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Gone, but not forgotten
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Everything posted by GLakie

  1. Sad news indeed Nenad. You have my sympathies Sir!
  2. I think your wheel turned out splendid Nenad!
  3. Being of Celtic background myself, I admire and respect the tribute to your heritage Jack. She looks great!
  4. Must be nice Piet! Being down there with all that nice warm weather and able to do gardening this time of year. We should be getting a taste of some 60° temps next week finally!
  5. The shrouds and stay look great Bob! She's looking mighty sharp!
  6. It's a choice to make depending on what you intend to do with it Walt. I only bought mine because somewhere along the line, I plan to to be scratch-building more and more parts, before diving into the "Dark Side". Building fully-framed models. There's plenty of uses for a drill press as well.
  7. A mill offers vertical and horizontal accuracy along with being better suited to handle the lateral stress, than a drill presses' bearings will.
  8. Nice work-around with the rigging Sal! Very nice!
  9. That was a great rudder assembly tutorial Ken! Very nicely done!
  10. Nice work fitting all those little pieces between the beams Dave. Looks great coming together.
  11. Gotta agree with the other guys Mike! The swelling's a dead give-away for an infection. I've got my own stories I won't get into now, but suffice to say, if you see a red line crawling up your arm from your hand, don't wait until it reaches your shoulder before going in. Blood poisoning's nothing to mess with.
  12. The stern looks splendid Mark. Getting the rest of that taffrail closed up sets her off and gives it that "almost" done feel!
  13. Looking good Tom! It's got to be some pretty tedious/repetitive work on all these cannon!
  14. Ouch!! Looks like that one might need a couple stitches there Mike.
  15. A cheaper way to buy those #11's is by the 100-pack. Amazon has them for around $20, making them about 20¢ apiece, and easier to toss when they start getting dull.
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