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Everything posted by Shazmira

  1. WOW, the biggest challenge so far is the tiny size. I am struggling to just get those first two strakes on each side. This thing is so small there is nothing to hang on to and grip. I can't even imagine a man's hand doing this.
  2. You guys are a hoot! I love the excitement that comes from just knowing someone is watching and cheering, and correcting when necessary (often). Randy, honestly, it is a bit nerve wracking knowing Chuck can peek in at any time . Does add a certain stress level to the build. I am just so hoping I can take the things I learned from the SF and put them to work here. The challenge this time is to only have to do the planking ONCE instead of 3 times lol. Thanks Augie. No cats indoors so I will go down to the laundry room and "hang some weights from the ceiling" to stretch the rope when it gets here. Tim...have plans for a real shipyard...and am hoping that Brynes saw is on its way...Then you have me...well...after the Syren, then off to the dark side. Although I do have my eyes on 3 other kits atm...Occre Endeavour Bark, Euro Model Mordaunt, and MS Flying fish. But, there is no rule that says I cant do kits and scratch at the same time!!! I plan to be doing this until the day I die, and don't have plans for that happening any time soon, so I can dream BIG!!
  3. Don't tease me, if this morope doesn't bring better results I WILL head west lol.
  4. Augie...how do you suggest I stretch the rope? I was not aware that would be an issue with morope. And thanks for the ca tip.
  5. First, good morning everyone Attached the false keel and the stem, then filed and sanded some more on the rabbet to rid it of excess glue and such. Got all the bulkheads installed last night took my time to ensure each one was level, straight, and square by using some cut up dowel to hold the spacing. Woke up this morning and it all looks good to me. Now is time to do a bit of fairing to the bulkhead edges. Oh yes, and I need to add a pin to the stem piece to stabilize and reinforce it, then it is on to planking Yippee, happy dance time
  6. Harley, I just picked up a can of Minwax wood conditioner at the hardware store...was told by Chuck and others that is works like a charm; especially, on wood like basswood. It keeps the wood from looking blotchy when you add paint or stain. I do tend to draw a bit of a crowd for some reason. I think it is my unsinkable Molly Brown attitude. When I screw up...which I do often...I just tear it apart and do it again and don't allow those setbacks to ruin my fun. And I LOVE the learning curve here...keeps me working on things. Even my SF which is on hold waiting for a morope order is not going to get me down. I will redo the rigging and get her finished before the summer is over!!! Jan, you will find wherever Sjors is, there is always popcorn. And when Mark is around as well, the bar is usually open!
  7. Are you serious Augie, this is your first rigging job? WOW! you know what I am just going to drive the SF to you and let you do her shrouds for me...you live close enough it will just make for a nice day trip.
  8. It is amazing how as the build grows so does your vocabulary...but then if you are like me, you move to the next step and forget all over again lol.
  9. No problem Andy, I will figure something out, I do appreciate the time and effort you put into helping me...Come see me at the longboat site..going to take a couple days off here, while I wait for my morope order
  10. I get what you mean about impatience...but a word of warning...what you do now will have lasting effects down the road, so be sure.
  11. Chuck S. Thank you for that reminder...I remember reading about that in your log. Unfortunately, I forgot about that and have already started installing the bulkheads...But I think in the morning after I have given everything a chance to dry well I will try to drill and put a piece of wire down the length to hopefully give it the extra strength it needs. Thanks to everyone, for jumping over from the SF, and thank you all for your kind words of encouragement. It warms my heart to know I haven't let you all down by taking a break for a bit from the SF and regrouping and recharging before I go back to finish her up. Augie, weather is frightful here today...nasty storms, lots of rain, some hail, flash floods, and tornado warnings. Lord knows the farmers need the rain desperately, but this type of stuff has me rather concerned and keeping a close eye on the sky. I have never lived outside of town, so there will be no hearing tornado sirens out here on the farm...gotta be honest, it has me a bit nervous... I have a question...Do I have to paint the hull white??? Is there any rule that says I can't leave it the natural wood if I want to? I have no problem with the red, but totally dislike the look of the white hull. If something says I have to paint it, then can I paint it some other color?
