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Everything posted by Burroak

  1. Greg your name is perfect. My name is Greg also. You have a nice kit to work on. I will be following your build. Have fun with it. Greg H.
  2. Don you did a great job on your ship. Well done! Greg H.
  3. I'm glad you had a great time with your grand kids. My wife and I love spending time with our 4 grand kids. Greg H.
  4. Jaager I have a disc/belt sander on a stand. Thank you for responding to my question Greg H.
  5. I use Johnsons floor wax for all my power tool surfaces. Especially tablesaw tops, planers, jointers. Just put it on and buff it out. It makes the wood move easier across the surface and protects from rust. I would also like to add that when the humidity is high outside and it's cold, well that seems to be the problem time for rust to appear. Especially if you have sawdust all over the surfaces you are trying to protect. The sawdust absorbs moisture from the air and will leave a small amount of rust which will build up if left untreated. I use a brush to keep those surfaces clear to also help prevent rust. I am speaking from my own experience on this. Hope this helps. Greg H.
  6. I wonder if anyone has ever taken a set of plans and made a larger ship from it. If your in to scratch build you could take almost any plan and build a ship in the size you are looking for. Greg H.
  7. Looks like a very nice kit. I look forward to your build. Greg H.
  8. Julie Mo thanks you for the info about the 6" saw blade with a very thin kerf. Will definitely check that out for sure. Michael thank you for the info about the sled. I use one in my regular woodworking. I will definitely make a small one to be used with a small thin blade. HSM thank you for your info. I've researched some of the miniature Tablesaws, and some do not come with a rip fence while others do. It seems a lot of people recommend the Byrnes tablesaw or Proxxon. I have a full size tablesaw, but in order to use it I have to walk out in my shop, but I am building the ship in the house. Just a little inconvenience. I may look into getting a Byrnes or Proxxon miniature tablesaw. Thanks to everyone for responding to my question Greg H.
  9. That's a great picture of the Sultana. Thanks for sharing! Greg H.
  10. Thank you Pete for the information. I will check it out for sure. Greg H.
  11. Geoff you have a really nice workspace for ship building or should I say laboratory. Looks like you have everything in arms reach. I'm envious. Greg H.
  12. If you have a scroll saw there are sanding sticks that fit in place of the blade that might help you.
  13. Thanks Mark. I have done woodworking for about 30 years but most all of the projects were square with straight lines. Ship building on the other hand has very few straight lines. Ship building has truly renewed my interest in woodwork. I just hope I can live up to the talent on MSW. GREG H.
  14. Thank you Hornet and Shihawk for your input. I love woodworking power tools. Has anyone used a cross cutting sled on a full size tablesaw to cut the small pieces before? I just wondered if the wood held up or blew apart because of the large blade. Thanks Greg H.
  15. Thank you Ron and Greg for your comments. Thanks Greg H.
  16. John your ship looks more than fantastic. WOW! I hope I can do than great of a job some day.
  17. Considering I'm a first time wooden ship builder, which one of the following power tools would I need the most? If any! 1) miniature table saw 2) miniature drill press 3) miniature disc and belt sander 4) miniature lathe Any input is appreciated Greg H.
  18. Lionfish your ship looks great. I will be following your build. Greg H.
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