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Everything posted by jwvolz

  1. Stergios, I am building Cruizer, and though two-masted, she has the same gaff rigging as Snake. I took the topping lift to a tackle hooked to an eyebolt on the channel and belayed to the bulwark pin rail. There should be suitable photo in my build log. Hope this helps.
  2. Well done Bob. I agree with your assessment of the kit too... Hopefully this year is better for you health wise!
  3. Thanks Jason. And the "likes". I'm in the home stretch now, wrapping up the rigging. Have to get some pics.
  4. Here is exactly what you need in the proper scale, for about as cheap as you will find. They're designed for the kit. https://www.shapeways.com/product/PFE4WC7WW/1-76-usn-24-pounder-cannons-cecil-model-1808?optionId=64836047&li=marketplace
  5. Spent a ton of time in the shipyard and made a lot of progress over the weekend. All yards are now in place and have their lifts rigged. I've also rigged the topsail and topgallant braces, as well as the topsail sheets. Made a bunch of rope coils as well, where my variety of line colors becomes a bit obvious, but I'm sure there was plenty of variety in age among lines on the real thing. I'm holding off on the main braces until the rest of the upper rigging is finished so I have room to work. As it is I'm constantly bumping yards and lines while belaying...
  6. Mike, I wouldn't go crazy trying to make them match. The Constitution has green bulwarks and red carriages on the spar deck for example.
  7. Steve, I just pulled it off the internet to give you a visual, not sure of the original source.
  8. Very nice work! Before you get too far, the stock on your anchor is upside down. The tapered side should be down toward the flukes. It should also sit much higher. See the attached drawing, hope it helps!
  9. Thanks everyone for the comments and "likes". I've finished all the rigging on the bow area/spritsail yard. Again, rigged to the Irene book. I'll move on next to finishing installing remaining yards and then on to braces. I took a picture down the length of the deck, thought it was a nice "crew-level"perspective...
  10. That looks really good for being a synthetic. Doesn't have the usual "plastic" look to it. I'm intrigued...
  11. The lower yards are now in place and some of the rigging is complete. I'm rigging them according to the brig Irene book. It's well researched and most of it is backed up by Steel and Levers. Note the crossjack yard only has a parrel and sling, no jeers per the book and well explained there.
  12. Thanks Mike. Woodcraft has some nice lumber for things like bases. I've never used Canarywood before, but thought it looked pretty interesting.
  13. Sophie is safely mounted on her base now (should have been done a long, long time ago in the process...) The base is Canarywood, which I routed a simple round-over edge onto, leaving a small lip. The pedestals are Model Shipways brass. I had to shorten the slot depth with a razor saw as they were too deep for the keel. Scratches and dings were polished out and then I rubbed them down with Scothbrite to give them a brushed finish. I was going to seal them with lacquer, but decided I'll let them tarnish naturally, which will look good next to the copper.
  14. I took some much better photos away from the harsh lights of my work table that show detail more clearly. Thanks for all the nice comments above everyone. As usual failing to plan and ignoring the issue is causing me a bit of headache. I have to get Sophie mounted on her display base and at this level of completion it is going to be a challenge. That's my next project before moving onto the yards. Wish me luck...
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