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Everything posted by hof00

  1. Thanks Steve, It was a real labour of love.... (Kit Level - Expert, I found out why) Cheers....HOF.
  2. Hi Peter, Nice work and nice recovery regarding the old wood components. Cheers....HOF.
  3. Nice work Chap!! That's coming along pretty damn quickly!! I like the approach of Laminated Ply Filling Blocks at the Stern, bit of a Kit "Upgrade" amongst all the other "Downgrades." Cheers....HOF.
  4. Very Nice Sir, Sergal/Mantua seem to have the same doctrine, no matter what. The Bulwark extensions protruding above the False Deck, and now, the Stern.... (Same as the Cutty except a little smaller. ) For the Stern on the C/S and other stuffI I used the Amati Heated Thingy, in the Soldering Iron, (Bulbous thing). soaked the Planks and steamed in the supplied wooden "Form." With Hardwoods, the results are really good also, a satisfying "Crunch" as things are bent!! (Apologies, I'm in no doubt preaching to the converted here.) Cheers....HOF.
  5. Nice set-Up Pierre!! (Puts my Plastic boxes to shame....) Cheers....HOF.
  6. Hi Julie, I call it Model Ship "Paralysis." Don't worry, it will pass.... Had the same with Pen Duick in the past couple of weeks, Dredging myself out of t, then, my Glasses Frame broke.... (Lucky I have a spare pair that I can see, sort of. ) Ditto Richard, life does get in the way. (And, my sentiments also, your Endeavour looks far to good, pause, but for Gods sake, don't stop now!! ) So much of a beautiful work of Art to let it go.... (Re:-Pen Duick "Struggles.) Cheers....HOF.
  7. Hi Chap, Those extensions, (Bulwark), are you supposed to Plank/Form the Bulkheads before trimming the Extensions off? (The Cutty was the same, I had to plank the Bulkheads before trimming off the extensions and plank the Deck after this.) Just another thought, just maybe the manufacturer doesn't see the requirement to fair the Midships Bulkheads? Just Dumb questions.... Cheers....HOF.
  8. Hi Steve, Keep up the good work!! Don't know about Ireland, but it's quite difficult to source Ship Building material here. Looks like the Bulwark Rails are part of a Laser cut Sheet? You could give them a bit of Stain perhaps? I have bought Planks, (Various Timbers/thicknesses), and "Rip" them down. (Stuff from "Midwest.") Just sing out if you think I may be able to offer any assistance. Cheers....HOF.
  9. Sorry Chap, Just had a look at your Kit Contents, seems like A/L have "Skimped" on Walnut Keel Components. (I believe they have moved manufacturing to China.... Could be wrong.) Anyway, same doctrine applies, as above. (Just please Stain the stuff!! ) Don't know about you, but this model looks fantastic in "Naked" Wood. (Your Choice.) Cheers....HOF.
  10. Hi Chap, Hope the following is of some use.... The way A/L seem to do things is the all Keel components are fitted after the 1st Planking, Sand the first cover to match the width of the False Keel, make sense? No thinner as the Keel components are a the same. Fix the Keel components and maybe "Pin" with stuff like I did. (Hang on, I saw a DVD Instruction Manual?? No Good? Portuguese/Spanish? ) Anyway, once the Stem is firmly affixed "Offer up" the Bulwarks, you will need to bevel the junction of Bulwarks to fit nicely with the Stem. If you have the correct gap between Deck and planking, (2.5mm from memory), things should flow from there.... (Wot could possibly go wrong? ) Plank the Insides of the Bulwarks, fit the Waterways and you're almost there!! The Stern Bulwark stuff is, a real "Pain." (Think I discarded and made my own out of very thin ply, 1/32" using the original as a template.) Thin Basswood is a good alternative. 2nd, 0.5mm Walnut planking after Keel components affixed. See what you think of the following, Cheers....HOF.
  11. An "Upgrade!!" Never had this on mine..... Well I Guess if you want to "Super detail." The Engine Cover/Funnel hides this. (I built my Cover so that I could remove it but since the model is in a Glass Cabinet, it's a bit difficult to remove and view.... Cheers....HOF.
  12. Yup, Agree Rexy. There is a lot of skill and wherewithal even with this. Really interesting to get the Brass/Dowell cut to the right angle/length when it comes to the Stern Stuff, don't know what its called, but the infrastructure/Block/Tackle, required for the Nets/Trawl equipment? For me, the hardest part for the build.... Steve, thanks for the compliment. (We all aspire to the perfect build I guess.) (Just a question, Wots the Red Thread?) Cheers....HOF.
  13. Hi Chap, Nice start, brings back memories. I have a fair few photos of my Mare Nostrum build if you feel that these would be helpful at any particular stage. Cheers....HOF.
  14. Looks good Sir!! Can't go past Wood sometimes? Cheers.....HOF.
  15. Yup Sir, Looks good. Can visualise where your sub assemblies go. The work is absolutely fantastic. Awesome detail!! Thank you!! Cheers....HOF.
  16. Hi Chap, You could have a look at my attempt thus far, don't know if it is of any assistance. (My Endeavour on hold for the mo, as stated before.) Cheers....HOF.
  17. Nice Start Rexy!! Nice to have a fellow modeller in New Zealand!! All the best with your Build. (My Endeavour on hold at the mo.) Cheers....HOF.
  18. Ditto to the above. Awesome, love to see the progress and PE enhancements!! (A safe and careful Christmas.) Cheers....HOF.
  19. Hi Boyd, Merry Christmas, Happy Guy Fakes!! Good to catch up and nice to see your "Post." Yup, we have a vested interest in your "Precision" build. My two cents worth. Cheers....HOF.
  20. Hi Chap, Merry Christmas!! I enjoy the references to HVAC. No worries in Wellington, a nice. mild 15.6 (O/S) 21.6 (I/S) No Wind, no Earthquakes tonight, so far.... (Southerly Zypher coming from Australia. ) Your question/s Chris, sorry I am no help here. (Garboard Strake.... I believe that it's a very "Peculiar" shape, I should know, I've done a few.... Wot you have done at the Bow looks good, same at the Stern and Straight throughout the length. Where it meets the Keel is where the plank takes an "Interesting" shape. The Mermaid looks great!! Cheers....HOF.
  21. Hi Tim, From the Longridge book it's 5, 2, 4. 3, 1 (That's in my memory, could be wrong.... ) Enjoy!! Cheers....HOF.
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