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Everything posted by GLakie

  1. I gotta say I'm still at odds with which way to depict her. I'm leaning toward the "As Launched in 1797" method since there seems to be a little more info to go by, but I haven't made up my mind yet. Cheers
  2. Nice job on those gratings Ken! You're doing a marvelous job on her! Cheers
  3. Nice job on the guns Tom! She's coming together now. You mentioned the Constitution CD. I've yet to find that during my browsing. Where should I look for it? Cheers
  4. Your hammock stanchions look great Boyd, and from looking at what you've already accomplished, I believe your intentions are producing some fantastic results. Cheers
  5. Those carvings and lanterns turned out really well! Love all that fine detail! Cheers
  6. Nice work Sal! I like what you did with the scuppers, and a nice clean, tight fit on the bridle-port and gun-ports. Cheers
  7. I agree with that. It takes about an hour to go through and setting guide-bearings, thrust-bearings, making sure the wheels are running true with the blade centered. Then squaring up the table in the X and Y directions to the blade. These are things that need to be done with any of them to ensure good performance.
  8. Hi Piet! Just started going over your log from the beginning. Made it through page 1 in about a half-hour or so. Very nice work! A gallion-style ship is an interesting subject for an old history student like me. Should be all caught up in a day or so, and looking forward to seeing you start back to work on her. Cheers
  9. This has been a marvelous build to follow Piet! Not only detailed and informative, but inspirational as well. So I'll see you over at the VOC ship! Cheers
  10. A few months ago, I picked up this Rikon 10" band saw model # 10-305, and found it to be really quiet, which is important here in an apartment type setting. It came with a 1/4" x 70-1/2" blade and 4 tpi, and will cut stock 4-15/16" thick. They run around $300 US. They are all steel and cast, with no plastic, a 1/3 horse motor at 3.5 amps, and come with a 5 year warranty. They are 77lbs, and as I said very quiet, not bolted down, and setting on wood.
  11. Ah!!! From what I've seen, you won't have any problem at all Matt!!!
  12. I'm glad your Admiral is feeling better Nenad, but sorry to hear of your Mother. Keep the faith my friend, that things will work out OK ! Best wishes for your Admiral and your Mom.
  13. Looks like it'll be a fun project Greg!
  14. Hi Matt! Been wondering what you've been up to. It seems like the differences between your pirate ship and the cannon are going to require some serious gun-port mods no matter what. I think I'd be more inclined to go with the size it says it is on the cannon's box rather than what some guy says on YouTube though. Those cannon all pretty much look alike except for the size, so instead of a 12 pndr, call it say, a 32 pndr. to more match the scale of the ship.
  15. It's a pleasure to watch an artist at work Dennis. And "just more sick ideas"? Almost all great ideas start with a bunch of bad ones at first. Edit: Whenever you get the "stare", all you can do at that point is give in. Anything else is futile! Cheers
  16. Oh I know and understand all that Mark. I guess I was trying to point out my lack of enough knowledge about it to offer any kind of critique at all. Cheers
  17. Critiques, laughing out loud? You're kidding right? Every time I look in at your scratch-build, and others for that matter, I feel like the wide-eyed kid, the first time going to a fair or something. I can only hope to learn something by watching these go up, and some day hopefully, start one of my own. It's amazing to me how much work actually goes into these, and from what I see, you're doing a bang-up job.
  18. On this day---05/09/1926, LCDR Richard Byrd and Chief Machinist Mate Floyd Bennett make first flight over North Pole; both receive Congressional Medal of Honor. On this day---05/09/1942, USS Wasp in Mediterranean launches 47 Spitfire aircraft to help defend Malta.
  19. Those are some nice looking sheaves Michael! Good catch on the fix!
  20. Oh ok!! The "Glass" stickers through me off for a minute. I was thinking you were going with Plexi originally. Because of the weight and safety issues, I'll be doing the same. I am curious as to how difficult it will be to take apart to change a panel down the road, if need be.
  21. That's good in case of the off chance they might have to be removed to straighten the keel, but my fingers are crossed, and hoping that won't be necessary.
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