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Everything posted by hof00

  1. Looking Awesome!! I have the Movie on DVD and 2010. At 42 inches long, it's "Long...." How are you intending to mount this? (Maybe with an asteroid spinning/tumbling silently through the void?) (The thing with the Kubrick film that stands out is the absolute silence of space) Cheers....HOF.
  2. Hi Chap, Merry Christmas, Happy Guy Fawkes! (Belated) How's the Cutty going? Long time, No see.... 😀 (You could say the same for my updates.) Cheers....HOF.
  3. Awesome!! (I'm a fan!!) How long is Discovery? Looking forward to the Antenna. (Alpha Echo 35 Module inclusive....) Cheers....HOF.
  4. Nice recovery and continued build!! I do like the "Joggled" Deck detail, wish I had done it on mine.... The Bulwark Stanchions look great, there's a lot of them. In the past, I had started this model but my Abyssinian cats put paid to that, chasing a largish Bush Rat inside, upsetting the Kit contents and pretty much trashing the whole thing. Hence my Sergal/Mantua version.... (I do have an "Updated" A/L version in my closet, one with Sails. I have heard that this is a Chinese kit? Don't know....) Anyway, I'm following with interest.... (Guess I'm a "Cutty Nut.") Cheers....HOF.
  5. Thanks you. Nice answer!! 🙂 Following the build with interest regardless. Cheers and Regards, HOF.
  6. Nice Build thus far.... I do have a question for you, perhaps not appropriate for public consumption, how do you determine the cost of this build for your customer? (I have this kit in waiting for my partner one day soonish….) Cheers....HOF.
  7. Thanks All!! Yup, the Frames have Thread Rigging, Fore/Aft/Across every frame, up to the Pilots Seat, but, my question is more centered around the actual Control Cables for the Flying Surfaces. I was leaning to "Multi Strand" wire? Mark: If Multi Stranded, would it not be already "Pre-tensioned?" to some extent? (Yup, I hear your advice.) I guess I'll have to experiment.... 🙂 With the continued issues with this, I'm looking forward to getting back to the Sanson. (At least I can correct "Irregularities." Small update: Have finished the various Instruments/Cluster but I'm having trouble getting the Instrument Cluster Support bar to fit across the Cockpit Frames.... I have words of frustration which I will not utter here!! Simulated Glass of the Instruments with clear Nail Varnish. Cheers....HOF.
  8. Hi All, Take care, hope that things give you Chaps a miss.... We are seeing on CNN at present. (Even in New Zealand.) Take care. Cheers....HOF.
  9. Hi All, I'm after some "Learned" advice.... The Control Column/Rudder Bar are linked to the Control Surfaces, Aileron/Rudder/Elevator. (Working surfaces.) My question, should I go with Thread for these moving things or maybe go with Multi Stranded thin wire? (Stripped insulation, of course.) I'm leaming to the wire as it's not going to fray and I can easily solder the terminations whilst retaining the tension required. Any advice/opinion wold be very welcome. Cheers....HOF.
  10. Thanks Carl/Mark, Wot I call "Muntz_ is called "Minatz" or similar in the instructions. (White Metal.) (I call it Muntz as that is what I have called it before.... It's horrible stuff.)) Anyway, a couple of photos.... Have an awesome weekend!!
  11. Small update.... Work continues on the Fuselage.... I'm not too happy with it, there are no accurate measurements in the "Destructions" it's just go with the flow and try to get things lined up/square. As stated before, there are many, many issues.... One of the se is the fragility of the components, Esp, the "Muntz" ones. (Filed a bit of a groove tonight for the Instrument Cluster, it just fell to bits with the most gentle touch, anyway, rebuilt/fixed with CA/Epoxy.) I think that this one has been languishing too long and over time, if not assembled, the parts degrade. Haver completed the Control Column, Rudder Bar, Cockpit Floor and am reasonably happy with the Firewall and "Cockpit" Veneers. I have also to fabricate some Lugs for the Landing Gear/Interplane Struts as the most forward Cockpit Frames were missing and I had to Fabricate these also. So, we'll see how it goes.... I'll post some photos tomorrow. Cheers....HOF.
