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Gone, but not forgotten
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Everything posted by GLakie

  1. That's lighter than I thought it would be. Glass is heavy, especially 1/4" safety-glass. My measurements will be at 52" L x 20" D x 34" H.
  2. It might have been straight before the bulkheads were installed Jesse. I've seen a lot of other guys use a build-board during this phase to keep the former straight during drying, not unlike the vise-clamp you have set up now, only on a board. Did you use PVA glue on those bulkheads?
  3. They turned out great Ken. Nice! Not sure about the opening, but since she's still out there, or at least the replica, maybe there's some pictures of her on the net.
  4. She's got some height to her now Mike! Very nice! Good idea with the assembly jig for the masts. Yes, you're a better man than me, as I'd have real difficulty giving her away, opposed to keeping it in the family. I'll definitely be interested in seeing the case go up. I'll probably go with them as well, since their prices seem to be much more reasonable.
  5. I agree. That's some nice use of the nylon twine around the windows. Clever!
  6. That chain looks fantastic Nenad! Best wishes for your Admiral! Your house won't be empty for long! Cheers
  7. You're right Dennis, the fuel drums kind of give her that finished look, but I know better. She looks marvelous. Love the over-all shots! Cheers
  8. It sure is a beautiful job you're doing on her Michael, and if it was me, with this model, I'd have a really tough time parting with it. I think I'd dedicate one whole corner in my living room for her to be displayed, ---and shown off!
  9. Yup! ------ That goes without saying Nenad. As long as there's fight, there's hope.
  10. You're going right to town on those carvings Dave. Nice work! Cheers
  11. That was a fitting tribute to a great guy Ed. We all live on through the stories that are told of us, and that was a good one!
  12. This tool seems like a good method, combining the plum-bob and protractor in one tool.
  13. Nice job on the rudder Ken! Thanks for sharing your methods with us! Cheers
  14. That might work!-------Hmmmm---Maybe paint some adhesive on it so when they land, they don't bounce into places unknown! Something else that just came to mind is, using one of those lint-rollers to roll on the carpet to find un-seen things.
  15. It's those end-grain joints. They never hold without some kind of re-enforcement. I use dowel or biscuits on a larger scale. Pretty tough with a tiny scale. Good idea with the tooth-pick.
  16. I like your method for dealing with those tiny blocks Larry. I sense trouble in my up-coming build since my assembly area is carpeted. In fact, the whole apartment is carpeted except for the kitchen.
  17. That's some nice engineering in miniature Matt! I think you and Buck are competing for who can make the tiniest.
  18. It's a great place for her. I like the picture behind her. Cheers
  19. She's coming along nicely Ken. And yes---Blow dryer is a good idea. That's why she's the Admiral and gets the big bucks.
  20. Love the "half-furled" look of it Frank. Looks great in place, and leaves more of that marvelous detail visible, while not taking away from the look of functionality. Very nice work! Cheers
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