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    Liverpool UK

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  1. Must have been tricky getting that part of the build done
  2. Nice little build you have ended up with Bryan I like the upper planking idea you went with, still lets in enough light to the lower areas. The light is a nice little touch as is the details added to the table, Nice creaking sound affects on your videos too :)
  3. I would go with the natural brass look too. but coat it with clear varnish to keep it shiny
  4. I think they are Clew lines and Buntlines Check this out https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clewlines_and_buntlines
  5. Hi Mr Pucko That planking has let the whole thing down, up to now the quality of your parts looked really nice but those planks are really bad, if i were you i would email them those pictures and request replacements now, you may get them before you get to the stage they are needed
  6. The hatch looks great, nice and tidy Is your "happy song" the same one i use
  7. Thanks Popeye You're right there was not to much left to do once the second planking was on
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