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Everything posted by hof00

  1. Nice work Chap!! I went with "Carvel" as opposed to "Clinker." (I thought simpler?) Cest' la vie, I guess.... What did you use for the covers? I need to formulate something for my "Sanason" Life Boat covers.... Happy New Year to you and yours also!! New Zealand is the first to see the first light of the New Year, not gloating about it.... 🙂 (Chatham Islands actually, to be 100% correct.) Cheers and Regards, Harry. (HOF)
  2. Hi Jan, Nice Build!! I have these in Stokes Valley, (Home), but no predation from my cats!! Thankfully. The Kingfisher makes far too much noise. 🙂 (I'll find a photo of one the cats bought in a few yeas ago, don't worry. it survived, and then some!!) Cheers and Regards, HOF.
  3. Awesome Sir!! I'm looking forward to, (Maybe), articulated Tracks!! Merry Christmas and Happy Guy Fawkes!! Cheers and Regards, Harry. (HOF)
  4. Good evening Sir, A thought that came to mind, for perhaps future Card Models of this complexity/detail, would be a "Cutaway?" Having never created any model in Card, I would not know how feasible this would be. Not casting aspersions on what you have created thus far, (Its awesome!!), just that the interior detail is largely lost once everything is put together. Thoughts? Following your build with interest. Cheers....HOF.
  5. Awesome build Sir!! I'm looking forward to how you are going to tackle the Tracks. Articulated? Cheers....HOF.
  6. Hi Alan, Looking good!! Just thinking about the "Shiny" stuff, you could try rubbing with a bit of 000 Steel Wool. (That's what I use to give my Decks a bit of a Matt finish after the Clear coat.) Cheers....HOF.
  7. Hi All, Researching Masthead Lights for a "Towing Vessel." Google search indicates White nd two Red, Top down. I'll go with this for the mo unless anyone else has some "Gems" that they would like to share.... 😊 Cheers....HOF.
  8. A clean build, looks superb!! Have to agree with Carl, it's your piece of Maritime modelling art. (One more question regarding the 1940 ship, were the deck "Air Recognition" symbols painted on?) Cheers...HOF.
  9. Small update: Bulwarks attached, (Superstructure inclusive), but have not yet finished the Wheelhouse. (That's attached with a bit of Masking Tape to enable the Hull to be sanded without breaking stuff. Looks a bit like a "Ship Wreck" but am confident it'll be o.k. (Please be gentle with me, this is a complete Tear Down/Rebuild so it's going to look not too flash in the initial stages. 1st Planking about 50% complete, a bit of filler, but I'm not ashamed of this. 🙂 (Just or you Carl, the "Digital Dust" is starting to dissipate!! Good to be back in "The Fold" as it were. :-)) BTW: Does anyone know what colors the Masthead lights might have been/are? There's three of them.... and the Resistor Circuit Board is set up for three series connections. (Any advice gratefully welcomed.) Cheers....HOF.
  10. Awesome work!! Are you going to paint the Camouflage? (Zig-Zags/False Bow Wave?) (Interested as I have this kit in storage for the near future.) Cheers....HOF.
  11. Yup, awesome clean build Chap!! Hopefully I'll get a good as a result as yours!! Same with "Popeye," I too have this kit languishing in my closet…. (I don't know quite how Popeye has the wherewithal to build so much at the same time, it's way beyond me.... 🙂) Casting no aspersions…. Cheers....HOF.
  12. Smallish update.... After several months of inactivity, I am working to get my "Mojo" back. Continuing on with the Tear Down/Build.... (More Build Now) The majority of the components haver been cleaned up and re-painted. I need to re-fit the wheelhouse so that light doesn't leak out. Navigation Light fittings have been drilled out to accept LED's Interior Bulwarks have been re-sprayed Cabling tidied Brass Ventilators/Portlights/Prop. re-sprayed (Alclad) Brass "Grab Handles" installed as are Doors and Portlights. Unsure if I'll Glaze the Wheel House. (Don't really like the Acetate.) I think it'll be o.k. (Good to do something positive for a change) Little and often.... Cheers....HOF.
  13. I do like the "Procrastination!! (Thinking ahead.) (It's a wonderful quality for this particular pastime.) Keep it up!! Cheers....HOF.
  14. Hi Chap, How's progress? (I can talk.... It's been a few months since I did anything/something positive!! 🙂 ) Cheers....HOF.
  15. Nice work!! I finished this model a year or so ago.... (On this site.) An interesting subject with an equally interesting history. (Just make sure you measure the dowels for Masts, etc carefully, there is not much room for error in the material supplied.) Let me know if I can be of assistance at any stage. Enjoy!! Cheers....HOF.
  16. Same Chap, Missing your photos…. 1024 X 768 Pixels should do the trick!! Cheers….HOF.
  17. O/K. Some Digital Dust, so to speak, Thanks Carl. 🙂 I am re-acquainting myself with the build.... (And with the flow of the hobby. :-)) It's been a while, life gets in the way sometimes. Anyway, the Tear Down Re-build is starting,/progressing I have a "Fitting" Wheel House and pretty much Bulwarks. I'll post some photos soonixh…. Cheers....HOF.
  18. Hi Chap, Looking good as far as I can see. Yup, there are stages in the Hull construction that look like crap, and, I'm sure others would agree. There is no shame in Fillers Sanding and Staining.... Just work through it, if that helps.... (Yup, my builds are gathering "Digital Dust" but I'll get there soonish.) Carry on the excellent work!! 🙂 Cheers....HOF.
  19. Hi Chap, An I correct in the assumption that they stripped Guns from the "Kreigsmarine" to bolster the Atlantic Wall? Cheers....HOF.
  20. No Matter Sir, Looks absolutely fantastic!! (I'll be practising my Airbrush skills soonish….) Cheers and Regards, HOF.
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