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Landlubber Mike

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Everything posted by Landlubber Mike

  1. Will, your work is fantastic! Super impressive that this is your first build, wow! To give the copper a little patina, there are some solutions out there that might work. I think they are typically used for things like getting an antique patina on lamps, but seems like it could work here as well. I picked up a bottle but haven't yet tried it. https://caswellplating.com/metal-finishing-solutions/antiquing-solutions.html
  2. Sorry to come late to this log, but wow, you're doing a great job and that diorama is looking fantastic! Glad to see that others are working in the 1/700 scale - I really enjoyed mine and have a stack of others to start working on. The subjects are a lot more varied especially on the auxiliary side.
  3. Awesome work Greg! At first I thought you joined a few of us crazies in the 1/700 pool, but then noticed this was 1/350. Either way, a fantastic build, congratulations!
  4. Another beauty Greg, nice job!! Can I ask what paint and color you used for the white? I really like it as it's not stark white.
  5. I love the look of the natural wood - nice job! My kit is one of the later editions which includes a wooden deck. I asked Parkins about using it, and he thought it would be better to paint the PE deck instead. Personally, I would prefer actual wood rather than trying to replicate it at this scale with paint.
  6. Thanks for posting those pictures, really appreciate it! The model seems to be in the configuration of the Matchbox kit, and from what I can tell, might be consistent with this picture below from May 1942, a month after HMS Arabis was transferred to the US and renamed as the Saucy: The picture above is from the link below, a great summary with profiles of some of the US flower corvettes: http://www.cbrnp.com/RNP/Flower/ARTICLES/USN_Flowers.htm From that link, a suggestion that the Saucy later was reconfigured as shown in your last picture: The first batch of US Flowers replaced the forward Mk.IX 4" gun with a US 4" gun with no shield, and the 2pdr in the bandstand aft was replaced by a 3"/50 in a new location at the extreme end of the engine room casing. US SG radar eventually replaced the RN Type 271 radar. The later ships carried 3"/50 guns both fore and aft. Since I have both the 1/144 and 1/72 kits, I'd prefer not to build both as the Snowberry (I can also build the HMS Campanula with my 1/72 version). Also, I seem to like torturing myself by not building OOB, so I'd like to convert one (or both) to US corvettes. The Saucy seems the easiest conversion, particularly with the 1/72 kit which I believe has the extra parts for it. But, given the relatively lack of pictures and plans, and the need to get lettering and other decals, I don't know if I will go through with that idea. Would be fun to also do the USS Fury... ...or the USS Tenacity in either of her camo schemes: The USS Intensity would require a lot of scratch building given that the ship was based on the modified endurance version of the flower class corvette:
  7. Ensign 3 - Flower class Corvettes by Anthony Preston and Alan Raven has drawings for Buttercup and Begonia.
  8. Thanks for posting that. Interesting! And prior to it's designation as the USS Saucy, it was the HMS Arabis: https://www.tapatalk.com/groups/theflowerclasscorvetteforums/viewtopic.php?t=670
  9. Yeah not sure about the colors. Here is a picture I found of the Saucy - the camo looks a little different from the Matchbox instructions (maybe it was repainted at some point).
  10. Thanks for passing along the source. I have been recently picking up resin upgrades as well. Expensive for sure, but will save time and aggravation in trying to bend two-dimensional PE to create guns, rangefinders, etc. I had enough of that on my destroyer - I couldn't imagine doing that for a cruiser or battleship! By the way, along with Fine Molds, you can get resin parts from a number of outfits, including Five Star, North Star, Black Cat, Veteran Models, etc. across all scales - 1:700, 1:350, 1:200, 1:144, etc. I don't want to think about how much I've dropped on those sets, but for some things like guns, I think having resin or 3D printed will look much better as the barrels for example will be tubes and not 2D representations. You can also look to outfits like Master barrels who combine resin/plastic with brass PE and barrels. I just picked up some sets to upgrade the guns on my Gambier Bay. I also saw that Fine Molds makes resin upgrade sets for particular ships. One stop box to fully upgrade your model. Here's one they did for the Ise in 1/700 that I was excited to find: I wish Veteran came out with more sets like this one - talk about pimping out a 1/700 kit! 11 PE frets, 28 brass barrels, and more that 200 resin parts! I happened to see it randomly on eBay for a steal and quickly bought it. Set was from 2009, and for some reason, Veteran didn't do too many other sets like this. http://www.modelwarships.com/reviews/pe/veteran/vta700002-kongo/vtm-review.html Ultimately, hopefully Flyhawk and others will come out with more all-in-one boxes with full upgrades. Five Star and Niko are doing that in releasing 1/700 resin hulls with full PE and resin/plastic upgrades. Otherwise, it's a bit exhausting trying to source various upgrades, particularly when you have to match them to a particular kit. Fujimi for example might have half a dozen different iterations of the same ship so you need to be a little careful when picking out the PE to match the kit (or vice versa).
