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Everything posted by Piet

  1. Hello everyone, Thank you all for your kind words and the likes. Love the clapping hands Pavel, thanks for the compliment! Thank you for your concern about my safety Lawrence But I'm an "old" hand at lumber jacking I'm more concerned about that infernal chainsaw Dave, you make me blush. Isn't it our duty to help others? This forum is filled with like-minded people. Now I am facing another problem, getting used to this different format. The "remember me" at sign in doesn't work, none of the hot-links to my build log and archive work, the build logs for the Surabaya and O19 are missing and everything under my signature are in disarray. So, I'll have to spend a lot of time head scratching to figure out how to correct all that and I am a computer idiot, um - - - I mean illiterate Oh well, this is the least of my problems. My nice Epson printer went south. Two of the ink jet thingies are not doing what they are supposed to do. A few months ago it started with three and I cleared two of them, at least it printed black but now it just prints extremely thin, i.e. unreadable. I'll have to break down and spend mucho dinarie for a new one. Okay, enough of my crying, it's not the end of the world. I wish all y'all happy modeling. Cheers,
  2. Hello everyone, No update on the Surabaya yet except for a few minor items just to let all yuns know that I'm still alive and kicking. I have been too busy with all kinds of stuff with the latest some mega HUUUUUGE landscaping, as President Trump would say. Well, actually not all that huge but still very time consuming. Had to trim back a bunch of sweet viburnum bushes that have actually grown into trees of about 30 feet tall. Branches that are 8 inches in diameter! That also entails cutting all them down into manageable sizes for the city to pick them up Wednesdays. I'm only 1/4 through all of them and took this week off on that project to fix my toilet water tank cover and our neighbor's rattan lawn chair. In replacing the flusher gizmo I laid the cover on the edge of the bathtub but our new cat Boomer jumped on it and it fall to the stone floor. Broke into 4 large pieces. Just a lot of other yard work and no Jan, not the ship's yards Then grocery shopping cooking and baking bread. Well you get the idea about not having much time for building ships. Okay, what I have done is sketch a few more lions for the bow but the more I look at this project the more I feel to stick with the traditional Dutch looking lions. They may not look much like the real animal but are nevertheless nostalgic. Of the many I have seen on pics I like the one on the Batavia replica the best and will attempt to make the carving look like it. However, I decided to build the ship's boats first. One boat and one sloop. The question has come up before in how to tackle it, either by using a plug or go the plank on frame route. In looking at the drawings I copied from Hooving's Pinas or Fluit ships, they seem to be doable in plank on frame. Besides it being a challenge and having had the experience in building two sloop models for my O19 submarine as plank on frame, I believe I can do it again. Here is another however though. I acquired a plastic model of the Dutch submarine O16 from Pacific Crossroads and must give that build all priority. When I start the build log I'll write the appropriate intro. This project will be to honor the valiant crew who gave their life for freedom. Yes, my father knew the crew quite well. The submarine service is a small community. I'm also anxious to start another diorama, this time in a scale of 1:3000 of the Young America at sea. This too is a challenge to me, to see how small I can make them and still look convincing enough. So then, let me end by adding a few pics of the things discussed here, except for the landscaping stuff. This is a pencil drawing I made a long time ago from a 3X5 black and white Kodak photo by business partner took while on safari in Africa. Here is the Batavia replica lion. Looks great and has character. Ship's boat. Ship's sloop. Ship's sloop. This is our latest charge, Boo Boo the cat. I call him Boomer and he responds to it quite well. I thought to stick with submarines rather the calling the poor guy Boo Boo . Sad story in how we wound up getting him but he is a very lovable cat and he an our little girl cat are now getting along just fine. Okay, this is it for now and hopefully I can start with the O16 kit soon. Cheers to all,
  3. Great job Kees and somehow I got to see the vid on the first post. Don't ask me how and I don't have an account either. These kinda things makes this forum so special and enjoyable. Cheers,
  4. Great swaggering sea dog Patrick, that's some mighty fine work. Can't wait for the furnishings to start. Cheers,
  5. Looking rather convincing Denis. Snow? That's a dirty 4 letter word It's been cold here too in Palm Cost, Florida - - - all the way down to 65F at midday. Cheers,
  6. Hello Jeff, Finally caught up with your Preussen. Very nice work and many helpful hints with references. It'll come in handy whenever I can start building my Dutch fishing boat or Staten Jacht in a bottle. But first I want to do a diorama of the Young America at sea in scale 1:3000. I'll be following along as time allows. Cheers,
  7. Nice planking Mark and not to forget the tutorials and interesting conversations regarding it. Cheers,
  8. Ouch! That's to me a seriously major setback Dave. Wat's the reason for the missing gun port? Plans okay? Cabin too big? Ship too short? Just very curious mind you. Cheers
  9. Mighty fine looking model Marcus. Yeah, a Dutch windmill is on the bucket list somewhere else. I want to draw up my own plans though, part of the fun. Cheers,
  10. Hoi Anja, good seeing you back building. With your permission I'd like to join in on the progress of this marvelous ship. My goodness, you are moving fast. Cheers,
  11. Great progress Dave and also some very good advice to us scratch builders. I'm taking notes! Cheers,
  12. Hello Nils, Caught up again and congrats with the closing of the hull, a major milestone indeed. And then some fantastic additional builds to feast our eyes on. She's looking really splendid my friend. Cheers,
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