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Gone, but not forgotten
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Everything posted by GLakie

  1. When I wake up and my coffee stares back at me, I just go back to bed for a while longer. When it starts talking back,-----run!
  2. Happy Birthday Boyd! May it be a safe and memorable one. Cheers
  3. Hi Ken: I know when I was doing body work, that on a car, that spot putty has to be spread over primer to stick. Does the same apply to wood, or can it be applied directly to bare wood?
  4. Doing a great job on her Larry. That improvised smoke-stack and the rail-tension wires look fine. Cheers
  5. You're doing a splendid job on her Augie, and I have to echo what the other guys said about those nasty cast wheels. Nice work! Not looking forward to making my ten spoke ones presentable.
  6. That's some lovely work you're doing on the decks Jay. Interesting too! Cheers
  7. I might have been a little premature in my "nice job on the repairs" statement Danny, but I already knew you'd have her back ship-shape in no time. But we have to remember Pud's in training and mistakes are inevitable. He's going to be a great helper, specializing in rigging.
  8. Nice job on the repairs Danny! Pud's rigging ability currently leaves something to be desired, but he's learning. Remember, practice makes perfect.
  9. Extra steps and work are obviously worth the effort Thomas, as the proof is in the end result. One that we all strive for.
  10. I'm glad your Admiral feels better Nenad. That a good looking cathead and view of the river. Cheers
  11. Wow! Sorry Dave. Didn't realize they were that far off. Good to know you've got a handle on it though.
  12. That's some lovely detail you've put into those carronades Thomas. Beautiful!
  13. The gun-ports look good Jesse! Here's what I do before starting to work with sharp objects. Since I know in advance I'll be cut anyway, I just put band-aids on all of the vulnerable areas first, so when I start to bleed, it doesn't get all over my project. Cheers
  14. I'm in the process of building a "work desk", and the height I'm making it is 30" with a 3' x 5' surface area. But I adjusted the height according to the rolling arm-chairs I'll be sitting in. They're not adjustable, but comfortable. I already have a few work-benches that are higher, for either standing or stool.
  15. Nice work Robb! That tung-oil really makes the hull planking pop! Cheers
  16. She's looking mighty fine Boyd, mighty fine! Cheers
  17. I'd start with a smaller bit at a higher speed and slower feed rate. Try to make a small hole at first, going all the way through, then feed the larger bits in from both directions. Leave the hole smaller and finalize the size with a file. There's probably other methods out there as well, but this is one way I've seen people use on these smaller scales that seems to work well.
  18. Any wood should take stain after a mineral spirit bath. Let it dry good, then put stain on it. Oil stain preferably. I've yet to run into any wood that can't be stained. I will say that I've found some woods have to soak it up for a longer period than others before wiping it off. I will add that this product is more or less made for denser woods. It's called the Wood Essence - ColorFX wood tone dye kit I think.
  19. You don't owe us an apology Bob. More times than not, life just isn't fair, and sometimes it helps to just vent. I know this first hand. We've all been pulling for Nenad, and he knows we all care, and we'll offer up all the support we can. We all have our crosses to bear, but having friends here takes at least some of the load off. Cheers
  20. Was just boring around the web Dennis, and found this Titanic paint reference for modelers. You've probably already seen it, but just in case: http://titanic-model.com/paint/
  21. I actually didn't know about the brake-fluid and loosening chrome thing myself, just the contaminating the paint-space.
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