  11. Nice work with the sanding down of the hull and deck. I have to say, when I saw that GLS suggests you do that, I almost didn't get the kit! It will be all downhill (in a good way) from there! Thanks for posting those pictures from the instructions. Very helpful! Here are some of the color profiles from the old Matchbox instructions. I'm happy to delete them if you don't want them cluttering up your log (if so, my apologies in advance!). The instructions also show the minor differences in the parts construction here and there - happy to send or post them here if you'd like to see.
  12. From the pictures, it looks pretty good to me. Hard to tell how low the stern is in the water but overall I would say it's looking great or at least very close. I know there are some people that are sticklers on this who hopefully will give their thoughts. Can I ask - in cutting the bottom as you did, I see there is an open hole in the bottom. My guess is that the hole would be perfectly fine using your sea approach of a styrofoam base. I'd probably be a little nervous with a hole if using liquid resin to create the sea. I have been thinking about sea approaches for some of my models, and have always wondered about cutting the bottom of the hull as you did.
  13. Fantastic work on the sea - looks fantastic! Hope you don't mind me following your log. I have this kit (I think I might have the Platinum edition which includes a wooden deck and some PE upgrades) along with the Parkins upgrades. I also have the Revell 1:144 version with the Pontos upgrade. Was thinking of doing the 1:144 as the Snowberry and the 1:72 as the USS Saucy just to mix it up a bit. Interestingly, I found an electronic copy of the old Matchbox kit instructions which covered the Saucy along with the Snowberry and Bluebell. Seems that the Revell kit -- which my version only includes the Snowberry and Campanula -- might include the Saucy pieces, which I think were only a few minor differences in the bridge and then a different rear gun platform (putting aside numbering and other decal-type differences). Otherwise, I might try to build both as USS ships. There are some cool ships like the USS Fury, USS Restless, and USS Tenacity. Just a matter of doing the research and trying to figure out what the differences are, which is probably easier said than done.
  14. Thanks for the warning Kevin, really appreciate it! Good timing on your post too - last few days I've been working on the model. Ended up getting some additional a la carte upgrade pieces from Five Star and Alliance Model Works and ended up replacing the kit capstan and bollards with brass ones. Looking a lot crisper now. I'm just about to the stage to paint the hull. It's a bit of a planning exercise to figure out how much to put on the model before painting the IJN gray, given that this ship has linoleum sections as well. Want to put as much as I can now so I don't have to paint them separately and add them later, but want to be careful not to install parts at this stage that might get broken off later in my hands.
  15. Can I ask which outfit has those drawings? Would be an awesome ship to build in a larger scale from scratch. I have the 1/700 and 1/350, maybe 1/200 would be fun. 1/72 seems way too big, though I don't think this ship is very big so maybe it won't top out at 5' like the 1/200 Bismarck.
  16. Hey Craig, good choice of subject! That was the first 1/700 kit I bought due to the quirkiness of the design. Of course it then spiraled from there and now I have too many 1/700 kits. I'm going to do a few more before I tackle this one though. I have some of the Model Art japanese mags in case you need additional pictures. In terms of aftermarket, Artist Hobby makes a really nice super upgrade set under set number AH 670003. I bought mine from this seller in China - have ordered multiple times from them to pimp out my 1/700 kits, and never had a problem. It might have a little more detail than the Tetra Model set you have. https://www.ebay.com/itm/172860032487 I have the 1/350 Snowman Models resin kit. I got it for a good deal last year, but saw how pricey it is now. It's interesting in that it comes in a wooden box. The resin is very nice, and it has resin and PE parts as you mentioned. I believe it's a re-pop of a Hasegawa resin kit from 2009: http://resin-model-kit.com/snow_man_resin_kit_1_350_ijn_seaplane_tender_akitsushima_1942_sr_3501.htm https://www.1999.co.jp/eng/10508022 http://www.modelwarships.com/reviews/ships/ijn/cv/hsg-350-akit/hsg-review.html There is also a 1/72 Airfix kit of the Akitsushima. Have never seen it on eBay though or anywhere else. I did come across this log of someone who scratch built one (I can't tell if he actually bought the Airfix kit or was just noting it was out there): Start of build log: https://inchhighguy.wordpress.com/2018/12/09/1-72-akitsushima-秋津洲-ijn-seaplane-tender-scratchbuild-part-i/ Final: https://inchhighguy.wordpress.com/2018/12/28/ijn-seaplane-tender-akitsushima-秋津洲-1-72-scale-scratchbuilt-pictures-1-of-3/
  17. Awesome job man, congratulations! Love the name and the colors. Thanks for sharing the journey!
  18. I didn’t think Gator’s Glue would have a good enough grab on such a tiny surface area, will have to try it, thanks! First time I tried it I didn’t know what I was doing, but have used it a few times on my 1/350 build and really like it - until I spilled half the bottle on my desk 🤬
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