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Everything posted by hof00

  1. Your most welcome Sir, There may be some "De-construction" happening in a couple of weeks time. Cheers....HOF.
  2. Hi All, I started this some time ago as a little "Light" relief after the Cutty Sark. Was hoping for a quick build, but as we all are aware, there is no really "Quick" build in this hobby. I only have a "Smattering"of Photos in the very early stages of the build before I literally "Shelved" the project. The build is a little more advanced with Bulwarks, Etc. attached but will need to think about De-Constructing these and making good. As stated, it's been away for a while but I think that I will concentrate after Pen Duick in, hopefully 2 - 3 weeks time. Unfortunately, I cannot do multiple builds, I need to focus on one thing at a time. Looking at LA Don's build has given me a bit of incentive to complete this. I think that this will also benefit from LED Lighting.
  3. Hi Chap, Regarding the Rigging for this, there's sod all in the Grand Scheme of things. Shrouds/Ratlines, a few Backstays, Winch Lines and a few Coils of "Rope" on Deck. (My build anyway) I used Wire for the Antenna Stuff. (Incidentally, I am almost out of 0.25mm "Beige" for the PD but have a reasonable supply at hand "Post" Cutty Sark build. I intend to try my best to keep up the resources I have to hand. ) Cheers....HOF.
  4. Nice work Steve. Regarding Rigging material, I didn't have any issues of quantity, but, this was prior to the A/L downgrade of course. Cheers....HOF.
  5. Very nice Sir!! Did you do the Rail first or the Bulwark Stanchions? Cheers....HOF.
  6. Hi Steve, Yes I did.... Did it make it easier? I don't recall but I must have had a reason for it at the time. Have I helped? (Probably not) Cheers....HOF.
  7. Yup, Thanks Steve, All Power Tools deserve that respect. After my first few goes with the Small Proxxon, I managed to cut into the end of my right Index Finger, believe me, it cut really quickly!! The Kerf is very fine, so compression and a week of Band Aids, all good. (I now use "Push Sticks" whenever possible.) I too have the Full sized machinery for Cabinet work, Etc. (I want to keep my Fingers firmly attached thank you. ) Cheers....HOF.
  8. Thanks Steve, Good description, thank you. I use the Line covered in CA, about 20mm, and before the CA dries, I wipe with the "Digits." If the line isn't stiff enough, do it again until it is. You have then got a nice rigid thread you can push through all manner of tiny holes. (Blocks/Deadeyes/Rings) Once through the hole in question, grab the end with Tweezers, Hooks, whatever. Have a go on something "Off Ship" first. If the "Bodkin" gets brittle, (As it does after a few holes), repeat the CA and your good to go!! Unsure of where I got the tip but use this method exclusively, much easier than a needle threading device when the Rigging gets "Busy." Cheers....HOF.
  9. Ditto Doug, Mixed version looks really "Sharp" Esp. after the finish!! Awesome job and kit Upgrade/Upgrade!! How are you getting on with the "Fish Box thingies?" I stacked mine after building the Wood Lattice that they rest on and Pinned with Brass Wire through to the Deck, no glue, so the "Stack" looked more or less like wot was on the Box. Cheers....HOF.
  10. My two Cents worth, Make a "Bodkin" on 20mm with a bit of CA to stiffen the thread/line that you want to thread through. Cheers....HOF.
  11. Hi Chap, The Blade does retract into the Table and also tilts. The Blades have about a 1.5mm Kerf but there is the option of the "Super Fine" 0.5 mm Kerf. (Not used in Anger yet. ) Cheers....HOF.
  12. Yup, Got two Proxxon Saws, one tiny one, like yourself and the larger table Saw. Have not used this yet but looks promising when I have the need. (It's hard to get Proxxon anything here, have to talk to a supplier in Australia.) Cheers....HOF.
  13. Well Chap, If you planked the top of the Companionway, it would be consistent with the other Deck structures. Your call!! (You could "Dry Fit" the Mahogany to see how it looks first?) Like the Jon Derre effect!! (Individuality,) Your piece of Marine Art, no one else's. Cheers....HOF.
  14. Nice!! Are you going with a "Working" Companion Way Door or not possible with this Kit version? Cheers....HOF.
  15. You'll get back into it Chap. No Stress!! If it's any consolation, I've got "Sanson" and "Endeavour" waiting for my attentions. (Sanson to be finished after Pen Duick.) Definitely a hobby and more an "Object De Art." (My View anyway.) Cheers....HOF.
  16. Hi Chap, Have you had a look at the "Billings" catalogue? If you have a look at the Artesania Latina.net catalogue, there are just heaps of bits and pieces. (You just need the Part # then get Cornwall Models to order the bits in for you, Unsure if you can purchase direct from A/L) Cheers....HOF.
  17. Very nice!! The Wheel House looks great. If you're going to make another "Painted" version, you could do a Diorama with the Boat on a Slipway for Maintenance and use the Engine as if it was being worked on? (Just an idea....) Cheers....HOF.
  18. Hi Dan, Could you not make tightly fitting Blocks of wood between the Bulkheads where the warp is apparent? Save some work perhaps? Cheers....HOF.
  19. Doug, It's a Tease!! Seriously, I'm looking forward to the results also. Cheers....HOF.
  20. Hi Steve, Nice progress, looking really good. The White is White Lead Paint, producing a dirty White finish. The alternative seems to have been a mixture of Wood-Coal Tar that gave an almost Black finish, Sulphur was often added to the mixture to ward off Toredo. ("Historic Ship Models" - Wolfram Zu Mondfeld)
  21. Very Nice work Chap!! I really like the "Upgraded" version to an otherwise mediocre kit. Brings back a few memories.... Cheers....HOF.
  22. Thanks Chap!! The research continues.... Cheers....HOF.
  23. Has anyone heard of a "Gaff Reef?" Currently building A/L Pen Duick and the Rigging in question runs in a series of Single Blocks and Lines under and the length of the Main Boom. I am finding it difficult to reconcile the plans with where it starts/finishes and what items are terminated to it. Google is not all that helpful today.... Any advice/diagrams would be very much appreciated. Cheers....HOF.
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