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Everything posted by Piet

  1. Happy birthday Dave an d many more to come. What a nice present you received, going to Boston - - - and see the real Constitution. Plenty of picks. The model is coming along just great. The carronade mock-up looks good from here. Cheers,
  2. ROFLMAO @ Sjors: Grrrrrrrroul - - - - - @ Jan: Now that's funny! but not suitable for my bow Cheers,
  3. Thank you Lawrence and Jeff for checking in but sorry to say - - nothing new to report. I had to temporarily set my bow lion drawing trials aside to make a colored pencil painting of a ghost crab. Don't laugh, it's something I promised to do to satisfy some of the folks at our National Colored Pencil Society chapter. I am trying a new technique for the beach sand, using dissolved colored pencil and my airbrush. The rule is that everything put on paper must be colored pencil, no other medium allowed, otherwise it is mixed media. So far not much luck. Looks like I have to buy a set of water soluble pencils. Instead of the bow lion as next on the agenda to make are the two ship's boats. I plan to use that mold method everybody seems to advocate. I did pretty good making that little dinghy for the sub, which is a tad smaller then what the Surabaya needs. But I need to give that plug thing a go, otherwise I won't learn. Thanks Jeff for your very kind words and also for adding me as a friend. Where do live, if I may ask. Cheers,
  4. Hoi Carl, Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know- - - - I'm late. Sorry about that, wont happen again Ambitious project you have taken on but fun to watch, so count me in. Turrets look great but that 25 mm is kinda fuzzy As an airplane guy I REALLY like that Fokker. The only "more then one set of wings" airplane I have flown is a Waco UPF 7, a biplane. That one I rebuild in my garage - - - a long time ago. I'll sit next to Mark in the balcony and throw a bag of popcorn up so once in a while. And oh yeah, a glass of that amber stuff too. Noooooo, don't throw it Cheers,
  5. Thanks for the laughs fellows, and yes, the lion needs a lot of help to make it satisfactory to me. I'm after a wild and threatening look but not a self portrait though, that'll be too wild and threatening I have been temporarily sidelined with a change in our dietary way of life and a few other things. Hope to get back to the Surabaya soon and to another diorama of the Young America in scale of 1:3000 this time. The plan is to show her at sea with a few sails. Then there is a plastic kit of the Dutch submarine O16 I really need to build. My father served on her as well before he was placed on the O19. So you see there is a lot of work waiting for me and I'm not even looking at my bucket list. Help, I need another life time Cheers,
  6. Well, Nils, I'm still not even half way with my Dutch VOC ship Surabaya and am planning a 1:3000 sacle Young America and a recently acquired styrene model of the Dutch submarine O16. Just been too busy with "stuff." In the meantime I just come and visit all my friends here. Your ship is coming along real nice. Cheers,
  7. Checking in again Patrick - great miniature work there, well done. Cheers,
  8. That was my first thought too Mark, why indeed ? She's really a feast to the eye Denis, marvelous work. Cheers,
  9. Hello Kevin and a very happy 2017 to you and the family. Great progress with the build my friend, looks very impressive. Cheers,
  10. Hoi Markus, happy New Year to you and the family. Just caught up with your build. She's really looking very good my friend and these little goof-ups come with the territory. It's the end result that counts. our sister will be well pleased, I'm sure. Cheers,
  11. Hello Mark, Happy New Year and may Mr. Murphy have a long walk from a short plank. Finally caught up with your build, nice progress. Cheers,
  12. Hoi Sjors and a very happy, prosperous and healthy 2017 to you and Anja. I'm back with you on your build after a too long of a delay, been very busy with other "stuff." Hope to free up some time to get back building again. Your progress is awesome even with the few set-backs. I'll try to visit more often. Cheers,
  13. Hoi Hennie, and a very happy, prosperous and an in good health 2017 to you and the family. I'm back at your beautiful build. Some awesome great progress Hennie. I have been just too bust with unexpected "stuff" but will try to visit more often. Cheer,
  14. Hello JesseLee and a very happy and prosperous 2017 to you and the family. After a too long an absence I'm back with you my friend. Your ship's wheel is awesome, great job. I'll try to visit more often, hang in and take care of yourself. Cheers,
  15. Hi Denis, I'm back with your flattie build. I really enjoyed the discussion about mast hoops and the different approaches employed making them. Your flattie is looking nice. Cheers,
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