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Everything posted by hof00

  1. Hi Tim, Gratings are fine, but, I chose to go "Scale" and made hatches. (Didn't like the Gratings, but, your choice.) Filler stuff between the Bulkheads, again your choice, I didn't, but, your Model, your Ship, you choose to make your piece of Marine Art. (Whatever you are comfortable with.) You may find that the Keel pulls "True" after you slot things together, Dry Fit? The Laser Cut stuff is pretty spot on. Pleased you have the resource material, it's wot I started with before I got into the "Nitty Gritty." One thing I forgot with my build was putting Tree Nails into the Deck Planks.... anyway, I was far too far along with the build and no one is going to notice, unless you tell them!! Regarding Deck Planking, I used the Kit stuff, again, my little piece of art. Looks o.k. and no one is anyone the wiser. (Yup, Teak Planks for the Deck but I felt just fine with the Basswood.) (I came into some planks of Teak recently but you will have to come and buy them off me. ) Be aware also that the Sergal version has Tapered Mainmasts, this is definitely not the case, you will need to get Mast Fittings modified/manufactured. (A friendly Manufacturing Jeweller is also a good resource. (I got Bumpkins made also with my resource!! ) The Longridge Book is really good, I got a first Edition off Abe Books, the Log is also a wonderful read, Historically. (All sorts went on, Assaults, Suicide, Murder, Etc!!) My C/S took me about six years of weekends to complete, unfazed by this, it was something that I needed to complete. (Memory of my Father.) Some days, I'd go in to the Ship Room and Walk back out. Anyway, don't be put off by my ramblings, Enjoy the journey.... Happy to assist if I can. (I have literally hundreds of photos if that helps.) Merry Christmas, and as I always say, Happy Guy Fawkes!! Cheers....HOF.
  2. Hi Tim, Certainly brings back memories.... I put the Stanchions aside, "Flat" just isn't right. I used Billings, 2 Hole Stanchions. There's quite a few. If you can, good resource material is Plans from the Cutty Sark Society in Grennwich. (A Print Shop will be able to enlarge them for you. (I don't think that you will infringe any Copyright. Happy to offer any advice from my perspective. Cheers....HOF. (Harry)
  3. Hi Chap, An interesting build, one kit that I have often thought about!! Looking good!! Cheers....HOF.
  4. Nice work Chap. The Mare Nostrum will be a "Walk in the Park!!" Chaars....HOF.
  5. Hi Chap, I managed to pick up a reasonable quality Woodworking Lathe for a couple of Hundee. (New) Its pretty good for a variety of tasks.... I wish you well for the mast Hoops!! Cheers....HOF.
  6. Hi Chap, I tried with the Plane method, had all sorts of problems.... So, I got a large diameter dowel, (Larger than the Mast diameter), and put this in the Head Stock Chuck of my Lathe. I put a Chuck in the Tail Stock and put a Drill in the Tail Stock Chuck. Started the Lathe and wound the Tali Stock into the Dowel. I was left with a Dowel with a nicely centred hole or, more correctly a "Tube." I then Stained the tube and used a Razor Saw and Mitre Box to cut the Tube into thin rings. Here is the result on Bluenose II
  7. My sincerest apologies Sir!! It was something I read on the shipmodelling forum a little while ago.... I'm pleased that you are sill very much with us!! Yup, all getting older, Wiser? Cheers and Regards, Harry.
  8. Hi Doug, I built the older version also. Mr. Earls' website is where I got some instruction also, albeit, several years ago. (I thought that John had [passed away?) This incidentally was my second build after tackling the A/L "Daykit" of Bluenose II Will be interested in your progress and have plenty of Photos of this if required. (Unfortunately, the Web Site that hosted my build log closed down, ship modellers forum) Looking good thus far!! Cheers....HOF.
  9. Hi Steve, Have a look-see at trademe.co.nz there are quite a few A/L kits on there at the mo. being imported from the UK Good luck with the Mare Nostrum, from memory, it's a 3 month build. Cheers....HOF.
