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Red Rhino

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Everything posted by Red Rhino

  1. Hi Nic: I head about it reading your Newsletter. I look forward to taking advantage of your offer!! Dave
  2. WOW! Al: she looks great! Thanks for bringing us along on her development log. Dave
  3. Roger: I would really like the book if it is still available. Thanks, Dave
  4. Thanks Roger! I’m looking forward to your report and hopefully a photo. How is the Meteor faring? thanks, Dave
  5. She is the prettiest boat on the lakes!
  6. Great job Dave! Both your Capstan and HMS Blandford are works of art. I wish I could have gotten back to Manitowoc this year to see them in person. Dave
  7. Hi Roger: Mr Carr was little hard to get to know. I had been shopping at Carr's when I lived in the region since the 70's. I have both the Fitzgerald kit and another wooden freighter which is described as a 1930's Ore Boat. When Mr Carr announced his retirement, he had a fairly lengthy sale at his store. When the store officially closed, Nordic Auction held two auctions in which they auctioned off the remaining items in the store and many of the collectables. When Jack passed away last year, Nordic Auction had another Auction of select items from what was described as Jack's personal collection. You are correct that when you entered Carr's he had a model of the Fitzgerald and of a Lake Class Freighter which was named "Jack". I was fortunately able to acquire that model at the auction. I do not know the disposition of the Fitzgerald. I know it was not part of the auctions, so some lucky family member or friend must have it. It was a beautiful model. For myself, I'm very happy to have the Model of the Lake Class Ship, since I admired it every time I entered the store which was always a very special place! PS I never did go into Curly's Bar! Dave
  8. Congrats Bob! I believe that is the finest example of the Tamiya kit I have ever seen! The rivet detail in particular is outstanding. Dave
  9. Hi Mike, a wonderful job on your found orphan ship model! My wife would certainly agree that I have never found a model I don’t like, and I firmly believe every one should be built. So thanks for saving her from the dumpster! Dave
  10. Patrick: Your Syren is looking superb! You mentioned you got some new LED spots for you workshop. What style or brand did you get? I need to improve my lighting as well. Dave
  11. I'm just catching up on this thread also. I'm glad to hear that you and your family are recovering from COVID. I love the detail you are showing JD. Especially around cutting the rabet. Druxey: Thanks for the idea on the using thread instead of tape for marking out the planking. A Wonderful Schooner! Dave
  12. Hi Roger: thanks for your note. We moved to Tucson in August. While I really like it down here, I do miss the the Big Lake and especially Duluth Superior. though I must admit we got some snow this week (it lasted about an hour) and realized I didn't miss that aspect of Minnesota. It is too bad about the change in direction with the Meteor. I really liked Sara, and hope she is doing well. I've got the AJ Fisher kit of the John Erickson that I would like to get started on, but in the meantime I will enjoy following your build of the Benjamin Nobel. Bill: If you need anything related to the Huron Brave or the Edna G. I have both kits from AJ Fisher. I used to live near Detroit and was able to visit with Bob Irwin of AJ Fisher several times. His workshop was a step back in time. Best Regards, Dave Evans
  13. Paul: Your hull looks, great. I agree with your choice of color on the Cap Rails etc. Looking forward to the rest of your build. Dave
  14. Bruma: this is an amazing build log and your Cutty Sark looks incredible. I also really appreciate the other commentators, who have added so much valuable information. I plan on building my kit soon and this log will be invaluable. Thank you so much! Dave
  15. Hi Bob: I'm also sorry about Max. Our pets are family, and I know how hard it is for you. Your P-38 is looking great. I really like that your using Alcad as the base for weathering and using the foil at the wing base is especially interesting. I had not heard of either of those technique before. It also seems like a good way to practice with Alcad before doing a natural metal finish airplane. Dave
  16. I just received my SWAN class Vol 2 within 10 days of ordering in perfect condition. I couldn’t be more happy! Dave
  17. Outstanding Build! Your logs are always an inspiration! Thank you for sharing. Dave
  18. Great choices for kits! I can’t wait to see them. Especially, the NS Savannah. I remember browsing my Grandfather’s collection of National Geographic’s and keep pulling out the issue that had an article about the Savannah. I look forward to following their development. Al, Thanks for sharing how you develop these ships. Dave
  19. Bill, she looks great! Congratulations on a beautiful model and the crew does really bring her alive. I’m looking forward your next build! Dave
  20. Hi Roger: Just completed my move from Minnesota to Arizona and able to follow back up with your build. I'm curious what information from the Survey of the ship supplemented your original lines. This is turning out to be a fascinating story! Dave
  21. Sorry Guys I just got back to this post. As I understand it, Mr Carr kept some of his collection, but most of it was auctioned off this past winter and spring in Duluth. The auction included alot of the collectibles and antiques from the store as well as his remaining stock of models. I will always treasure the time I spent wandering through his store over a period of about 50 years. Carr's Hobby was down on Superior Street in Duluth and was not associated with the Hobbytown USA up in Hermantown. The store is now owned by a different party and they have a gift shop there.
  22. Hi Bill: Great job on making the repair to the Jib Boom. How did you make the repair? Did you drill out each end and insert a pin and glue it back together? The alignment looks spot on! The sails look so much better than the original ones which come with the kit. Dave
  23. Wow JD that is a beautiful boat! Enjoy sailing her. At first look she appeared to be a Mackinaw Boat, but the more I look at her, I see differences. in both the hull and the sail plan, so I'm stumped as well. Regardless she is a beauty! Dave
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