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Everything posted by GLakie

  1. I don't really think there is a big difference except for the color. If you want a darker color without staining, then the pear would be a good choice, but the boxwood can be stained.
  2. You're off to a great start Dennis! I know exactly what you mean about contaminating your work area with the brake-fluid. When I started painting cars, I found out early on, that things like that, and even just opening a tube of silicone gasket putty in the same room, will cause fish-eye and the paint won't stick properly. Thanks for pointing out all those little details that most of us would probably over-look. Cheers
  3. Boy oh boy, you've been busy Tom! You're doing a fine job with the gun-deck furnishings. Not sure yet, to what extent I'll show the gun-deck, but have a lot of ideas floating around in this cavity I call a head. Cheers
  4. The oil really brings out the finish nicely Robb! Nice job fitting the stern-post. Cheers
  5. Great job on those shrouds, stays, and ratlines Frank. Outstanding! Cheers
  6. Seems like a good method to me Vince. Toothpicks are going on my list of household items to get when I start mine. On a side note, this is when you might want to pick up a side-hobby, just to break up the monotony of doing 8,000 tree-nails.
  7. Nice job on the fix Jesse! Don't you just love it when a plan comes together the way you want? Cheers
  8. The ladders will have to go there.Those are visual problems you'll encounter, that can't be fixed if you follow the ship's design Nenad. Some stuff will be hidden. She looks great, and I'm glad your Admiral is feeling better. Cheers
  9. She looks great Sal! You're doing a fine job! Cheers
  10. Well, like they keep saying Dave, "We are our own worst critics", but from our perspective, I honestly think it looks like you're doing a bang-up job, and you shouldn't be so hard on yourself.
  11. Nice job on those gun-ports Vince! Good luck with the tree-nailing. Cheers
  12. Looks great for a "practice" run Dave. I can't see anything that needs to really be hidden from view. Cheers
  13. It seems Revell makes the 1/25 scale kit Dennis. Not sure which version you're looking for. This one's the "Batman Forever" version. http://www.amazon.com/Revell-Batman-Forever-Batboat-Plastic/dp/B004G3OALC
  14. Not sure about that one Jesse. I know there's a thread about glues, but I don't know if any of it covers your question specifically.
  15. Looks great Danny, but I wouldn't have expected any thing else. Like we used to say in the building trades, " If you do a really good job once, they'll expect it all the time".
  16. I hear that Jesse. Just don't let it frustrate you too much. If it's wood, it can be repaired or replaced fairly easily.
  17. I'm no expert but the smaller the stuff you're soldering, the less heat you need for it to take solder. Candle fire is at a temp of 1400C or 2600F where a torch is 3000.
  18. You're doing an awesome job tackling those filler-block head on there Captain. I can see myself making a trip up to the yumber-lard to grab me up some extra balsa blocks, just to allow for the inevitable goofs. Can't wait to start mine, but still too much to do. I'll be doing some posting in about a month though to show what I'm building. Cheers
  19. Sounds like it'd be a blast! 8 days of sun, bikinis, and plenty of sauce. Any stop-offs?
  20. Some awesome looking firepower there Matt! It'd be cool if they let you board her, provided it stays there long enough. You might want to check on the "boys" Matt! It's been pretty quiet around here lately, and that means they've either been really busy, or they did something to get themselves locked up. Might have to spring 'em.
  21. Thanks Robb! Calling people by their avatar name just isn't the same. Yup! --Kids always know just what to say. Grey Lab? Good dog and great with kids. Cheers
  22. Congrats on reaching this milestone Mr.Angus!! The planking looks marvelous and shouldn't need a whole lot of sanding anyway, so I'd say just get her smooth and then stop. Acetone used sparsely should clean up a little CA, just not so much it de-bonds your planking. Great job man!
  23. Well for the Syren I was talking about the instruction manual. It's way more detailed than the book I got with the Constitution. But there's the ones for his Cheerful, specifically, Chapter 3, that goes into detail about hull planking. Applicable to about any ship. Those are downloadable right on his site. He just goes into much more detail, or explains things better, for Confederacy, Cheerful, Syren, and the Winchelsea which is also on my list when he gets it done.
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