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Everything posted by hof00

  1. Yup, I'd like to echo Greg's' Post!! We had USS Samson visit here, awesome!! Assisted with the Earthquake recovery in Kaikoura and then attended 75th anniversary of the NZ Navy. (Arleigh Burke Class. (USN, You Rock!!)) Am really pleased that I could follow this build to understand the Ship!! Awesome!! Good to see Malaysia/Australia/Canada mucking in!! Thank you so much!!
  2. Hi Julie, From a complete novice of 10 Years or so, "Do what feels right.... And Do It Well!!" You have a huge "Wealth" of woodworking experience, or so I am lead to believe in reading your Log. Other contributors may not like my opinion, se la vie. My two Cents Worth. (At the end of the day, who am I to pass judgement/Comment/Advice?) Looking forward to seeing the results of your wonderful efforts, At the risk of "Derision," (And that's fine.), I'll Post my comment. Cheers and Regards, Harry.
  3. Hi Chris, Yup, wanted a quickish win also, hence the Pen Duick. (However, there are no quick wins in this Hobby, it takes as long as it takes.... ) All modelling activities have stopped for me in the very short term Post Earthquake but will get busy this weekend I hope. Cheers....HOF.
  4. Thank you Sir. Following you build with interest. (The other Chris Craft also.) Happy that I have not compromised your Build Thread!! As stated before looks awesome!! Don't think that Turps" would be good for my Build I salute your efforts thus far. (Am toying with the idea of the A/L Marina II as an R/C Project, Thus far, all mine are static, no shame in that though.) Cheers.... HOF (Harry)
  5. Looking Awesome!! Been following the "Chris Craft" Builds. What did you use for the "Shiny" stuff? (I have a vested interest, sorry, but good to ask.) Don't really want to use Lacquer on the Pen Duick, it ended in tears last time.. Got some "Testors" Lacquer but reticent to use this also, Finally, purchased some Vallejo Gloss Varnish. (Water Based) Have done a Test piece using the Vallejo stuff and looks o.k. over acrylic. Don't want to "Hi-Jack" your awesome thread, maybe a PM? Too Late? Cheers....HOF.
  6. Ditto Carl.... Yup, looking forward to seeing more progress.... (No pressure. ) Cheers....HOF.
  7. Hi Sjors, Nice work indeed!! (Just an observation, the naked ladies are trying their best to look rather "Modest" in their poses. ) Cheers....HOF.
  8. What a very Clean and Precise build!! (Absolutely stunning if I may say so.) I am in awe....
  9. Awesome Job Sir!! (Henry Ford would be in awe of your "Production Line" skills.) Cheers....HOF.
  10. Hi Marc, Just echo Dave's words above. Superb build!! Yup, I also noticed that a few backstays were missing, Fore and Main. I made provision for these early on in my build by filling most of the holes in the Pin Rails, clamping a template to each and re-drilling. I saying so, I don't think anyone will notice, the ship's Rigging is busy enough. Cheers....HOF.
  11. Just another method to Highlight raised Letters, I used a Wallpaper Seam Roller, rolled through Gold Paint and removed the majority so that there was just a small amount of "Dry" stuff left, I then "Rolled" this over the Lettering and repeated until I was satisfied with the result. (The Seam Roller that I used had a hard but malleable plastic roller.) (Worked nicely on the Cutty Sark Bow/Stern decorations.) Cheers....HOF.
  12. Hi Chap, Drill a couple of holes in the False Deck, two each side should do the trick and put some Planking Nails into it through to the Bulkheads.(Hold the False Deck on to the Bulkheads while you do this and maybe try to "Skew" nail to stop the nails pulling out.) Once done, run a bead of white glue around the Bulkheads/False Deck join. (A good idea to this for every joint under the Deck, no ones going to see it and it will add strength. ) You may behaving problems with CA holding if there is any Water based glue residue on the components. For the Fish Boxes, I used CA on mine, make sure the wood is smooth and dust free. You should be able to leave the nails in place if the heads are flat. Hopefully, this will do the trick, and, remember, take your time, unfortunately, these models don't go together as fast as Plastic kits but they do come together, albeit, slowly. Looking good!! Cheers....HOF.
