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Everything posted by Piet

  1. Thanks guys for dropping in and your kind comments. In my shipyard everybody has a front seat Patrick, with service I have to ratlines too Jan? Okay but they'll be so thin you wont be able to see them No, Denis, I don't have the room for another large model so I'm going into the direction of Patrick, all miniatures The other day when I was in the garage I was really tempted to start carving the hull but thought better of it. VOC ship Surabaya now has priority. Oh, I forgot, I'm supposed to start with a 1:350 scale Dutch Dutch submarine kit model - - - - - soon Hey Daniel, happen to have a spool of real silk thread and when I unravel it I can come to the individual spider threads. They are thinner then my own hair. I used a few glued together for the diorama. Problem is that I had a real problem handling them, they are that thin. But it'll be another challenge and exercise for my eyes. Cheers,
  2. Hi JesseLee, hang in there babe. Crying is okay my friend but it's only temporary. Happens to all who have children, at some day they have to fly the coop. Please say hi to her from that old crazy Dutch guy she met last year and wish her all the best. Hugs for your dear wife and daughter. Cheers,
  3. Yup, I admit it, I'm nuts but there is an old saying in Holland "wie niet waagt die niet wint," or freely translated "who doesn't try he doesn't win." it's right now just in the planning stage and sorting out the possibilities at this scale, material wise. I have it already pictured in my mind but the execution of it is a whole other story. Who knows. Cheers,
  4. Yes, I remember that one Daniel, amazing stuff. Oh my itchy fingers but I need to concentrate on the VOC ship first before I get into hot water with Gwen I just may sneak in a clipper ship at scale 1:3000 - - - - don't tell Gwen though. Cheers,
  5. Go for it Daniel, I'll be in a front row seat! I am now contemplating a clipper hip in scale 1:3000 in a small lamp But Gwen wants to see some progress on the VOC ship Surabaya before I tackle something else. Cheers,
  6. Thanks everyone for visiting and clicking the like button. @ Jan: :) Cheers,
  7. Welcomed back Mindi, we all missed you. What a splendid build you are doing, she looks really fantastic. I do remember some of your previous logs now that I see your ship. Count me in watching your progress. Cheers,
  8. Ah, finally caught up with your build Daniel. Super impressive detail work. Makes me itch to start my own ship in a lamp project. Cheers,
  9. Thank you JesseLee, Jan and Patrick for dropping in and your comments. Actually the first pic was meant a joke and a laugh No way would I put something like that on my ship. I believe that I should stick with what the folks in the mid seventeenth century carved, whether they are true representations of a lion or not. Yes Jan, I'll try to look at that "blootelling" thing you mentioned. Have to do some more research to find something suitable and then try to replicate it. And Jan, I did visit your P W log and looked at your ship's boat method. Interesting and quite doable, looks good. Let me try doing it the hard way first though. Remco showed me his plug method and his boats came out the Remco way, 99% perfect. Cheers,
  10. That boat looks rather sharp lashed to the beams Hennie and sorry to hear about your mixed-up order. Cheers,
  11. Totally outrageous Patrick. I'm so looking forward seeing her on the display stand. It'll be a sight to behold. How can you top this one - - - hmmmm the next challenge. Cheers,
  12. Wow, it's been a few weeks since my last post. In the meantime I have worked on and completed a micro mini shipyard diorama and if things go well a few pics will be in the gallery. I have also made a few sketches of a lion for the bow and like to share them here for your comments. These will not be the final choice but it's a start. I have also dug out the line plans for the ship's boat and sloop. In the Topsail Schooner diorama log I mentioned that I was not sure how to do these builds. First i thought to try my hand with the plug method instead of plank on frame but making a plug first will take a lot of time. Having done a POF dinghy for my 019 sub build that worked out okay I may just as well try it with these two as well. With the scale at 1:85 the frames should be about 1 mm wide but cheating a little and go to 1.5 mm it should work okay. Furthermore, the frames are build-up in three pieces, a floor with futtocks on each side. I can cut bulkhead type pieces and bend and clamp the futtocks to them to shape. Amateur Jan mentioned that he used a method for his ship's boats I should look at, which I will do, of course. Okay, let me show a few sketches for the bow lion. Lion giving a potential attacker the raspberry with a grin on his face and daring to "make his day." Totally unorthodox and Gwen asked me, "are you serious"? Ummmm, no, I just wanted to show all yuns my warped sense of humor but all y'all know that already Here is another possibility, much more viable or should I just stick with the standard, unorthodox type of lion? Wahtever i decide on may not make any difference in how it'll come out, hopefully better then the prototype Cheer,
  13. Hello Jeff, thanks for the compliment and looking at my little diorama. Yup, a ship in a bottle or in my case a 6 inch diameter lamp, is in the plan. I have changed my mind on the type though. Instead of a VOC Jacht I plan on a Dutch fishing boat. Spelling of jacht is Dutch for yacht but it means to hunt or "hunter," As I have mentioned to Igor I'll be calling on all you SIB folks for assistance. Hoi Jan, well perhaps you are right in just going for the POF method and thanks for your confidence in me. Making a plug takes a lot of time and then having to worry about releasing the framed hull from the plug without damaging it. I made the dinghy for my 019 sub also POF and it worked out okay. The Surabaya scale is 1:85 and it looks like the frames will be around 1 mm wide, although I can cheat a little and make them 1.5 mm. They will be in three pieces, a floor and futtocks on each side. The plan is cutting bulkhead type pieces so I can bend the futtocks around them to shape. But I'll try to hunt for your method as well as Chuck's. Any helpful hints I can gather is welcome. Choice of wood for planking will be in cherry to match the hull and will be lapstrake. Cheers to all,
