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Posts posted by Siggi52

  1. Hello,

    I'm busy with building the hinges for the port lids. For that I chiseled with an engraver a die out of a piece of steel and hardened it.




    The hinges itself I build from copper wire, hammered slightly flat, bent one end back and soldered it with tin




    Then I hammered it into the mould




    filed the surface at the back flat




    and at the disk sander I cut the sidelines flat




    The drilling I made by eye, 0,65 mm Ø




    And with that I rounded the back of the hinge








    And that is it, also with a prototype of an hinge pin. The pin is made from 0,6 mm brass wire.




    So, I think that I'm busy with them the next days. Today I build 10 hinges within 1,5 hours and I need 84 of them. 😟

  2. Thank you Druxey and all others, also in advance, for your likes


    that was also first my intention, but they are so small (1,3 X 1,5 mm)  that I did't risk it to destroy them when doing this. In this case, if you start carving from the outside, you are with the grain at the save side. And later come those, who go over the upper wales, and you must carve also from the underside. So I thought that it is saver this way. 

  3. Hello,


    today I could proudly present the first installed rigols 😓

    First I draw them at the computer




    Then followed a sawing marathon 




    And here they are. I carved them at the ship. There they are fast and could't move, so it is also healthier for the fingers. To the right is the jig for the high.



  4. Hello,

    and many thanks for your likes and wishes.

    After a short break between the years, I'm back at the shipyard. Now all port lids at least are build, but not all are lined. 






    At the picture above you see the lids without lining, flush with the planking. At the picture below the lids have already the lining, and they are now not flush with the planking. All who where not ill with measles ore what else when it came to addition at school, know what is now to do. And that is not a shortcut ☹️






    Above without lining and below with lining. 




    At the picture above the lids are looking more like at most historic models. At the Centurion (below) is interesting, that they build the lids just plain, without the bulky wails or thick planking on top! 



  5. Hello, and many thanks for all the likes


    the painter has all the beams, carlings and ledges painted and the carpenters have reinstalled them. I think, that is here the last action for the next years 😲 Before I set them permanent in, I have to finish the outside of the ship. 


    From the forge came the rail for the stairs. 









  6. Hello Mark,


    your problem is a self made problem. If you had a look at the decks plan of the gun deck, you would see it. Here I show the decks plan to the sheer plan. In blue are the beams you have drawn, but you did't draw the short bowed beams, in red. Sorry my english. If you set the standard at that short beam, you did it! The same with he next beam. Why did you omit that standard in your drawing?







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