  12. Joining the build here. I have been delaying my start as I was afraid of the rabbet. I have never needed to worry about this before but it is time for the plunge. Took the first move and beveled the edge as the instructions say...not without first sending a PM to Chuck for some guidance. Luckily he is a nice guy and answered my stupid questions. Gave it a light sanding to remove any grooves from the chisel I then treated the pieces with wood conditioner. I like the little bit of color the conditioner brings out as compared to an unconditioned piece. I also used 320 grit paper to remove the burn marks from all the bulkheads and have conditioned them as well. I don't plan to stain my build, I really like the color of the natural wood, but I do like what the conditioner does to the wood, so I plan to continue using it on the other pieces as well. Now...time to add glue to the mix....
  13. Ken, just stumbled across your log, not quite sure how I missed it before. beautiful work, and the details are stunning!!!
  14. Thanks for the encouragement everyone. I really stressed over this decision. I know I can finish the build as it is, and I also know the sails and yards are going to cover up most of these upper shrouds anyway....but there is that part of me that would know...and I am craving that sense of accomplishment when she is done. I am afraid if I leave it as it is, I just won't get that feeling and she will be more an embarrassment than an accomplishment and I have too many hours invested, not to mention the pint of blood lol, to finish her off as an embarrassment. Eric, I just worry that my control of the dremel will not be good enough to drill the nests in place...I guess I could try, if I break a mast then I am not really much further behind than if I tear them all apart....I will think on that for a day. Michael, I wish I could offer you what she is worth, but my price limit runs in the $40 range and I am betting you want more for it than that.
  15. That fix was worth the time Adrieke...looks wonderful. now when Sjors and I stumble out of the bar I don't have to worry about Sjors slipping through that gap and landing on the deck below
  16. Very nice work, and welcome to the SF club. Interesting way of assembling this model....so many thing I would have done differently as well if I knew then what I know now!!! Way to look ahead!!!
  17. no rake...and rat lines are a piece of cake, I enjoyed the heck out of mine
  18. Ropewalk....well I really like the idea of making my own, any color, any thickness....they really are pretty simple to make. But honestly Randy, it is the serving machine I want to make, and Michael yours looks great!!! I will buy it from you lol. Randy, I have a heck of a time serving my lines so they look neat...maybe it is because my right hand still doesn't work right yet, but I am not happy with the look I get. Mark suggested that cheap ropewalk from ME so I could use the gears on it to make one like Andy did. I thinnk it is time to put the SF aside for awhile. I messed around on the upper shrouds all day yesterday and I have run into multiple problems with them. I don't like the replacement thread I purchased over the weekend (I have ordered some from Morope, and it shipped today). But the issues are bigger than that. I wasn't real pleased with my channels that hold my lower deadeyes to begin with....I believe I need to space the "holes" further apart to get better spacing on my shroud lines. on the upper shroud lines...at the base I am only about an inch wide...that just doesn't seem, wide enough...it makes the rat lines look stupid, because they are just too close together. I made the mistake of following the instructions so I have nothing to attach the upper shroud lines lower dead eye to except the tops of the lower shroud lines.....things just don't lay well at all and everything wants to twist and turn. I should have drilled holes through the crows nests so those deadeyes have something to set firmly on. I don't believe I can drill the holes now with the masts fully assembled without breaking something. My best bet I believe is to cut off all my rigging, soften the glue holding the masts in place and take them out. Then soak the assembled masts (fore and main) in acetone to separate all the pieces without damaging anything. I will also make new channels with better spacing, and new chainplates (NOT twisted wire). this way I can assemble my masts as I work my way upwards. I think that will bring a better and neater looking result. I have not been happy with either of my attempts at shroud lines thus far, so perhaps the third time will be the charm. I know, I know, the end was in site. Finish the main mast upper shrouds and it was down to putting on the sails and calling it good. Part of me wanted to just call it all "good enough" and finish...but I don't want to be ashamed of the finished build either. So tomorrow I will start the longboat, while I wait for my morope order and as I get to places on the longboat where I have to wait for things to dry, or bend I will come back to the pieces on the SF. No fear, I will finish her, but even though I have deemed her my learning build, I still want something I can be proud of when she is done!!
  19. Eric, looks good, and smart move on the line. I have decided to tear all my rigging out and start over, I am just not happy with what was supplied in the kit.
  20. Danny I just never get tired of looking in at your build. everything always looks neat and crisp...I strive to reach that level in my lifetime.
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