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Posts posted by JSGerson

  1. I had the same problem bending those #$%^& ribs. I've been thinking it might have been easier to cut out the ribs (and more of them) from airplane plywood or boxwood directly to shape and skip the bending. You would have ended up with a stronger frame and planking would have be easier. That is assuming you knew how to shape the ribs in the first place so you could cut them out.

  2. Fortunately this meant I only had to cut open a few eye splices and lashings, remove the stay from the mast and re-install them properly once the damage was repaired. I didn’t have to reconstruct the complete stays from scratch.


    The Fore Stay was completed without and problems (as far as I know) and installed. The Fore Preventer stay will be installed once the bowsprit jib boom is installed.




  3. Fore Stay

    Back to the remaining stays. The Fore Stay was under construction, i.e., making the mouse, eye splices, and heart when I realized I screwed up on the Mizzen stay, Main stay, and the Main Preventer stays…bigtime. In trying to assemble as much as I could off the model, my lack of experience reared its ugly head only I didn’t recognize it at the time.  I had looped the stays to engage the mouse first and then attached them to the mast. The only way that was possible was to thread them through the opening destined for the upper masts. It was just a mind block that this was the opening for the upper mast. There was no way for the upper masts could now fit.


    Examples of the Mizzen mouse and Main stay:




  4. Scott - I'm blind as a bat. I wear trifocals all the time (wearing glasses since I was 7) and when I work on the model I add a clip-on eye loupe. I've heard all kinds of stories about doing those ratlines and none of them favorable. I still have some work to perform on the bowsprit but after that I will have to take the plunge and work those ratlines. Wish me luck!

  5. I made a similar mistake with the Mizzen mast as well and had to enlarge the top hole. Luckily the mast wedge that I had made covered just about all of the excess hole that was left when the mast was finally seated.


    Those tops really gave me all kinds of trouble. Yours look quite nice. 


    The ships boat that came with the Mamoli kit was a pre-cut wooden shell and would have worked quite well and appeared to be a lot easier to use than MS's bread & butter version. Even still, I felt like it was cheating to use it since I had made most of the model from scratch once the keel and bulkheads were used. When I found the ship's boat model on Model Expo for $5 I had nothing to lose but try. Bending the ribs is the hardest part as the wood will kink rather then bend. If I could have figured out a way to draw the ribs to make a template, I believe it might have been easier to cut them out of airplane plywood. Sometimes I feel like I should have gotten a commission from Model Expo for the number of sales I inspired. 8-)



  6. Martin - Thanks for the warning on loose straps, I'll keep that in mind.


    Ah yes, the souvenir. There was/is no chance of radioactivity because when I obtained the bar of stainless steel, the power plant was under construction - no nuclear fuel was on site. For those of you who didn't click on the provided Shoreham link, the plant was finally completed and even got up to 5% power for testing but was never commissioned. This was around the time of the 3 Mile Island incident so a lot of people (politicians, anti-nukes, pro-nukes, etc.) took a second and third look at the emergency plans if the plant went operational. They didn't like the evacuation plan. Trying to evacuate the population from Long Island NY is messy at best on a good day, never mind during an emergency. So the fully functional, brand new nuclear power plant never went on line.

  7. Once the “saw” was able to pass through the opening I tested the deadeye again. Success, it fitted! Now I have to do it again 17 more times only this time, I don’t think it will go as quickly as their fabrication. The pictures below show the small deadeye slots as well as the one deadeye that I was able to insert into the top so far.



  8. Before I decided to blacken the straps, I test fitted them to the tops. They didn’t fit into the fine holes I created for them. I was too conservative and made the openings a bit too small. The stems of the straps are about 0.5 mm x 2.0 mm. The strap openings are about 0.5 mm (max) X  1.75 mm (or less). Obviously it would be very simple to fix the openings if the tops were off the model but I can’t remove the tops without disassembling all the rigging I’ve done so far.


    I don’t have a knife or other tool that can be used widen the width of these very tiny strap slots. So I’ve attempted to make one. Using the excess tail of a completed strap, I’ve filed it down to the proper dimensions and then tapered one end so it could at least fit part way into the hole. In addition I filed some notches on one side to act as saw teeth which you can barely see in the image below. This is a fragile copper and silver solder tool (to be held with a pair of pliers) bends quite easy if not held just right. Using a hand drill to act as a rudimentary file, I moved the drill up and down against one end of the strap slot. This slowly made the hole longer. Using my homemade “saw” ensured the cut was straight. 


  9. Once the deadeye was positioned, the wire was squeezed closed. When installed into the top, the unsoldered area will be covered by the top and secured closed by the small opening. The tail was then trimmed to length and a 1 mm hole was drilled at the end of the tail for the hook connection.


  10. The deadeye was removed and the wire was then given its acid cleaning bath and water rinse. The wire was then placed on a very simplistic jig consisting of three pins and a 3-pound hunka-chunk of nuclear grade stainless steel…scrap (approx. 1” square x 6 inches). This was my souvenir that I liberated from a scrap heap at the now brand new, never used, decommissioned Shoreham nuclear power plant on Long Island NY were I was a Nuclear Quality Control Inspector back in the late 70’s. But that is another story (see link). The metal chunk kept the wire tail flat and butt-up together while silver soldering.


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