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Everything posted by hof00

  1. Good Evening Mr Osmosis, I have built this version, it worked out o.k. Have a look at Mr J Earl's website, helped me heaps!! (Google) Heaps of photos if you require. (got mine on E-Bay also after a short bidding war many years ago.) Enjoy!! Cheers....HOF.
  2. Nice work!! I have this Model in the Closet, thinking about a Radio conversion.... Any ideas/links? Cheers....HOF.
  3. Hi Chap, Your work is absolutely First Grade!! (I've been following....) If I can reminiss when I was a young Lad, (A couple of years ago), my Mother used to wrap me up in "Cotton Wool" with the excuse that I was Anaemic, I don't think that I ever was, God rest her soul. Anyway, in the time that I had to stay at home, I used to cut out pictures of aircraft/ships/cars from magazines, I just couldn't understand at the time, why they could not be something solid, something that I couldn't hold, something 3D.... The Picture's that I cut out that is....)) I guess that I now strive to do this, 3D that is. What you are doing in Card just resonates so much with my youth. Fantastic Sir.... Awesome!! Cheers...HOF.
  4. You are also lucky enough to not experience Earthquakes!! Everything that I have/in flight, I need to consider Seismic bracing/restraints. Harry.
  5. Ditto.... I don't think that I can really say anything more constructive that has already been said!! It is nice to see one "Card" one "Plastic" built in "Synergy" so to speak. I have the Trumpeter and MK1 upgrade waiting for me in storage. (Oops... also have the 1/200 Hatechette/Partworks, (Hull Complete), and Tamiya 1/350 version, will I ever get to these?) (A Bismark wannabe perhaps....) I guess thing about the "Card" Version is that's its pretty much finished, Wot does that really mean in so much as colour/Etc? Aware that there is plenty of "Touch-Ups" required. Awesome Both!! Regards.... HOF.
  6. Hi All, A Mock-Up.... Progress? I think the "Tear Down" has been worthwhile thus far. Looks like a bit like a Christmas Tree.... I guess this is soon the time of year. LED installed in Deck House/Engine Room (High Intensity LED's Not Cheap!!) Installed also in the Wheelhouse and "Navigation" lights Mast Lights will come eventually, wiring installed. I'll drill out the Nav' and Masthead Lights to accept the LED's Cheers....HOF.
  7. Hi Chap, Have you thought about LED's in the Searchlights? Just a thought... Cheers....HOF.
  8. Just awesome Sir!! You are a much braver man than I. Cheers....HOF
  9. Hi Chap, To answer your questions: The Brass Bulwarks came in the same sheet of PE, from memory there were three sections, (Lengths), per side and the afore mentioned Stern piece that I struggled with. The "Freeing Ports" were cut out prior to fixing on the Bulwark Planking. Once in place, the Bulwark planking "Freeing Ports" were removed using the Brass as a Template so to speak. The width of these, I guess from False Deck level to the Top Gallant Rail Level. And, yes, the Top Gallant Rail was fitted after the Pin Rail/s, Stanchions otherwise I would never have been able to fit these. (There is also some other detail that goes into the Inner Bulwarks prior to fitting the Top Gallant Rail. (I'll find a photo.) Yup, the Fore Deck butts up to the WC's. Just a note here, I put a 1.0 X 1.0mm strip around all the rear edges of the Foredeck. (I performed this before fitting.) The Pin Rails were modified also, there are not enough holes for all the Backstays for the Fore and Main Masts. Enjoy!! Cheers....HOF.
  10. Hi Chap, Yup planked on the outside of the Bulwark "Extensions" with 0.5mm I guess Basswood. Brass was installed afterward and extensions removed post this. Decking followed. Your Metal Working skills are good, mine poor.... The Poop Deck Bulwarks i resorted to wood, as per the photos. The PE as far as Mantua couldn't be shaped, come Hell or High water.... Main difficulty with this subject, the difficulty, mine anyway, is the fact that Rigging, is in the main, "Inboard." As stated, lots of images. (I'd like to see your "Execution" better than mine!!) Hmm....Unsure about the Humidity "Excuse." We have Temperature/Humidity fluctuations in the Antipodes also!! My memory of the "Skeleton" was that it "Slotted" together with no issues, just "Pinned" my False Decks. Happy to help/advise. How can I help further? Cheers and Regards, Harry. (HOF)
  11. Hi Tim, Some early pictures of my Cutty Build. The Brass Bulwarks was part of the kit in an earlier edition to mine, so, had to purchase from Mantua. Unsure why you are experiencing problems with the Fore Deck, have you tried "Pinning?" Anyway, hope these help. (Plenty more if you so require.) "Eat the Elephant one bite at a time!!" Cheers....HOF.
  12. Thanks Carl. The Glazing cost about the same as the kit!! Cheers....HOF.
  13. Nice work Sir!! Following your build with interest. I have this kit and the MK 1 Detail set awaiting my attentions.... Having never worked with PE what surface are you using to cut the PE out of the Fret? (I see you use a #11 Blade) Cheers....HOF.
  14. Hi Chap, Yup, would be good to have a "Look-See." You might have to put in "Shore Leave." Cheers....HOF.
  15. I can now truly say that this is finished now it is in it's Cabinet. Wood is a Native New Zealand Timber, Rimu, hard to get hold of, just lucky that I've got a bit tucked away. Cabinet has been situated next to a wall in the Lounge and Earthquake Braced. (Hopefully Braced enough)
  16. Hi Chap, Good to see you post a little something!! Looking forward to your Bounty continuation. Cheers....HOF.
  17. Thanks Lou/Popeye, Just ordered the Cabinet Glass, should be here Monday. I guess I'll Post a couple of Pictures once it's safely ensconced in it's Cabinet. Cheers....HOF.
  18. Thanks Chap, Yup, The Paint stayed in place.... Working on the Cabinet at present, almost ready for the Glass!! Cheers....HOF.
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