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Ian B

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Everything posted by Ian B

  1. As a UK west country man I so wish there was a kit or a set of scratch built instructions for this wonderful ship, it seems such an over sight that this subject has never been tackled. Just a passing thought Ian
  2. So another month passes by, and my 'Chuck' serving machine has arrived along with some rigging goodies. I now have a bow sprite and a main mask (only placed in position). I have now served my first ever ropes and cracking on with the other spars
  3. More progress, the winches etc are just placed on the deck so don't panic I know they are not quite in the right position and I still need to finish rigging the cannons. I am now awaiting more goodies in the post from Chuck so I can start the rigging. I also ordered his serving machine and can't wait to try my hand at it for the first time.
  4. Super Picture, My great uncle served on Calypso in WW1 as a signaller, he must have the most nautical name in the whole world and yes this is his real name 'Plimsoll Drake'.
  5. After work and Family pressures have eased away I am pushing to get my 'dark Cheerful ' finished. I have changed the deck features colours around but I hope it does not offend any historical accuracies too much I already have Chucks cannons, winches,pump etc which I cant wait to start on in the next few weeks. Chuck, are there any plans to produce a 'rope/pulley' kit for this for when I getting around to the rigging?
  6. Hi I know everyone quite rightly are praising your building skills. I would just like to say thank you for taking the extra time photographing and documenting it so well on here... I always looked forward to dose of Kaiser updates ...
  7. Love the funnels, just stop there!! -mount the funnels on a plinth to display them--- job done---
  8. Time for a quick update--Santa 'Chuck' came so I now have cannons, gratings, pumps etc-- in fact all his mini kits for the Cheerful so now to finish the decking ready for the deck furniture... I need to re-do the red on the inside once I have the strips that go around the decking laid. For inspiration I have hung a hand coloured print dated 1804 titled ' A cutter with a view of south sea castle' to give me that extra inspiration to get on with the build(sorry about the large camera flash in the middle of the picture)
  9. Ha ha of course I should have spotted it was the stern, serves me right for sneaking a look on my phone in work
  10. I'd hate to be manning that bow position if the main guns were firing forward!!!! :pirate41:That would make your ears pop
  11. The work involved in prep and creating jigs just to make a section is outstanding--- watching this build with amazement--- thanks for taking the time to share it in such detail. Cheers Ian
  12. Christmas is really coming!!!! Santa (Well Chuck) is sending me all my goodies so I can finish the deck furniture and cannons :D :D then start on the masts. sorry for no pictures of the current state of play
  13. Hi I know it is a long shot but does anyone have this kit un built gathering dust in a shelf I could buy? My Daughter and Boy friend got engaged on her the other week and really would love to make it for them. He severed as a regular on her and my daughter as a reservist. I have tried contacting White Ensign and they could not help as it is out of production, Atlantic models has a similar ship but I am not to keen to start reworking or scratch building-- I'm just not that good !! Thanks for reading this Ian
  14. Well after a long time I have finished the planking and ready for the decking. The planking pattern is not 100% right and the picture makes her look like the sides are uneven ---but they are smooth honest LOL ---she looks fine to me and I want that slightly beaten weathered look I will now start the decking after that I promised myself I would order all the nice stuff (cannons etc) from Chuck ..
  15. I have just loved watching this project-- I had no interest in plastic model ship building but thought I would follow out of curiosity. AND NOW---- I so now want to rush out and build this model myself...Brilliant detailing -- so when its finished what's next to wet our appetites ?
  16. I am fascinated by this log the detail you are injecting is superb It is the first time I have followed a plastic based build and am really tempted to do one myself when the current builds are complete. , thanks Greg -
  17. Looking great Bob , very tidy. I am exactly at the same stage of planking and about to start from the keel up....
  18. amazing work on the whole steering and wheel -- great detail and looking forward to the 'how too' post to make it.
  19. a really interesting find, looking forward to seeing the 3d.
  20. ha ha I thought they were rings on the plans and something to do with the rigging silly me
  21. Hi-- did the Cheerful have scuppers or some other way of clearing water? If some waves broke over her she could end up with a foot of water sloshing around?
  22. Hi I have just read 380 pages of pure pleasure, it was like a ship spotters guide to models from MSW. So many of the ships mentioned on the MSW website appear in this book. Tactics, sailing and fighting techniques, maps and diagrams and the tales of those who served in them-- not Only Royal Navy but US, French Dutch and Spanish ships of the same period... a true insight to that period of sea warfare. I have read lots of books on this topic but this one trumps them all. and 'no' I have no link with the book, publisher or Author LOL!!
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