The sap wood usually doesn't get dark. If you want to test some cherry, sand a piece of it and just let it sit for a few days.
  10. Eric the cherry will get to a point and stop but it's very noticeable. Mahogany is another wood that will darken as well, and also paduak. Greg H.
  11. George I bought the cannons from Model Expo separate from my kit, so I didn't know about the guoin. I sure thank you for your help. Greg H.
  12. I can tell from my woodworking that cherry is a nice wood, but keep in mind that cherry darkens with light. It will be lighter while you work with it but let it set for a few days and it will darken. That's why on furniture made from cherry, if you set something on it there will be a shadow that has formed where the object set. Greg H.
  13. I have an issue with my USS Constitution cannons. They sit a little high in the gun ports. Only about 1 1/2 mm to 2 mm but it's noticeable. The options I have thought of are to 1) place a small 1 1/2 mm piece of wood under the but of the barrel 2) make the notch deeper that the wheel axles sit in 3) cut notches in the axle where it mounts to the carriage 4) make a flat spot on the wheels. 5) make a different carriage all together. If you have tried any of these or have a better remedy I sure would like to hear from you Thanks Greg H.
  14. Jay that is an awesome video on making the cannon carriages. Great job. Greg H.
  15. John your Charles Morgan turned out absolutely fantastic. You have a great imagination for your display. Well Done. Greg H.
  16. One of the main decisions for me in buying my scroll saw (Excalibur 16") was what projects i am working on now and in the future. I also do full size woodworking so I needed a larger saw. I do fret work cutting so I wanted a saw that would cut more straight up and down. Some model have a sort of lunge cut where either the top or the bottom is actually cut further in. I paid close to 600.00 dollars for mine. If you will only be making miniature projects then it would be overkill. I've looked at the Proxxon scroll saw and it looks like it would make a nice straight up and down cut. I'm sure there are others. I once had a Delta scroll saw but it had a bad lunge cut, which is not good for fret sawing. Lots of options out there. Main decision is knowing what you want it to be able to do. Greg H.
  17. Sjors your ship is magnificent. Great job as usual Greg H.
  18. Mark when you pointed out the problem with your ship, it took a moment to even notice it. When I look at someone's build I'm not looking for the errors in it. All I see is the beauty of the work and how much time was spent on it. You know where every nick and ding is on your ship because you are building it, but I assure when it's complete everyone will be looking at how beautiful it is and not at any possible problem. I guess since you are a master ship builder, the idea is to build the perfect ship. All I can say it looks perfect to me. I'm just trying to complete my first ship and hope it looks decent. Greg H.
  19. Shaz you might ask Chuck since he wrote the practicum. Hope this helps Greg H.
  20. Great job on your ship! She's beautiful Greg H.
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