  14. Thank you Pat and Jan for the compliments and ggrieco, Hyposhagma and NJWUACK, thanks for liking my diorama effort. Yes Jan, I really need to get back to the Surabaya ship. I have made the lines drawings for the ship's boat and sloop. Now I am contemplating whether to us the plug method or plank on frame. I am also toying with the idea to make another lion carving. I have made a few sketches for a better face expression. I thought to make the boats and carvings before the rigging starts for better access for them. Cheers,
  15. I really like that masthead Mobbsie with the pulley in it and the bracing ropes. You and seamstress have excelled in making that sail. 3 tea bags? I remember my mother dying a white blouse with tea because she couldn't afford to buy a new one. That way she had a new blouse for the price of a few tea leaves. Nice work on your build. Cheers,
  16. Wowedy wow-waw, that's a big boat Sjors and so many gun ports. Great job figuring the locations, looks like you have hit it. Just be careful when drilling into the wood that it does not splinter on you when the drill bit exits the other side. If I remember right, you have already experienced that in another build. Cheers,
  17. It's so good seeing you back at the bench JesseLee. Good idea on the lowering method of the carronades, that'll work. Some very nice micro work on the carronade brackets too. Keep at it my friend, your ship is looking really great. Cheers,
  18. Thank you Ken, Capt.n Bob and Lawrence for your very kind approval of my micro effort, it's very much appreciated. Thanks to everyone who clicked the like button. Now I really have to concentrate on actually working on my Surabaya ship. But I also will do a small kit in the kit forum, perhaps starting a few days from now. Cheers,
  19. Good info on the IPMS show Dave. The main thing is that you had fun and met some very great people. I have been fortunate to have ogled your models personally and can rightfully say they are all very impressive. If things go well for us in the coming year I may be enticed to come to North Carolina for your next charity show. I'll have to rent a van though, my old Chevy pickup may not make it. Cheers,
  20. I'm with you Nils, no competition, no museum, just for fun and a challenge. We do loooove a challenge right Nils? Davids are taking shape, just a few more to go Cheers,
  21. Thank you Steamschooner, Carl and Igor for dropping in and I almost forgot to thank all who clicked the like button, thank you!! Yes Igor, I am counting on all SIB folks, I'll let you know when I start. Cheers to all,
  22. Thank you all for your most gracious accolades, I am truly deeply touched with your generosity. All of us modelers push ourselves to do better because of the support we get. This has been indeed a very enjoyable challenge for me and am glad all of you like it. The boat or ship in the lamp will have to wait. First I have to draw up the plans but most importantly the strategy in how to shove a boat that's much wider then the opening into the lamp. However, i do have some ideas. But, I'm sure that several experienced ship in bottle builders can help me with ideas. Now I deed your help in how to put the words "completed" or "finished" on the title of this project. Forgive me for my computer ignorance, I'm an old airplane man, not a computer wizard. Also, how do I move this log to the completed section in my signature and "hot link" it??? Gwen and I wish all of you happy and rewarding modeling. I hope to see you all in your shipyards. Cheers,
  23. Yeah man, rather flashy looking! Anchor looks usable buy do the flukes swivel?? Kidding of course but with your abilities I wouldn't put it past you Reference that delirious looking worm - up, I am familiar with them. We had them in Indonesia as well, they could be found in a smallish type of banana. The indigenous Javanese people loved them too as well as some other scary critters. Cheers.
  24. Hello everyone and best wishes. Thank you Mark, Igor, Carl, Julie Mo and Patrick for your very kind words and of course a heartfelt thanks to all who clicked the like button. This will most likely be the last post of my effort to make a micro mini diorama. It's not a Dutch shipyard as Amateur Jan would have liked but I opted for something we could expect somewhere in New England. Is it perfect? No, not by a long shot but the main thing is that I learned a lot and had a lot of fun doing it. There is still that Dutch jacht or fishing boat in a lamp awaiting to do - - - - someday. Thank you all for visiting and your helpful hints and encouragement along the way. My next "little" project will be started in the kit building section but I'll also continue with my VOC ship Surabaya. Gwen would like to see it finished so I can start with her father's ship, the Musi. Here are a few pics I picked out for you to look at. Here I have numbered the various details to annotate what they are. #1 is the 35 foot supply sloop. #2 is the wooden dock the sloop is tied to. #3 are two of the ship's frames. #4 are two of the canted frames. #5 are stacks f hull planks. $6 is a stack of deck planks. #7 is a 95 foot schooner on the ways in the early stage of being build. #8 are logs. #9 is the steam power shed to run the saw with its smokestack. #10 is the sawmill. #11 is a stack of freshly cut planks. #12 is the machine shop. #13 topsail schooner in the stocks close to being launched. She has most of the standing rigging installed. #14 is the 15 foot ship's boat moored to a pole on shore. As a reminder, the sails on the supply sloop is from VERY thin cloth packing material of a package with sail cloth Igor uses for his bottle ships he send me. Thanks again Igor, much appreciated and as you see even the packing cloth came to good use. Te actual sail cloth will be used for the future build for my planned boat in a lamp, see my signature. ] Here I did a "Patrick" by putting the diorama on the palm of my hand. This shows how small it actually is. The width of my palm is 50 mm and the diameter of the diorama is 35 mm. Cheers,
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