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Everything posted by Shazmira

  1. Tree nails look great Sherry, I simulated as well, used a really small drill bit and a #5 pencil led, worked for what I wanted.
  2. What Adrieke said, usually takes a couple water baths, until you have the bend you need.
  3. Awww Sjors, I was expecting to come home from my birthday weekend and see them all done. But a break sounds like a good thing. She will sit patiently and wait for you!
  4. Thanks Tim, appreciate you stopping by for a peek again. I have been working on those upper shrouds, but last night as I was finishing the last of the deadeye jigs, and seizing the lower ropes to the bottom deadeyes, I realized that my furry pug vacuum once again has eaten something I need, This time he managed to scarf down 6 of the 8 shroud lines I had cut and served. I do not have anymore of the rope left for these to make more, so I am at a standstill.
  5. Not scared away Andy, I am heading back to Nebraska for the Memorial weekend So on Saturday I will be at model train store. Taking my list with me. Thank you so much for the help!
  6. Your shrouds look great Sjors, the next will be even more improved! See, never too old to learn new tricks!
  7. Beautiful work as always Buck, yes, I like the minimalist approach as well, the first photo to me, seems out of scale, my eye is drawn to the centerboard and I miss the rest of the gorgeous build. But that is just a girl's view of things. So what is your next build btw, and do you have any others on here that I can look at? Your wood working skills are top notch so I wish to learn from one of the best.
  8. Yes, now sjors and I have some more stairs to travel on our trips to the bar. Keep it going Adrieke, I am really enjoying watching this build take shape.
  9. Wow, amazing how the same kit has different items in it! At least you got a complete spool. My thread came wrapped around a piece of cardboard and as I said in my log I only had enough of the ratline thread to do 1 1/2 of the 10 shrouds wtf... I replaced with embroidery thread as that is all I have access to here. Not the best thing, but useable for this build.
  10. That is a great price, you will have to report back on the quality of the rope for me. Green thread??? I thought you were kidding, I got brown and tan.
  11. Hint...coat the last half inch of the thread with CA...let dry thoroughly, then snip the end to a point...goes through the holes pretty slick that way! If you get a stubborn one, just trim the point back fresh again.
  12. I am doing all my serving by hand as well...not very pretty at all, but I am NOT an engineer and have not worked out a way to make a serving machine with things I have around. If I could build one for $20 or less I would get the things I need. I fear that price is not possible. There must be a better way to serve the lines without a big expense involved but I have yet to stumble upon it.
  13. Just curious.... what is a bit too cold in your neck of the woods? I am sitting here in Kansas where normally by this time of the year we are sweating and have the AC turned on. Here it is the end of May and we are still burning wood in the stove! Freaky cold spring this year.
  14. Good morning Sjors, just stopped in for my morning check in. Yep, that little ole jig Grant pointed out to me, works like a charm. I couldn't see doing those shroud lines without it! Everything is looking good my friend, keep it up!!
  15. Yep Randy, time to decide what the next build will be. I "planned" to be done by my birthday, but with the few delays and setbacks I am going to miss that date by a couple weeks, should put me at about 6 months. Not too bad I guess.
  16. Well now I am going to have to pay a visit up north just so I can get a ride in that new addition to the fleet. I have never been on a sailboat before
  17. Thanks Ferit, I have seen your work, so I am honored to receive a nod from you. I am learning and getting better. Hoping the next build reflects the improvement I feel in my heart
  18. No Sjors, only took 8 hours to do the ratlines....the shrouds took me more than a week!!! I hate shrouds!! And yes there is another corner...but it is a small table, so no room for all three. the longboat only takes up about 5 inches of space!
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