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Everything posted by Burroak

  1. Nenad your ship is looking very nice.
  2. Sal your ship is really spectacular! Greg H.
  3. Sjors thank you for answering my question. You answered it perfectly. Greg H.
  4. Sjors your ship is looking great. I have a question about rigging your ship. I have never rigged a ship and was wondering if you ever have a problem with let's say tensioning one length of string or rope and it causes another to lose tension. How do you keep them all tight? Thanks Greg H.
  5. John your doing an amazing job on your ship. I wish you and your wife great health now and for the future. Greg H.
  6. Marsalv your ship is beautiful. You have a steady hand when it comes to painting the details. WOW Greg H.
  7. Tom I've got a question. On post 179 you showed a picture of the first piece of the wale planking that had been tapered both in length and along its thickness. Did you just use a sanding block for the thickness or maybe a tapering jig on a mini tablesaw? Thanks again Greg H.
  8. Sawdust Dave your ship is beautiful. All that carving work is way out of my league but not for you. Maybe someday I will try my hand at carving but for now I will just watch. Greg H.
  9. Druxey your doing some fine work. I will be following along with everyone else. Greg H.
  10. I wonder if brass is soft enough to go through a drum sander? I have never tried it.
  11. Would an epoxy glue work. It dries more from a chemical reaction than air. Greg H.
  12. Mark thank you for clearing that up for me. It's a really good idea. I will have to try it.
  13. Is the wire connected to anything or just sticking out of the wood with the hole drilled in it? Sounds like a really good idea. Thanks Greg H.
  14. Great job on the planking. The gun ports look very nice too. Greg H.
  15. Jesse your doing a great job. I hope the head rails on my ship turn out close to that.
  16. Bob I was searching online and found a company called Turner Toys www.turnertoys.com that sells the Polly scale paints.
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