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Everything posted by Jack12477

  1. Dennis, here's a link on the first suggestion Make Your Own Aluminum Foil Reflector - White foam core works also.
  2. Dennis, no spraying won't work. It's not reflective enough. Aluminum foil is best. A "poor man's" substitute would be a PURE WHITE card - it has to be white or it will change the color of the light in turn affecting the color(s) of the ship. Don't want to take over your build log with a tutorial on photographic lighting; if you want more info send me a PM.
  3. Dennis; here's an old photographers trick. Take a small piece of cardboard (fairly stiff), place a sheet of plain old shiny aluminum foil over the face of it, wrap over the sides and tape off. Make sure the foil on the face is as smooth as you can get. Make a couple. Place them on the bench to each side of the model with the foil facing the model - you want to reflect the light (ambient) back into the dark spaces on the model - experiment a little till you get the hang of it. Card stock can be 4 x 6, 5 x 7 or 8 x 10 or whatever is suitable to your space. Prop the reflectors up on an angle - generally 40-45 degrees.
  4. Dennis, re: lighting: If your camera is not a DSLR type but has a built-in pop-up flash, try using it with a layer of either handkerchief or Kleenex type tissue over the flash - you will have to experiment a little to determine the number of folds to use - but it will cut the intensity of the light so you can move in close for macro use. Make sure the handkerchief/tissue is WHITE or it will take on the color of the material. What Sam (SRC) says above is another solution.
  5. I wasn't around for MSW 1 either so I will pull up a barrel and sit and watch
  6. May I also add my Welcome back Nenad. I am glad to see the healing process has begun for you.
  7. Cristiano, I just discovered your build log - haven't read thru it in its entirety yet - I plan to go back and read it. But I must join the others in saying what a magnificent model you have created. I will look for your next build also
  8. And it's probably the 4 hours you guys on the west coast are sleeping ! That's not much of a customer service then.
  9. Yes, my experience with ME is they don't accurately count the small parts - I've come up short a lot. Altho their customer service is really good about replacing missing/shorted parts. AL on the other hand supplies too many small parts (so I usually have extra parts for the parts bin). Ken your model is looking great, in fact 10,000 times better than the one I co-built with a friend a few years ago (it was his kit so he has the "finished" model) Re: cannon - rig them off ship first with hooks, then install to ship and hook the lines to the rings, and snug them up. I did not use hooks when I did it and it was a living hell getting those lines rigged to the rings. Big fingers don't work to well in cramped quarters. As I recall MS' instructions were a little vague on how to rig the cannons and I made the mistake of not using hooks.
  10. Mark, you have far more patience and tolerance than I do! That machine would have been packed up and shipped back to MM with a request for refund. Thanks for the review tho, it's very informative. Regarding your email to tech support: Very professionally stated by you, so they should not have taken offense. I suspect they do not have have in-house tech support and have to farm the questions/emails out to either the OEM or a third party vendor but they should have sent you a response saying that. There is no excuse for not responding to a customer. If I ever need any custom laser cutting work done, I will definitely call Chuck.
  11. And maybe even lace curtains for the First Class cabin windows/portholes Nice work Popeye !
  12. Nenad, my deepest sympathies on the loss of your mother and wife. My prayers go with you.
  13. Thanks okay George. So question will the Craftsman "behemoth" I already have work for my simple needs? Or do I spring for the Weller Ken has? I think the only other soldering iron I have is a 25 watt pencil type. Suggestions ?
  14. George, Ken, I have an old (and I do mean old) Sears Craftsman 200 Dual Heat solder gun - lo heat is 150 watts hi heat is 230 watts. I assume this is sufficient for anything I might want to solder model-boat-wise ??? I may get the Weller 40 watt pencil - think the pencil I have is 25 watt but not Weller brand. The Craftsman still works fine.
  15. Ken, is that Weller a "gun" type or "pencil" type iron ? The only Weller I found only with that wattage is a "gun" type. All the "pencil" types were max 25 watt. I ordered your book from Barnes & Noble last week. Should arrive this week. Looking forward to reading it.
  16. George, check Barnes & Nobles' price - cheaper - ordered my copy yesterday - ships on Monday.
  17. Bill, your attention to detail is amazing. Beautiful workmanship. I especially like the bed(s).
  18. George, the book is also available thru Barnes & Noble. Found it on their website yesterday.
  19. I use two Dremel (corded) and WeCher mini-engraver. Also have the Dremel drill press stand and their planer/shaper table. Dremel makes an assortment of collets which are interchangeable with Dremel and WeCher. Have had good result with both.
  20. Kurt, thanks for the clarification
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