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Ian B

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Everything posted by Ian B

  1. Another step forward. I am making the protective cover for the steering position. YOU can see in the back ground the picture I am using to help. mmmmmm not very nautical terms describing that LOL I have created the front compartment and mocking up the gun position.Oh yes I now have a rudder
  2. When I was getting my bits from Chuck for my Cheerful build HMRC always stung me when they were imported I do use CMB for my bits and pieces -always a fab service... so in a few weeks I shall order it under the cunning plan of telling my Wife- 'It saves you looking for something to get me for Christmas which I know you always find difficult' . 'Oh yes, it is a big box but size isn't everything'
  3. Thank you both, for taking time to respond. That makes my purchasing a whole lot simpler So now just the explaining to my wife when a large expensive box turns up to do ha ha ha
  4. Hi I am just about to buy what is for me my ultimate build. I now feel I can do it justice with my new found limited skillset lol . My only concern is-- It looks like this kit has more than one release with updates and if so how will I know I am buying the 'up to date ' current version? Lots of places on line offering it with around a £50-60 swing in price. Thanks Ian
  5. Scratch built a whistle and sign and added some more deck bits and pieces. The Funnel is still not finished and the pipe on the front is not parallel and I need to add some copper decorative bands around it before I glue it in place.
  6. Thank you Now I have replaced the plastic blob with a wooden blob I need to add texture to show it is steel. Simulating some rivet joints. The actual boat does not show many joints. Dry fitted the hatch covers and some nice new brass portholes.
  7. Well I am making progress, the plastic lump is now a shaped piece of wood just needs shaping to the deck, the cabin is almost done needs the sign on the top, and the funnel is now all metal curtsey of some cut of plumbing copper pipe.
  8. great book-- just looked and there are reprints on Ebay for £19, wouldn't,t mind one for Christmas..🎅🎅 oooooooooooooopps talking about Christmas already!!!!!!
  9. The rudder controls on this boat are quite interesting and need replicating. The ships wheel will be in front of the cabin with pullies and cable running down the outside of the deck and under the rear grating to the rudder. I needed to make two pullies with a groove. And here's how I achieved it..good enough for this scale The picture was taken before I tidied up the cab area...
  10. Well between holidays and work I manged to achieve some more on the model. I now have a cabin area and what I am sure is a legal obligation for models of a steam boat--- a real brass propeller (it looks off centre in the pic but its not )LOL Next to complete the cabin with sides, window and roof.
  11. I can only add to the messages of praise. It is superb I would be paranoid that over the years it would absorb damp or moistier and the edges start to curl or it wilt....
  12. Not sure if this counts as a kit review or a build log, I have just came back from holiday where I picked up this small kit. It being only £2.99 and claiming to only need a sharp knife and small pair of pliers to assemble. I had 2 wonderful hours putting this kit together. I have no idea of the maker so I will need to do some on line research to see what else they offer.. So enjoy the quickest build log on the site LOL..
  13. Well our HMS Queen Elizabeth has a Ford Galaxy people carrier that travels around with her Oh yes and the captain got sacked for using to take the kids to school--- very harsh.,
  14. Just joined the party What a super craft , I would so love to own that. Looking forward to following your build Nils Ian
  15. FINISHED!!!!! 😁😁😁OK so no flag but not sure if I will fit one..... so a super enjoyable build-- so a thank you and a well-done Chuck
  16. This build is getting silly now---- it just keeps getting stupidly better and more detailed than i thought possible...🥴🥴
  17. I marked up the deck using the provided 'jelly moulds' and as I want to add some more detail I marked and cut out where the cab goes so I can show it with the door open and the bench seats in place.
  18. Well I did not get hardly anytime at the weekend but here is what I did achieve- The cab on the kit is larger and curved where as the cab on the '199' is simpler and smaller The picture above clearly shows a curved wooden roof--- so as per the propeller experience-- this is what you get -- a blob of white plastic LOl
  19. Marking out the deck ready for planking I placed the supplied plastic grating just for positioning-- boy is it evil and the work of the devil himself-- straight in the bin !!!
  20. thank you both for your kinds words. Today I was 'working form home' so managed to do some more on the hull. At the moment it looks more an RNLI old life boat than a gun boat LOl I will tackle the deck planking next. I am tempted to leave the rudder and prop till late as I am bound to damage them handling the hull during the rest of the build.
  21. Whilst on the subject of spot the changes-- I built the hull with the rub strip/weather board raised piece as per the instructions then I noticed this- Built as per plans As per the box picture As per Steam Pinnace 199--- so something else to re-work
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