  13. Hi Julie, I have been following your build with interest. Just awesome woodwork!! Cheers....HOF.
  14. Hi Chap, Probably a good call to remove what you had done and start over, not something that I enjoy doing, Re-Work.... Agree, the instructions are a little lacking, to put it mildly, some steps that A/L show in their build sequence make future tasks all but impossible!! It's good to step away, have a good look and consider the options in the build sequence. Anyway, once you are ready to attach your False Deck to the Bulkheads, its good to mark some reference lines on the Deck as to where the Bulkheads are, this makes temporary "Pinning" of the Deck to the Bulkheads much easier and should ensure that everything is "Trued" up. As for Planking Material, or any other material that comes with A/L kits, I have found that they are pretty generous with "Extras." (This may not now be the case.) For future builds that I am considering, I'll probably use 1.0mm stock rather than the 0.5mm By the time that this is sanded, it's down to 0.5mm anyway. Basswood does seem to be the kit manufactures choice but others do replace material, personal choice I guess. (BTW, ensure that the tops of the Bulkheads and False Keel are nice and flush with respect to each other and any Bow/Stern filler Blocks also have a camber with respect to the Bulkheads.) (In the interim, before I send you my take on the Kit, I posted some photos on another Members build Log if you search under Mare Nostrum/cdogg) Have fun!! (Can be frustrating at times but it's still fun!! ) Cheers....HOF.
  15. Is your False Deck attached to the Bulkheads? Can't tell from your Photo but would be a good idea to do this before Deck Planking due to camber, etc.
  16. Hi Chap, The idea is to run a Plank the full length of the Deck, (King Plank), this should be dead centre. The rest of the planks are laid against this with a dark pencil marking Both edges of every subsequent plank, including the "Butt" ends. (I used to use a "Sharpie" but have tried a pencil with my latest build, I'm converted!!) Deck Planks are laid very close to each other, the King Plank, Once dry), will keep everything in line. Yup, go ahead and cover the openings in the false deck but mark with a pencil where the openings are. It also doesn't matter if the Planks overhang the False Deck as this gets trimmed/sanded flush after Decking is completed as do the openings in the Deck. I also use an Aliphatic Resin, sandable White Glue and apply sparingly as the Decking is only 0.5mm thick, very easy to "Cut-Through!!" Cheers....HOF.
  17. Hi "Worldway'" I built this some time ago, looks like you are off to a good start. I wrote a Practicum/Review for another site and can send to you if you wish and have some photos of my build if you are interested. I think that mine took around 3 months of mainly Weekend work. Take your time, it'll be worth it!! Cheers....HOF.
  18. Hi Chap, That would be awesome, thank you. Cheers....HOF.
  19. Hi All, Does anyone have any experience/s with the A/L Pen Duick? I've got this sitting in my Cupboard and it's rather tempting.... Cheers....HOF.
  20. Hi Chap, The Mizzen on you plans looks a little to extremely "Raked." Don't know.... I included a couple of photos from my build, early on in the piece and complete. I'll have to let you be the judge as it's your work. Cheers....HOF.
  21. Hi Chap, Just had a look at Longridges book: Fore - 86" Main - 85" Mizzen - 84" Angle of Steve of Bowsprit - 18.5" (All with respect to the Horizontal or 0' of course) Mainmasts are not tapered, Tapers only appear on Top Masts and Topgallant. (With the Sergal Kit, the Mast Housings were already done.) I'm guessing that your Fore and Main are 10mm in diameter and your Mizzen is something like 8mm in Diameter. The other thing that you may like to consider, when Masting don't Glue the masts in position, let the Rigging hold everything in place, there's more than enough pressure exerted to hold everything in place. This holds true for the Top and Topgallant. (By not Gluing these, you have a little leeway to "Twist" if necessary to line things up, also, if you are unfortunate enough to break something, it is far easier to remove and remake. :-)) Hope this helps. Cheers....HOF.
  22. Hi Chap, The masts are "Raked." I cannot recall the exact angle and would need to refer to my Plans/Research Material. I'll have a look-see but someone may come up with the figures before me. Cheers....HOF.
  23. Some "Early" Build Photos.... Give me a shout if I can help. Cheers....HOF.
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