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Everything posted by hof00

  1. Hi, Considered Proxxon Stuff? Am thinking of making the investment. (Might be talking through "A hole in my head" regarding machining/milling.) Cheers....HOF.
  2. Hi All, Stumbled across a communique earlier today that Mamoli had a bit of a disaster? Does this mean that I don't have any recourse for any Spares, Bits & Pieces Etc, for the Mamoli kits in my possession? I have a Mamoli HMS Victory and Flying Cloud, un-started and complete. (Not "Mini Mamoli") Are these now "Collectors" items? Cheers....HOF.
  3. Hi Mark, Your build is coming on very, very nicely Yup, Copping is a bit Nuts but I think you have truly mastered it!! (There's always another Build that requires this) All ship models are different as I have found out.Loving it!! (Have to have something to live for.) If I can say, my work colleagues have described previously, that Ship Modelling is the "Pinnacle" of Modelling. Your Coppering efforts esp. are looking awesome!! Nice Build. Happy to share if an issues/problems but understand that there are more "learned" than I. Enjoy!! Cheers and Regards. Harry.
  4. And, a couple of pictures of the Tool I will be using to "Attack" the Deck. Thanks for the Links Chris, appreciated.
  5. O.k, some pictures of the current state of affairs, have not yet attacked the Deck.
  6. Hi All, Just a small update in case you'd all thought I've rolled over and died. (Only the good die young, or so they say.) O.k. the Hull is looking really good but I'm not happy with the Deck, at all. Sanded away, trying to make things perfect but created far more problems, cut through the deck in a few places, and, where I didn't, the Decking is so thin that it's translucent, the Ply underneath shows, not good at all.+ Thanks for your input Chris, yup, got some assistance with "Paper" Decking, (Thanks RichardG, it was worth a crack!!), played around with this but, no go really. Am aware that there is going to be a bit of work re-doing the Deck at this stage but am up for it!! Spoke to Boyd, (Thomaslambo), who is sending me some Decking that he didn't use on his Bounty, Thanks Boyd!! (Just calling out your assistance!!) Also bought a Proxxon Pen Sander/Power supply which should make removal of the old Decking a little easier. I'll post some photos later. Cheers....HOF.
  7. Hi Chap, Looks like a very Nice Bluenose 1 I don't think that you'll have too many issues with you restoration Pretty simple Rigging to restore. I built an A/L version a few years ago. (You can find this on :the "Ship Modelling Forum" under HOF00 (I guess my photos are still there, I started a thread: Calling all Bluenosers which was, at the time met with a little derision.) I look forward to seeing your progress. Brings back some memories. Cheers....HOF.
  8. Hi Richard, Thanks for that!! I'll take home tonight and do a little "Experimentation with some thinned colour. Cheers....HOF.
  9. Thanks Richard, Very much appreciated. Should mention that the existing pattern is a four Butt shift, 25mm per shift. Cheers....HOF.
  10. Hi Richard, Longest plank is 100mm and shifted at 25mm. The Nail pattern that you have illustrated is what I have used to date. A4 would be really good. Any help, much appreciated. Cheers....HOF.
  11. Hi Chap, Thanks for the advice.... I guess I am being critical but I don't think overly so. I replaced four Planks on the Fore Deck that I cut through, they look alright but there are other areas also that are getting a little on the thin side. I'll post some pictures soonish. Cheers....HOF.
  12. Could someone please direct me, or assist me in obtaining something approaching a 1/60 Decking PDF? I am getting a little more than frustrated in trying and failing to get the wooden planks perfect. My plan, (Hope it's a valid one), was to print and overlay on to existing Deck. (1/60 Endeavour) Doesn't have to be the exact dimension, just something that I can cut and fit. (Planking width, 5.0mm with 3 or 4 Butt shift.) Cheers....HOF
  13. Hi Chap, How are things? I'm taking a wee time to think about the Endeavour. Have completed second planking, Hull, but have managed to "Cut Throughh" a portion of the Fore Deck Planking. Unsure if I'll try to Re-Do this as I am worried that I might make a bad si9tuation worse. Maybe covering the error with "Cargo?'" Couple of Barrels/Casks and Cases wrapped up in a Net? We'll see I guess. I must admit, this is the most frustrating build ever!! Cheers Ears!! Harry. ...
  14. Hi Chap, Finish sanding the Hull, add the last plank to the Whales, Paint the Bulwarks/Deck Steps/Bulwark finishing Strips, Loading/light/Air Ports/Hatches, Paint like the replica, French Blue, White and Black for the Whales, Channels, Etc. Pretty much in that order I think. Cheers....HOF.
  15. Some progress pictures.... Final sanding yet to be done between Channels and Whales. This will be left natural wood, the rest will be painted as per the replica. Looks a bit rough but early days.
  16. Well no progress photos after the weekends' efforts, maybe next Weekend? Anyway, more Planking and completed the second layer. Rather embarrassingly, I managed to "Cut Through" some of this at the Bow and unfortunately in between the Channels and Whales that will be left wood, not painted. So, I have now Triple Planked above the Channels and down to the Whales, below the Whales is o.k. Lesson learnt, sand more slowly and choose the Grit more carefully!! (Should have listened to Boyd!!) The Hull thus far has certainly given me a few "Curve Balls." Does anyone know an accurate location on the Deck for Stepping the Masts? (I am not 100% confident on the accuracy of the Sheer Plan or "Photos" that are supposed to be "Plan Like.") That's me for the mo. Cheers....HOF.
  17. Hi Chap, Thanks for stopping by. Almost finished the 2nd planking, bit of a mission. "Prototyped" Bill Boards or as A/L call them, "Anchor Linings." Had a look at the positions of the Mast Holes, I am a little concerned as the Sheer Plan is a little inaccurate and comparing to the "Full size" photos that constitute the Pan and side views, it is even more confusing, so maybe someone can enlighten me? It's all a bit of "Guesstimation" with this kit. Been having a look at the various hatches, etc I think I'll stay with the metal ones supplied, maybe a touch of paint if necessary. I think the idea is to rebate them into the Hull in their various positions. I'll look at these after I get some Sanding Sealer/Paint on the Hull. I'll try to get some photos uploaded next weekend. Cheers....HOF.
  18. Hi Chris, Do you have any idea how far down the Wales are located? (These are Three 6.0mm X1.0mm strips per side. I had a look on the A/L B & W Photo, (Plan), and is quite difficult to discern, Rubbing Strake not too bad as this is in line with the Channels. Cheers....HOF.
  19. Yup, Thanks Chap, aware that shorter is better, not so many "Tortuous" compound curves!! Cheers....HOF.
  20. Cheers Ears!! Yup, Planking is progressing, I do like my Heat source, (Plank bender), makes things a little more "rapid." HOF.
  21. Hi Chap, Been doing this "Ship Modelling" thing for a few years now but I am taking pleasure/inspiration/reference from your Posts. I have now started Planking from the Garboard downwards, interesting.... (As I have said before, my first "Bluff" Bowed Ship. Always a first!!) Thanks Chap, keep up the good work!! Cheers....HOF.
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