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Everything posted by maaaslo

  1. a little bit after the party finished... without the doubt outstanding build. one little detail though. direction of wind would prevent the flags to be in the position you have them on the model. your sails would suggest that these are under wind. if that is the case, flags should be positioned other way around. please do not get offended, i simply am being nit-picking here...
  2. so this is Tanganika.... i never realised this timber species is called tanganika. it does turn quite brittle, especially when pulled off of the shelf after 12 years.
  3. i got myself a kit of La Gloire off of a shop i have only later discovered was based in the Oz. 400quid i paid for it. later got hit by another over 180quid in customs charges... paid it in a blink of an eye. that kit is so much cheaper now, but i dont care. and the wife never found out...LOL
  4. oh not at all. is it not enough of it in the news already? besides, i hold too much respect towards Chris and his work to be biased. whatever his views.
  5. thats where i live. i come from Slovakia, part of former Czechoslovakia. thats why my options are still wide. all it takes is me actually visiting my family there.
  6. nothing changed for me. i will keep buying my models the same way i always did. part build and abandoned from ebay. and when i fancy a paper model, i will travel home and order them in to be delivered there. i am from EU country, so have options. regarding Chris's business, only time will tell how affected it is going to be.
  7. you might be still shipping to the continent Chris, but customs charges that your customers are going to be hit with are no scaremongering. they are a harsh reality. or as us remainers liked to call it: Project Reality. i hope you can still continue posting to the EU. some retailers have already said they wont be doing so. it would be a loss to the modelling world if you went out of business due to the customers sending goods back. some retailers are already feeling the effects very bad.
  8. Its the amount of rigging that appeals to me. I am building Pinta, scale 1/96 from Shipyard, paper model. It has a little bit more rigging, but still less than USS lexington. Thats why i will finish it sooner. regarding category, year of built puts it in build logs for vessels built prior to 1501. You put it in 1501 and over. Its only slight oversight which does not bother me that much. Only some people searching for logs according to year of building wont find it.
  9. she looks lovely. I specially like the fact there is no cannons and minimum of rigging to do... and as I have just discovered your log I don't know if you have been told your log is in wrong section...
  10. kevin, out of curiosity, did you have to pay customs charge on this? if so, how much was it? i am thinking about getting something from CAF in the future, but only if tax will not be prohibitive
  11. it is too late for that. fittings are glued to the deck. besides, i only took this as an exercise. before i continue on another one from the boneyard of unfinished models... but thank you anyways.
  12. i remember the times when computer programs were actually simple and did what you wanted them to do. this bleeding photo app on win10 cannot do simple image resize. and the one i downloaded to do image resize have distorted the pics. i had to re-do it again. third time. hope now its ok.
  13. I have been working on this for about a month. I had to stay home with my better half due to her scheduled minor operation. So since i had nothing better to do apart from this, i cracked open a few cold ones, turned on my favorite stream and been cutting out, shaping and glueing this lovely little kit. Chosen for its lack of complicated rigging, only two cannons and easy lines of hull. I need a little practice before i jump back in to the deep end of my Victory build. And Santa leocadia, La belle poule, Lexington and tonne of the others that i have all around me. every square inch of my workshop is filled with unfinished projects... i dont think i need to introduce this ship to anybody. Its voyage across the pond have paved way to later discovery of future Ungratefull Colonies, South Americas, great civilizations and magnificient rain forests. All sorts of things. i have not been very good when taking pictures on every step of the journey, it was too quick to be honest. kit is printed on good quality card. Shine is high on some parts. I like it that way, so no complain from my side. I tried my luck with touching edges, mixing shades and stuff, to little effect. I stuck to one shade of brown with a little variations. Did work mostly, but as you will notice, flash is cruel. i have purchased laser cut details and set of frames to make my life easier. These are of great quality, although i would take a few of them off and replace them with different ones. Never mind, i managed to assemble every paper part available in the kit and am now stuck waiting for a set of masts and spars. Coming from Poland, for a hefty price of £25 p&p to UK included. Once received, i will crack on and finish this lovely little ship. I noticed how huge the pictures were. As i have done the post on the mobile, i had no idea. i shall redo this post as soon as i get a minute tomorrow.
  14. this is weird way of building superstructures. i know its cheap, but seeing your example, i would tend to think that probably more common than one would welcome in such expensive toy... well, you certainly took some challenge head on.
  15. i thought the same. and great disappointment we will never see his huge project finished... that fleet would be mighty. and Tirpitz in scale 1/100... this year sucks...
  16. Bakendrid, you are a bout a month too late with any tips. our dear Dan Vadas have passed away after a long fight with illness And for me was a great shock that Martanek41 have passed away too...
  17. ah, brings back memories. i built this beast when i was about 12... that time i didnt hear about airbrush, no putty, no squaring edges, no drywash and other hocus-pocus... i built it, painted it with 3 shades of green i had and hanged it in my bedroom. done. saying this, i always liked it for its retro look. there was also a paper model in making, being done by a papermodeler.sk member HlavaXXII in slightly larger scale and a lot more detail. if this was ever completed project i have no idea...
  18. This is wonderfully detailed model. Congratulations on your work Tom. i would like to ask something that is bothering me. How heavy will be final packaged and shipped box?
  19. How are you coping with your builds? Are you coming back to this?
  20. Is that so? Last time i tried resin it flew into the trashcan before i managed to glue two sides together. It was the worst cast i ever seen...
  21. i am affraid, you might be bitting a lot more than you can chew with Eduard. if you go into resin, you might be cursing the day you abandoned this kit...
  22. I have finally got my hands on these. They had to travel to Philippines and in 5 days will travel with me to UK. Safe to say, they will travel all around the world... thank you for this opportunity.
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