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Gone, but not forgotten
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Everything posted by GLakie

  1. Glad you're on the mend Mike! I know the feeling well about the numbness after a break and a cut on my left index. Stayed numb for a few years after it healed, but the really weird thing was that even though it was numb all the time, when exposed to a winter's cold, it would sting like heck before any of the other extremities did.
  2. A real nice looking rudder Mark! At least your "Helper" brought it back. I'm afraid my cat would find it and knock it around for a while, probably never to be seen again.
  3. 82's all? Heck you still got plenty of miles left on you Piet!
  4. We can't be too old Patrick as I remember those(Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea and the Thunderbirds) as being some of my favorite shows also!
  5. I've done landscaping work in the past, and there's nothing easy about it Piet! Lots of "bullwork" involved! If I was closer, I'd give you a hand, but since I can't, I would hope you can find some down there. Just don't "over-do" it, because we don't want to hear of a hospital visit OK? Cheers
  6. For sure a lot to absorb all at once Nenad. All I can say is get back into what's normal for you at your own pace. No point in rushing into anything!
  7. Very nice bit of metal-fabrication Michael, and a great detail to add!
  8. The hull looks great now Dennis! Looking forward to what you come up with next!
  9. The new rails look great Dave! It looks like you have your work cut out for you with the stern there, but I know you've got a handle on it.
  10. Thanks for sharing your technique Chuck. It looks fantastic with your professionally laid rope!
  11. It's a shame about the quality of the parts they supply, when compared to what they charge for the kit!
  12. They turned out excellent Chuck, and the metal finish on the barrels looks so realistic!
  13. I'm definitely baffled because they looked so good. It's a bummer they had to be re-done Ken, but a lesson for all of us I think!
  14. Looking good Jesse! Hope you're feeling better sooner rather than later!
  15. The scroll-work on the head rails looks great Piet! And I admire your perseverance with those little knight-head guys. Doesn't look easy at that scale, by any stretch.
  16. Congratulations Danny! I know what it's like to not sleep in an actual bed for long periods. Hope all goes smoothly!
  17. Looking splendid Ken! Makes me want to get going on mine every time I look in!
  18. Very clever design for the jig Chuck! Am I right in assuming the notches for the trunnions are left with the laser-char there for a better fit?
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