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Everything posted by hof00

  1. Hi Mike, Planking at the Stern, (From memory), is a little more than the sides, if anything. I guess if you "Test Fit" the Bulwarks it should become apparent how much Planking you'll have trim. Also, a Test fit of the Bulwarks will let you know if your Scuppers are level with the Planking on the Deck. Cheers....HOF.
  2. Looking good!! The Figurehead sets things off nicely. The Cannons are slightly larger than the Kit supplied versions but I do not think that these detract from the overall model. (If your like me, I don' particularly like Plastic on my "Wooden" Ship either.... ) (Did you order direct from Calderdraft?) Cheers....HOF.
  3. Hi Mike, Want me to be honest? I think that's really good. The only issue that you may have is with the gap between the Stern Deck and level of the Stern Bulwark (I'm sure you know this.) In Saying so, once you apply a little filler/Sanding, you'll have a good base for either Paint or second Planking. Cheers....HOF.
  4. Thanks Chap, It's not the Ribs, Par-se but wot the pain killers do. (Feels like I'm a "Space Cadet." ) So, best not to touch the Model. Cheers....HOF.
  5. Hi Chap, Just have to terminate/Belay the Running Rigging, Belaying Pins and some "Skeins" of Running stuff, then it will be complete. Hoping for this weekend as Fractured Ribs precluded the completion last weekend. I can then build the Cabinet and start de-constructing Sanson for it's re-build. (Sorry about the "Verbose" reply when "Not yet" would have sufficed.... ) Cheers....HOF.
  6. Hi Chap, Locker/Tiller looks great!! My view is that the colour enhances the build. Agree with the comment about just "Browsing" in the Model Shop, same in NZ.... Cheers....HOF.
  7. Hi Mike, The colour scheme on the Box Lid looks good, would you be doing something like that? (You might have to paint the Deck Structures also?) Just a thought.... Cheers....HOF.
  8. Hi Mike, From memory, the first couple of planks down from the Deck did not need to be Tapered, however, if you look at Brian's photo, you can see the treatment given to the planking at the Stern.) The majority of Planks thereafter were tapered to varying degrees. Planks were applied "Full Length" using Aliphatic Resin for adhesive and Planking Nails to secure until Glue set. (Nails removed after this.) "Red Devil" wood filler and a bit of "Elbow Grease" with sanding produced a reasonable finish for the second cover. As mentioned previously, Keel and Stem attached after first Planking. I wasn't too fussy as mine was double planked. (I believe that the newer versions are not?) Cheers....HOF.
  9. The other thing that comes to mind with the A/L doctrine of construction is that there is not really a "Garboard" in the traditional sense as the Keel is fitted "Post" first Planking.
  10. Here you go Chap, Hope this helps. If I can be of further assistance, please don't hesitate to ask!! Cheers....HOF. (Harry)
  11. Hi Mike, I Planked from the Deck down for the first few Planks and Keel up for the rest. Sanded and filled after that. Mine was double planked, so after the Bulwarks, Stem, Keel fitted 0.5mm Walnut. I'll "Re-Sizes" some more photos for you in a mo. Cheers....HOF.
  12. Hi Mike, If I may interject, the 1st plank follows the line of the Deck, from memory, 2.5mm below the Deck to accommodate the Bulwarks. (Apologies for sticking my beak in.) Cheers....HOF.
  13. Hi Mike, Another thought, if you decide to separate the Deck from the Bulkheads, you can still "Pin" the edges of the Deck as any holes will be covered by the Waterways. Pin from Stem to Stern, or, maybe, from the Centre Bulkhead, work towards the Stem and Stern, (Alternate), one Bulkhead at a time, (Left/Right), then Pin in the Centre where Deck Furniture will cover any unwanted holes. If you are happy with the way things look, run a Fillet of glue from the underside around all Bulkhead to Deck joints. (If not, Pin again.) Cheers....HOF.
  14. Hi Mike, Better to lay the Deck Planking after the False Deck is attached? This way you can "Pin" the False Deck and True it up. If you have used white Glue, can you not carefully release it with a Scalpel and re-glue? My Two Cents worth. Cheers....HOF.
  15. Hi All, I really thought that I would have finished this but no such luck this weekend.... Fractured a couple of ribs, (Mine), a couple of weeks ago, the Pain Killers preclude any work that I wanted to do, so, instead, have been tidying the Ship Room and pre-planning the Cabinet. (Dimensions 640mm long, 800mm high, 120mm wide.) Next weekend maybe.... So close.... Cheers....HOF.
  16. Very nice Mike!! I would hope that the cooking fumes doesn't disturb sleep!! Are you sure that the Crew wouldn't just take a packed Lunch? (Vegimite Sammies?) (I did the Bunks also but didn't think about the Kitchen facilities.) Great start regardless. Cheers....HOF.
  17. Thanks Derek, That's very kind of you. It's been a bit of a "Mission" with the re-paints, (X3), my fault for trying Lacquer over the top of Acrylic. Kit Sails were a bit of a disappointment also. I'm hoping to get it finished this coming Weekend.... (Minus Cabinet as I still need to plan this.) Cheers....HOF.
  18. Hi Mike, Welcome to the Mare Nostrum Build "Bods." A good start. I believe that the later version of this kit has room for improvement. (Steve 12345 Build) I'll be watching with interest. Cheers....HOF.
  19. Hi Chap, Can't really add any more compliments, they have already been said!! Awesome!! Cheers....HOF.
  20. Yup, That was my Boy, Sudamo. Unfortunately passed away a few years ago. (His Sister outlived him by three years. I now have Phoenix and Shewa. I'll never be without an Abby!! (I'll Post a couple of Photos if you wish.) Cheers....HOF.
  21. Hi Tim, For a second build, what can I sy? Fantastic!! (There is nothing wrong with the colour scheme at all and the Plating loos good too.) My Partners Son had started this some time ago but the unfinished article is languishing in my "Ship Room" awaiting his attentions. Cheers....HOF.
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