  10. Nice recovery Sir!! Don't know about the 0.5mm planking, seems a little extreme? You would have to handle with "Kid Gloves" so as not to put a "Dent" in things. Is it single or double POB? If Double, I guess you can look forward to approx.. 0.75mm after careful sanding? (Almost bought one last week of NZ Auction site, (Trademe.co.nz), was started but someone else out bid me, no problem.) Interesting build and interesting to see same construction method as C/S I'm guessing that the Bulkhead extensions get removed after planking? Question: How did the kit "Smell" when you opened it? (I reckon that the manufactures put something on the Timber to make us remember.... A/L similar scent.... ) Cheers....HOF.
  11. Hi Chap, I can sympathise with the Plans/Instructions, Pretty similar to the Sergal/Mantua Cutty Sark, and I believe, not to scale either. (I was lucky enough to be able to refer to Billings and A/L plans for detail.) Did not have the issues with the Laser Cutting on the C/S and the alignment was perfect using the False Deck to hold Bulkheads in place. Anyway, Looking good thus far. Cheers....HOF.
  12. Hi Torbogdan, What is the quality of the "Castings?" I read a review some time ago that stated that the Casting quality was poor. Cheers....HOF.
  13. Hi Mark, Don't worry too much, during my build of this model, I had plenty of frustrating times. Took me six years of weekends and I'm glad I persevered. Sometimes I'd go into the Ship Room and walk straight back out.... What you have done thus far is looking really good!! (Agree wholeheartedly with Don/Russ's comment.) Keep it up!! Cheers....HOF.
  14. Hi Chris, Seems that the consensus is varied.... My take on things, if it were me, would be to do things 1/2 way, make the Transom a little wider and fair the rest in. Don't know Chap. I guess you will do what you will do, carefully consider the consequence, make a choice and do what feels right. (Sorry, doing what feels right is the only advice that I can give. Have not seen this particular manufacturer/model before) You are a woodworker, as am I, just be confident in your choice, I am sure you will.... Have I helped? Cheers....HOF.
  15. Nice!! Have 1/8 DR!, (Hatchette/Partworks), on the go. Haven't touched it for some time but have all 3 wings built, Engine, etc. I'll get there.
  16. Hi Chap, Don't know that I can be of any help here. Is there a reason that the Transom is not as wide as the Deck? I'm guessing that you have had a good look at plans and instructions further forward in the build? Cheers....HOF.`
  17. Hi Pierre, Nice start!! Have seen and "Drooled" over these kits but I have enough stacked up in the Cupboard right now. (I like your choice of words, "Gluing and Clamping....Now waiting." ) Your Keel Clamp is a very good innovation!! There's a bit of waiting in this particular pastime, it's good. Time to reflect on what has been achieved thus far and time for forward planning, steps/methods employed for next steps. I wish you well and will be watching your build with interest. Cheers....HOF.
  18. I'll get there one day soon.... Awesome build!! Having the Hull done pretty much, re decking to finish after Pen Duick. A true inspiration. Cheers....HOF.
  19. Hi Julie, For what it's worth, completed models, I see my errors, so what? They do fade with time, (Errors I mean), others do not see.... (You'll always know that they are there.) (My Ex. of 18 Years, still my good friend, was into Needlework/Quilting, she was not religious but used to say that the imperfections in her work was created by God, the imperfections were something we had to live with as we were not perfect. ) (I'm agnostic ) Don't worry about it. I am so much looking forward to seeing the treatment you are going to give the Deck and it's fittings!! After your efforts thus far, I'd be contemplating a rather large Congenic!! Cheers....HOF. My two cents worth.
  20. Hi Chap, Was thinking of A PM today, see how things were going? Cheers....HOF.
  21. Good evening, Greg, My "Cup of tea!!" Have Bismarck, 1/350/1/200, Titanic, 1/400 so really hanging on to your threads, thank you. Cheers....HOF.
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