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Everything posted by RichardG

  1. I going to try to post a little more frequently (and there's a bit more progress to see instead of another 25 treenails). I'm now constructing the coach roof. For fun and practice for my next project, I've decided to build this up with framing; even though it's all going to be hidden. Richard.
  2. Deck planking complete Well after some diversions and much procrastination, I have finally finished the new deck planking. I spent way too much time in the last few months thinking about my next project. Overall I'm please with the result and I'm NOT going to redo it just because I can see some imperfections . I have some deck fittings and fixtures to complete and then I can get onto rigging (scary for me). Onward and upward! Richard.
  3. Amazon have Birchwood Casey Brass Black http://www.amazon.com/Birchwood-Casey-Brass-Touch-Up-3-Ounce/dp/B0000C514O/&qid=1425948821 Richard.
  4. Now I'm feeling old. I do remember 8in floppys and punch cards! I wonder how many people realise what the standard icon for 'save' is?
  5. Juan, I don't remember having many problems on the hull when I first built it. This was without having the information and help available here. There are some inaccuracies with the kit but that's not unusual. I am as you can see, replanking the deck (which is just about finished). This was prompted by seeing the quality of builds here. Overall I'm pleased with the choice of kit I made all those years ago. I like the look and it's complicated enough to be a challenge. If you also like the ship and already have the kit - I would go for it. You will find plenty of help and support here. All the best, Richard
  6. Thanks guys for the links to the online versions. Looking at the large plates showing the main mast construction, I see this cross-section: I'm sorry - that is too scary. I can't imagine how you would ever do that. Thank goodness I can build a model without that level of detail. Richard.
  7. I don't know if he invented the technique, but I first saw it on one of Nigel's (NMBROOK) logs. He has since written a tutorial http://modelshipworld.com/index.php/topic/7445-plank-caulking-using-tissue-paper-tutorial-by-nigel-brook/. I am using the method on my deck planking. It's a little tedious but the results are good. Richard.
  8. How good are the pewter cannons from Lumberyard http://www.dlumberyard.com/Shopping%20Cart/Out/index1.html?c18.html&1? From the pictures these look about the right color. I have a brass cannon that I painted that I'm not happy with and a bottle of blacken-it I've not tried yet! These look like they would not need any further finishing. Thanks, Richard
  9. Thanks guys - it's ordered. Mike, both money and space are a problem. I'm keeping my projects small at the moment. I have a heated shed and about 5 grand in tools planned for when I retire . Richard.
  10. I'm adding to my tools collection (hand tools only at the moment). Is this any good? http://www.micromark.com/sand-it,9548.html Thanks, Richard.
  11. Very slow progress. Too many other things going on (including too much time reading posts here ). I have next week off from work but have a mobile app to build for my wife's school instead of working on the Dallas. Still, nothing bad is happening so that's good. I thought I'd show my deck planking even though it's only partly done. One minor item is that the grain of the deck plywood is not at right angles to the center line. This makes the planks look skewed all the time - very annoying. I'm planning to rebuild the deck house from scratch including creating the plans using CAD. This will be practice for my next project (which I'm also spending too much time thinking about ). Happy days! Richard
  12. I bought these from Amazon a few months ago http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0062PALRE/. They're cheap but work well. One of the blades is serrated which I find helps. Richard.
  13. Thanks Mark. It seems the 2004 version is a reprint from a different publisher and has a different ISBN according to Amazon. Author and number of pages is the same. The 2004 version also has "detailed plans" on the back of the dust jacket. AbeBooks lists both versions with the same ISBN priced from $13 to $99. I've ordered the 1988 version along with Pandora from the same series. I've an idea for my next project that I'll be using these as reference material. Plus they'll be interesting. Plus you can never have too many books . Richard.
  14. I've been looking at buying this book and possibly another in the series (Pandora). Amazon lists both 1988 and 2004 editions for Diana (second hand). The 1988 editions run from $16 to $66 (US), while the 2004 are $88-$237! Is the 2004 edition that much better? Thanks, Richard
  15. Thanks for the link. I don't need it for planking but I'm thinking about nameplates and other items. They do unprinted sheets for both inkjet and laser printers. Richard
  16. It's back on Amazon for Dec 15th. http://www.amazon.com/Ship-Line-History-Models/dp/1591141877 Looks good but I may order the The Sailing Frigate first.
  17. You can get 3 and 4mm hooks from Syren http://www.syrenshipmodelcompany.com/laser-cut-ship-model-fittings.php.
  18. So what are the chances of getting a wood list ready for this before Jeff at HobbyMill goes onto bigger and better things? And then persuading my wife that yes, I do need the wood now. Either way, I'm really looking forward to following this build. Richard.
  19. Airplanes instead of boats, what can you be thinking? All the best Joe. I'll miss your daysailor. Richard
  20. I am definitely going to be following this build. I started my current build, an 1815 American cutter, when I was in England so it seems appropriate to make my second build a 1806 British cutter now I'm in the US. A POB model would be a good first scratch build, although having the bulkheads pre-cut would be nice. The scale at 1:48 works as well (it's close enough to my 1:50 build). I won't be finished with my cutter until next year, so the timing is right. I have also been building a mental list of power tools to buy when I retire, so now I've added a laser cutter (I'm sure my wife won't mind). Richard.
  21. Good luck with your build. You will get lots of help and encouragement here. Richard.
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