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Everything posted by cobra1951

  1. Nice job Bryan Those hammocks are definitely a bit of a pain, mostly because of the folded edges making them stiff The reason the plans and booklet differ is the plans are from the original kits, when they did an update they added the booklet but did not change the plans to reflect the changes they made, but it all works out in the end as you have found
  2. Cobwebs! not sure, i think he has a spider doing his rigging The homemade preventers look great Mike
  3. I like the white tips You can always trust a coat of paint to show up any imperfections.
  4. Tried to sneak this one past me eh! This looks like another good little kit, i like the way Marisstella design the way their stuff fits together Good luck with your build
  5. Thanks Sirius The filler is just some cheap stuff from my local store
  6. Yes the whole hull will be covered by the second planking
  7. Thanks Carl Still a few dimples in the bum to sort out
  8. Thanks Zoltan Elbow is throbbing i forgot the warm up exercises
  9. Thanks Paul Can't decide weather i would rather bend or sand, all i know is when you first look at it before sanding the first thought in your mind is "no way is that going to become the right shape" But it does
  10. Thanks Robin Looks a bit better than my arm muscles do right now
  11. While i am waiting for the bow filler blocks to arrive i decided to carry on with the stern Filler parts added and some filler added to the planking Stern sanded and shaped and a bit more filler added
  12. Thanks Frank the trick is not gluing yourself to the hull too
  13. I think the one you are talking about is called a heart not a deadeye
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