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Everything posted by hof00

  1. Same. Have looked at the MS offerings in the past. (Have seen, don't know where, a "Diorama" of this model on a Slipway, any Ideas?) Will be interesting to follow regardless. Cheers....HOF.
  2. Ditto for all the other replies Carl, Awesome work!! (One day soonish, I'll have to do the PE bit too.) Cheers....HOF.
  3. Hi Chap, Doesn't look like a "Big Toy" in the slightest. The Colour is something that you could leave off but I think that it enhances the build. Once you have Masts/Rigging in place, it will all come into "Perspective." I really think the colour will enhance things. (If your worried about "Bright" Colours, just imagine that it's just come out of the "Slipway.") The Hull looks awesome, as do the Decks/Bulwarks. It's a really nice build, don't doubt yourself!! (My two cents worth....) Cheers....HOF.
  4. Thanks Gentlemen. Yup, there is a lot of Sail and agree the lines are very graceful. Regarding the Sails, I had a gripe in my previous Thread, The Kit supplied Sails are not 100%, if anything their too small. A video of the real thing, not too bad for an 1898 Yacht design.
  5. Unfortunately, I managed to delete my previous thread the other night, very clever of me. One Member, (Can't remember their "Handle"), was requesting information on the method used to perform the Deck Planking, but, I don't think that they had a chance to see my Post regarding this. Anyway, if they see this, they can ask again.... Over the next few hours, I'll post photos of the build thus far, for posterity and anyone else attempting this model.
  6. Apologies, Didn't pay too much attention to the Scale, just wrongly assumed, not reading properly. Cheers....HOF.
  7. Hi Craig, I believe that this subject lends itself to R/C Are you contemplating this? Good to see regardless. Cheers....HOF.
  8. Hi Derek, Good advice all around, was going to put in my 5 Cents worth but everyone has already said wot I was going to say, Faring/Filler/Fix. Cheers....HOF.
  9. Hi Steve, Nice, clean, crisp build!! Awesome with a capital "A" (Brings back memories.) Really good "Upgrade" for an otherwise "Down Graded" A/L kit. I have enjoyed being on the Journey, thank you. Looking forward to see what you do with a Cabinet for this. I guess it's time to get back to the Bounty? Cheers....HOF.
  10. Hi Chap, On the Model, Lower masts are Fore: 10.0mm Main: 10.0mm Mizzen 8.0mm (Not Tapered.) You will have to get Mast Caps Etc. Modified. Cheers....HOF.
  11. Nice one Derick!! Looking forward to your "Bluenose" or whatever you should choose Next. (As I have said, I think you have learned much, as I also continue to do.... ) Cheers and Regards.... HOF. (Harry.)
  12. Stack Away Sir. The top ones on mine were "Canted" to add something. (Careless Fishermen perhaps?) Cheers....HOF.
  13. Looks really good Chap, Brings back a few "Fondish" memories. (Did you "Pin" the Fish Boxes on? (God knows why I did, probably fixated with the What if I need to do Maintenance...." )) Cheers....HOF.
  14. O.k. not much of a Sunday for Modelling, Not particularly in the right frame of mind. I have however taken a couple of Photos of Sanson as of today. Shouldn't be too much of an issue to Remove the Bulwark/Superstructure Sides, finish the Deck a little better and redo the Wheel House, and re-paint stuff of course. As I may have mentioned, I think I'll do some LED Lighting and see if I can get my hands on some Fibre Optics to do the Navigation and Mast Lights. (Anyway, that's the plan going forward. ) I have all the necessary Bits and Pieces to complete.
  15. Hi Chap, I'll be watching your "Bluenose" also if you don't mind. I take it that it is the 1/75 A/L version? Will be good to see how this progresses and have been watching your Mare Nostrum build thus far. I guess you will have learned much from this, and hey, I'm still learning after 10 or so years doing this. (I'm still making basic errors) Take your time Sir, consider things carefully and if not sure, take some time, Think/Sleep on it, it will work out o.k. (My BNII took 10 months, was my second build. (Photos are available if these would be of any assistance.) Cheers....HOF.
  16. Thanks Chap, Just giving credit where credit is due!! You'll be finished very soon by the looks, I reckon this deserves a good Cabinet. Cheers....HOF.
  17. Nice work Chap!! I Esp. like the Brass Hinges on the Companionway Door. Nice touch. Cheers....HOF.
  18. Thanks Gary, Completed to Mantua/Sergal C/S, Instructions were a one Pager.... Plans not that much better. Used a combination of plans from A.L, Billings, Sergal and Cutty Sark Society to get a decent result, In my estimation the wood and Laser cut stuff was spot on!! Yup, The Cutty Sark turned out very well for a novice. (C/S on this site under HOF00) Cheers....HOF.
  19. Nice Work Chap, Both Derick and yourself. (Parallel Builds) Cheers....HOF.
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