  12. Nice start!! Congratulations on purchasing an "Early" version of this subject. You'll find that it builds to a great model, Just take your time. Have a wee think about the instruction sequence, from memory, some things should be done before others.... Cheers....HOF.
  13. Thanks Dennis/Lou, Progress with the Firewall, It's a bit of a mission.... There are "Veneers" that attach and a whole host of other stuff. Thinking about some "Mods" to make stuff more accurate/secure. As stated, some time ago, this Model/Kit leaves a lot to be desired. (I'll try my level best to complete....) Cheers....HOF.
  14. Addendum: I did try to Hard Solder the Rudder/Tail Plane/Elevator components. It's o.k. for the Brass/Brass connections but not for Brass/Muntz Metal stuff, I did try.... (I also researched on the Net.) Seemed to be too much risk associated with high, (Blow Torch), temperatures/melting points. Z-Poxy seems to have done the trick. Firewall stuff later today perhaps.... Cheers....HOF.
  15. A couple of pictures of "Sausage" 1 and 2 after a couple of hard days "Helping" with Modelling activities and other Cat Stuff....
  16. Cowling, Careening, (Don't know why it's called that), and Wheels:
  17. Firewall undergoing strengthening:
  18. Rudder Re-Engineered:
  19. Updates: Apologies that these are late.... Had issues with the Tail Plane/Elevators.... Trying to clean these up last night, the Port side LE separated, glued it back on but the Geometry changed slightly which meant the Elevator did not have clearance to operate. Replaced the LE, Epoxy Fillets and cleaned up a bit. (Might give it a bit more of a "Tickle" tomorrow.) Anyway....
  20. Temperature is dropping in Stokes Vegas.... 2.1"C Plastered the corners of the Firewall with Z-Poxy. Hopefully this will complete integrity of this rather brittle component and the penetration's therein. 🙂 Already tidying up the Elevator/Tail Plane, more Z-Popxy Fillets.... (I may have to spray the Control surfaces Gunmetal/Silver, we'll see....) Carl, I promise to post some photos later today, just for you Chap. 🙂 Cheers....HOF.
  21. Looks awesome!! A great piece of 19th Century American history. (Wots next?) Cheers and Regards, Harry.
  22. Hi Chris, Et all, Agree, Epoxy can be slippery and messy, not so nice to work with.... CA has it's uses, the late great Manstini called Super Glue "Stupid" Glue. (Ship Modelling Simplified.) Anyway, work continues on the Elevator/s, not by any means finished this. Aligning Ribs with the Tail plane and then clean up the Epoxy Fillets, I will no doubt need a touch up or two during this process. With the Z-Poxy, the stuff goes solid, commercial Epoxy, (Araldite), seem to stay "Plastic" for days.... (At 3.4"C tonight, (OS temperature), it's taking a little more than 15 minutes to go off, plenty of time for fine adjustment. 🙂) Cheers....HOF.
  23. Hi All, I'll wade in to the debate.... Finally got my "ZAP" stuff.... Thin CA and 15 Minute Zpoxy. I have used the CA to "Pin" the Metal where appropriate and the Zpoxy to strengthen the joint. (I rate the Zpoxy!! There is also a 5 minute version available) The stuff I used before giving it a miss was a commercial product by "Selleys" called Power Grip, it was anything but.... Maybe I wasn't patient enough? Anyway, work continues on the DR1, lots of metal bits, not so much wood.... (I didn't enjoy Metalwork in my first year of High School, that's why I reverted to Home Economics, Cooking.... 🙂) (I retained the Woodwork though.) Once the Elevators are complete, (Tomorrow?), I'll post some photos. Have a great weekend!! Cheers....HOF.
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